Chapter 88 He's a Fan
Yun Qinian was obviously also aware of this problem.

She smiled awkwardly, turned her head and said to the onlookers: "Let me introduce to you, this is my godmother, Ruan Yuzhen."

Crowd:! ! !


Did they hear it right?

Ruan Yuzhen is Yun Qinian's godmother?

So what was said before, that Yun Qinian had a financial master behind him, and that Yun Qinian was taken care of by a man, are they all fake?

After all, although Ruan Yuzhen is no longer acting, she has been working behind the scenes for these years.

To put it simply, it means that I opened an entertainment company abroad, both in terms of resources and funds.

Since Yun Qinian has a big tree like her, why does she need to leave the benefactor?
Thinking of this, everyone looked at Yun Qinian with complicated eyes.

This man is simply poisonous!

With such an awesome backer, why didn't he say it earlier?

This caused them to guess left and right, resulting in many misunderstandings.

Yun Qinian didn't know what they were thinking, she smiled embarrassedly: "Well, my godmother and I have something to say, can you please avoid it for a while, I'll borrow the dressing room for a few minutes."

Knowing the relationship between her and Ruan Yuzhen, how can everyone not give this face a reason.

Nodding quickly.

"It's okay, it's okay, you guys talk, let's go to another dressing room."

"That's right, it's a family reunion. Of course we need to chat for a while, so we'll leave first."

Everyone was enthusiastic, and they were completely different from the previous attitude.

Yun Qinianhe was obviously used to their attitude long ago, and only closed the door after they left.

As soon as the door closed, her hand was held by a warm and soft hand.

"Good girl, let your godmother take a look. How did you look when your godmother wasn't around? Are you taller? Have you lost weight?"

Yun Qinian smiled slightly, but didn't speak, just stood there and let her touch and look at her.

Ruan Yuzhen checked her up and down and made sure that she was extremely good looking, even tending to surpass her best friend Ye Wanxin, so she nodded in relief.

"Okay, very good, I remember when I went abroad, you only reached my chest, and now you are taller than me, that's great."

Yun Qinian smiled and said, "Godmother, didn't I say I can do it myself? Why are you still back?"

Ruan Yuzhen glared at her.

"Is it okay if I don't come back? Your mother entrusted you to me back then, but I didn't fulfill my responsibility, causing you to be bullied for more than ten years. Now you are going to enter the entertainment industry, which is my old profession." , I don’t look at you any more, how will I explain to your mother when I go underground?”

Yun Qinian smiled, "Then there's no need to come back to settle down! Don't you like the quiet and leisurely life abroad the most? You won't be able to enjoy it when you come back."

Ruan Yuzhen sighed.

"If you want to be free, I am free enough, it's time to come back and help you."

"Tsk, I'm developing well, do you think I need your help?"

Her words made Ruan Yuzhen choke.

He couldn't help but glared at her again.

"You still pretend! Don't think that I don't know how those shameless old goblins and little goblins from your Yun family treated you, hmph! I used to be too far away to protect you, but now I'm back, Just wait and see, I will make this pair of old goblins dare not bully you again!"

Yun Qinian: "..."

She knew that Ruan Yuzhen really cared about herself.

Therefore, I don't want to brush off her kindness.

So he said: "Well, I still have a few scenes this morning, and I'm going to shoot later. Since you're here, take a look and give me pointers. We'll have dinner together at noon." .”

Ruan Yuzhen's eyes lit up, she couldn't ask for more.

"Okay, that's it."

Yun Qinian sent someone to ask the makeup artist to come over to do the makeup. After the makeup and hair were done, she changed her clothes and took Ruan Yuzhen to the set.

When we arrived at the set, there was naturally another sensation.

Lin Senwei worked until midnight last night and didn't go to bed until five in the morning.

Early this morning, before she woke up, she heard someone outside saying that Ruan Yuzhen had come, and she was sitting with the assistant director on the set to watch Yun Qinian filming.

He was so frightened that he fell off the bed with a "plop", thinking he was dreaming.

When I felt the pain from my buttocks, I realized that it was real.

Ruan Yuzhen is here? ? ?
Ruan Yuzhen, the goddess of his dreams, the muse of inspiration, and the regret of art, is here?
Lin Senwei didn't even have time to wash his face, so he changed his clothes casually and rushed to the set.

Before he got close, he saw a familiar figure sitting not far away.

Who is that proud look wearing sunglasses, but Ruan Yuzhen?
The little assistant next to him saw Lin Senwei standing there in a daze with a dazed look on his face, and called out to him curiously.

"Director Lin? Why are you crying, Director Lin?"

Lin Senwei wiped the tears from his face, choked with sobs and said, "It's okay, it's just that the wind dazzled my eyes."

Assistant:? ? ?

He looked up at the hot and dry sky without a trace of coolness, wondering secretly.

Sunny today, no wind.

How did you lose your eyes?

Lin Senwei didn't care what he was thinking, he calmed down, took a deep breath, and mustered up the courage to walk to the director's chair.

"Excuse me, are you Miss Ruan?"

He bent slightly and asked with a smile.

Ruan Yuzhen didn't notice who was here at all. She just sat here for more than half an hour, and no less than ten fans came to her asking for autographs and group photos.

As usual, she happily gave it.

But right now, her precious goddaughter is acting, and these people are coming one by one, do you want her to watch it?

Therefore, he waved his hand impatiently.

"No group photo, wait for a while to sign."

Lin Senwei: "..."

Just, quite suddenly.

The assistant director next to him was also concentrating on watching the monitor, and didn't notice his arrival.

Until the end of a scene, he yelled "ka".

Then he looked up, and suddenly saw Lin Senwei standing there, he was startled.

"Director Lin? When did you come? Why are you standing here?"

Lin Senwei glanced at him coldly.

Ruan Yuzhen also reacted, and looked up at him in surprise.

That glance, like a beauty looking back, like a spring breeze filling his sleeves, easily amazed him for half his life.

Even after many years later, Lin Senwei can still clearly remember that look and the sentence that followed it——

"I'll go! Isn't this Xiaolinzi? Hahahahaha..."

Lin Senwei: "..."

When Lin Senwei was in school, he did not study directing, but art.

Later, when I came out to work, because I was not interested in painting, I wanted to be a director and shoot movies instead, so I studied with a big director for several years.

And that great director is Ruan Yuzhen's good friend and classmate.

The two didn't know each other, but they had met several times, but he didn't expect that after more than ten years, Ruan Yuzhen would still recognize him.

(End of this chapter)

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