Chapter 263 The Eastern Family
Dongfanglong was born in Latin country.

He is from Huaxia.

From his childhood memory, Dongfang Long had heard his parents tell him that they came from Huaxia Kingdom, but Dongfang Long didn't understand why people in his family were never willing or rarely mentioned Huaxia Kingdom.

Even when this topic was brought up repeatedly, the members of the family all looked very taboo.

Only when he grew up did Dongfang Long know.

My own family came to Latin country because of chasing and killing a well-known person in the Xuanmen circle of Huaxia country.

And the reason for not going back is also very simple.

His family was outraged.

Once they return to China, the whole family will be hunted down by the Xuanmen Realm of Huaxia Kingdom.

However, this happened decades ago, and Dongfang Long sometimes even wondered whether these things were reasons and excuses deliberately fabricated by the family members?

However, for Dongfang Long, who was born and raised in Latin country and had never set foot in Huaxia country, Huaxia country is just a word in his mind.

Even the requirement to speak Chinese and use Chinese characters in the family made Dongfang Long a little funny.

He couldn't understand the homesickness of family members who couldn't go back.

Dongfang Long just thought it was very interesting.

But Dongfang Long is very concerned about Taoist techniques.

Because this made Dongfang Long feel that he has a power of his own.

And he was required to master Xuanmen's techniques, especially the secrets of using Gu in the family. Grandpa once told him that he was worried that their enemies would come to them one day.

It was a Chinese named Yang Zhiyuan.

It is said that the members of the family chased Yang Zhiyuan all the way all the way to Latin country, and then stayed here for decades.

Yang Zhiyuan must be in the Latin country, and the Dongfang family can't go back.

Even Dongfanglong himself is not actually surnamed Dongfang, but his family changed his surname after settling in the Latin country.

This has the meaning of missing the Huaxia Kingdom in the East.

More makeover ideas.

Since ancient times, there has been a saying of Dharma, wealth and couple, even in foreign countries.

The ancestors of the Dongfang family have lived in the remote villages in the southwestern part of Huaxia Kingdom for generations. If it weren't for this, they would not have been attracted by wealth and set up a trap to ambush Yang Zhiyuan.

Later, when they came to Latin country, they were not familiar with the place and the language, but the Dongfang family insisted on relying on the Gu skills passed down in their family, and established a world here and settled down.

It is to use Gu to control the rich and famous in Latin.

For hundreds of years, the Dongfang family has thoroughly studied Gu, and everyone in the family is good at raising Gu.

Take Dongfang Long as an example, he is only at the fifth level of Qi Refining, and he can control three Gu.

In the beginning, the ancestors of the Dongfang family researched the use of essence and blood to breed Gu to achieve the purpose of using Gu to control others, but the flaw is that they can only raise one Gu. If this Gu is broken and killed by others, the person who raised the Gu It will also be severely damaged, and may even die.

After hundreds of years of continuous research and improvement, by the generation of Dongfang Long, the Dongfang family has not only raised one Gu, but can raise several.

Of course, its core essence is actually to raise a Gu.

This Gu is called "Natural Gu", and it will never be released. Other Gu cultivated with "Natal Gu" can be released.

In this way, even if the released Gu is detected and eliminated by others, they will not die because of it, it's just that decades of painstaking efforts have been consumed.

As long as the natal Gu is present, there will be no worries about life.

"Provoke practitioners from China? How is this possible?"

Thinking of his grandfather's words, Dongfang Long curled his lips and thought to himself: "The old man is really old, he does things in a rigid way, and he always likes to worry about it, so what if the practitioners from Huaxia Kingdom come?"

He paced out of the waiting hall and looked at the bustling high-rise buildings a few kilometers away to the southwest. A smile appeared on the corner of Dongfang Long's mouth: "As long as the Ztanli family succeeds, I will become the uncrowned king of the Latin country in the future." ..."

In the domestic capital of the Latin country, there is an old castle with a magnificent building.

The construction of this ancient castle has been around for hundreds of years.

This is the symbol of the Latin royal family.

In the feudal era, this castle symbolized the supreme dignity and power of the Latin royal family.

Hundreds of years later, the castle is still a symbol of the core of power in the Latin state.

The difference is that the current royal family in Latin countries has more symbolic meaning than actual power, and is more like a spiritual symbol of the Latin people.

