Chapter 9
In her previous life, Yun Qianyu did participate in Lin Senwei's movie.

But that wasn't an audition, it was a sleep with the film's producer.

When this matter was brought up, a big joke was made at that time!

The reason was that the relationship between Yun Qianyu and the producer was known by the other party's wife, who was known as the "Tigress".

So one time, when the two were having a turmoil in bed, the wife of the other party rushed in directly with someone, took pictures, beat people, deleted the scene, blocked them, and provided one-stop service.

Simply not too exciting!

And when Yun Qianyu came to Yun Qinian crying for help, what did she say?

She didn't have that kind of relationship with the producer, she just chatted about the script in the room, and everything was framed by the other wife.

Tsk, lonely men and widows talk about scripts with the lights off in the middle of the night, only Yun Qinian would believe it!
However, it was her and the Ye family's help in the previous life that saved Yun Qianyu from being exposed and banned.

Without her help in this life, what would happen to Yun Qianyu?
Yun Qinian suddenly felt a bit of anticipation.

At this time, Yun Fan noticed her distraction, and angrily said, "I'm talking to you, did you hear me?"

Yun Qinian came back to her senses.

He fixed his eyes slightly and nodded.

"I heard you, have you finished?"

Yunfan: "..."

Yun Qinian: "Can you give me my mother's things after talking?"

Yunfan: "..."

Just, very angry.

"I think you are just mud that can't support the wall, I don't bother to talk about you!"

He went upstairs in a huff.

Not long after, he took out an exquisite brocade box and threw it into Yun Qinian's arms.

"Take it!"

Yun Qinian glanced at it, but didn't open it.

His eyes fell on Yun Qianyu who was opposite him.

Yun Qianyu felt terrified at her sight.

She didn't know why, she still had the same face, but she just felt that the Yun Qinian in front of her seemed to be different from before.

Yun Fan saw that she had been staring at Yun Qianyu, and said angrily, "I took the things too, why are you still staring at your sister? Could it be that you still want to bully her in front of us?"

When Yun Qianyu and Yun Qinian were alone before, Yun Qianyu could always find a way to get some scars on his body.

When Yun Fan came over, he hurriedly cleared up that these injuries had nothing to do with Yun Qinian.

Gradually, Yun Fan decided that Yun Qinian liked to bully Yun Qianyu behind his back.

In the previous life, Yun Qinian had a straight temper, so how could she figure out these twists and turns, every time she was wronged, she would be so angry that she would go crazy!
However, Yun Qianyu was still acting as a peacemaker in the middle, speaking for her, which made her feel embarrassed to vent her grievances.

Now that I think about it, she is really stupid.

Yun Qianyu likes to frame herself and be bullied, doesn't she?

Then she should be convicted of this crime, and save herself from being wronged for so many years.

"Dad, I didn't want to bully her, but you taught us to keep our promises since we were young, and we must do what we promised.

At yesterday's banquet, my sister personally promised me that if I found out that I did not take drugs, she would kneel down and apologize to me on the spot, and slap herself three times.

Yesterday I was concerned about the crowds at the banquet, so I didn't bring it up, but now there are only four of us in the family, shouldn't it be time for my sister to fulfill her promise? "

Yun Qianyu's face turned pale, and she cried out, "Yun Qinian, don't go too far!"

Yun Fan also thought of this incident, and his face was a little ugly.

"It's over, why do you still mention it? Do you take what the family says seriously?"

Yun Qinian's tone was calm.

"The loser is my sister, so you naturally just think it's an angry remark, but what if the loser is me?

Dad, do you still think this is just an angry word, and let me escape from punishment? "

Yun Fan froze.

The image automatically came into his mind, as if... he really couldn't.

It was because Yun Qinian was too stubborn and too proud, and would contradict him every time, but Yun Qianyu was gentle and gentle, and that attitude alone made people unable to bear to punish him.

He sighed and said nothing more.

Seeing that he was not helping her anymore, Yun Qianyu had no choice but to turn to Lin Yuan for help.

"Mom, help me..."

How could Lin Yuan see her daughter suffer such humiliation?

He hurriedly pulled Yun Qi Nian and begged: "Nian Nian, it was your sister who was wrong, can you forgive your sister? Then, I will apologize to her, and I will kneel down and slap her."

With that said, she was about to kneel down to Yun Qinian.

But she was supported by Yun Qinian.

"Aunt Lin, this is a matter between me and my sister, so please don't meddle in it, or I will be framed for taking drugs by my sister on the front foot, and maybe I will be framed on the back foot and force my stepmother to kneel down. You say I am wronged." Not wronged?"

Lin Yuan: "..."

Yun Qinian's strength was surprisingly strong, the hands holding her arms were like a pair of iron tongs, and she couldn't get rid of it.

Lin Yuan was horrified.

This damn girl, when did her strength become so strong?

And I don't know if it's her illusion, she always feels that Yun Qinian, who used to be stupid, seems to be smarter now?
Lin Yuan couldn't kneel down, and it was impossible for Yun Fan to ask her to kneel down for Yun Qinian.

So he frowned and said, "Okay, get up! When an elder kneels down to a junior, what does it sound like?"

Lin Yuan reluctantly got up.

Yun Fan looked at Yun Qianyu again.

"Since you promised your sister this matter, then do what you say. Anyway, there are no outsiders here, so you won't lose too much face."

Yun Qianyu said in disbelief, "Dad!"

But under Yunfan's impatient gaze, he still swallowed the following words.

Although Yun Fan didn't say anything about what happened at the banquet yesterday, he already had a prejudice against Yun Qianyu in his heart.

After all, if Yun Qianyu hadn't suddenly jumped out to accuse Yun Qinian of taking drugs, things wouldn't have gotten so ugly.

He didn't care much about which daughter was wronged, what he cared about was the face of the Yun family!
The matter of Lin Yuan has not been resolved yet, if Yun Qinian is also involved in some scandal, then the Yun family will become a real joke!

Yun Qinian looked at Yun Qianyu with a half-smile.

"How is it? Can my sister start?"

Yun Qianyu gave her a hard look.

In the end, he endured the humiliation and knelt down.

"Sorry, I was wrong."

Yun Qinian raised her eyebrows.

"Sister must not have eaten at noon, the sound is so low that I thought it was a mosquito humming."

Yun Qianyu: "..."

The hand at the side was clenched into a fist, and the nails were embedded in the palm.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong! I shouldn't be talking nonsense, please forgive me!"

Her voice was an octave higher, and after she finished speaking, she raised her hand and slapped herself three times.

Only then did Yun Qinian nod her head, "It's not too bad, that's enough, get up."

Lin Yuan hurriedly stepped forward and pulled her up distressedly.

Yun Qinian stood up holding the brocade box, "Dad, I'll go back first if I have nothing else to do."

Yunfan waved his hand impatiently.

Just as he was walking outside, Yun Qinian suddenly remembered something, turned around and said with a smile: "By the way, since my sister has participated in Director Lin's movie, I'm here to wish you a big success in your new movie, and let it be a hit!"

(End of this chapter)

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