"...Eliza, have you thought it through? I don't have so much time to waste with you!"

Inside the castle, Galenz Stanley, who is in his 40s, has blond hair, blue eyes, and large pores, sits on a large chair and stares intently at Eliza opposite.

Galen Ztanley is the current patriarch of House Ztanley.

For the Ztanli family, the goal of lifelong struggle is to board the Latin royal family and regain power.

The Ztanli family used to be the royal family of Latin country, but more than 100 years ago, due to the raging tyranny and the poverty of the people, they were kicked out of power.

But the members of the Ztanley family don't think so. In their view, the so-called tyranny is rampant and the people are in dire straits, which is an excuse fabricated by the Elisa family.

Now, as the patriarch of the family, Galen is extremely excited to have the opportunity to realize the dreams of several generations of the family.

Galen didn't have the slightest interest in Elisa's peerless appearance, and his focus was only on how to re-enter the royal family and restore the family's glory.

"Galen, you are planning to rebel, do you know that?"

Eliza stared at Ztanley seriously and angrily, including the group of people standing behind him.

There are Latin countries' finance ministers, defense ministers and other important officials.

Elisa couldn't figure it out, why suddenly, upon waking up, the Latin country seemed to have changed the sky?At least half of the officials who supported him in the past have defected to the Ztanley family.

As the spiritual leader of the Latin country, Elisa thinks that she has made great contributions to the country over the years. Under her leadership, the people live and work in peace and contentment, the economy is thriving, and the national income continues to hit new highs.

Moreover, many of these officials who supported Ztanley were single-handedly promoted by her when she was in power. This made Elisa bewildered, and there was also a kind of anger of being betrayed!

Hearing Elisa's words, Galen looked up to the sky and laughed, and said triumphantly: "Elisa, we all agreed that you are no longer suitable to be the king of Latin Kingdom. How can this be considered a rebellion? This one It can be called public opinion, you understand?"

Eliza snorted, ignored him, and glanced at the officials behind him.

She wanted to see if these people were ashamed or uneasy.

But everyone met her eyes very calmly, as if everything they were doing was justified and natural.

This made Eliza feel a little chilled.

What good did Galenz Stanley do them?The one who made them determined to stand by him?

"Eliza, stop looking."

Galen saw through what Elisa was thinking at a glance, and said with a sly smile, "Are you wondering why they support me?"

Elisa pondered for a moment, nodded and said: "That's right, Galen, I think that I will work hard for the country and the people, and those who support you, as long as there are people among them who make contributions, I will always Promote hard and reward generously, so I can't figure it out, can you explain it to me?"

"of course can."

Galen smiled, and said without changing his face: "Because they all think that the Ztanli family and I will be in charge of the Latin country, which will be much better than your Eliza."


Eliza sneered.

"Whether it's ridiculous or not, in short, you have to give an explanation today, Eliza."

Galen crossed his legs and said: "I suggest you, you'd better hold a press conference, and you will personally announce the abdication to the virtuous, and the transition will be smooth, so as not to cause unnecessary domestic and foreign disputes. I am fantasizing about other things. So many officials support me collectively. If you want to issue an order now, no one will listen to you. Instead of being a queen who exists in name only, it is better to simply announce your resignation. This is for you Good for me."

"Don't think about it."

Eliza raised her eyebrows and glared at Galen, "Go ahead and dream!"

"Hehe, you mean you disagree?"

Galen stood up, shrugged his shoulders, and said, "Elisa, if you insist on this, you will see the news that you are seriously ill in the news and newspapers tomorrow, and then, within a few days, Someone will come out and announce that because you are unwell, you have decided to hand over power..."

"Who would dare without my order?"

Eliza interrupted him, exuding the majestic aura of being in a position for a long time.

"Eliza, without my order, you can't even get out of this castle. Who dare you say? Isn't it ridiculous?"

Galen looked up to the sky and laughed, and said triumphantly: "Horf, please return our Queen to her room."

A burly man in a uniform came out upon hearing the words, walked up to Elisa quickly, and said expressionlessly, "Your Majesty, please come with me."


Elisa narrowed her beautiful eyes, stared at him closely, and said in a deep voice, "I personally signed the appointment of your police minister, do you remember?"

"Your Majesty, please come with me."

Horf ignored her words and repeated it expressionlessly: "Otherwise, I will send someone to escort you back to the room."

(End of this chapter)

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