Chapter 102

"Xiao Si, your picky eye is really excellent. Lin Ximu was framed by Qin Hua and thrown into the sky prison, and sentenced to be executed after autumn. You worked so hard to exchange his life with the military power of Ningzhou. At the beginning, I thought you must It's crazy to do this. Now I understand that this person does have that value. Lin Ximu is like a thousand troops. No one has ever been able to deal with Qin Hua for so long. Lin Ximu really makes me Look at it with admiration!" Qi Zhiyuan praised Chu Yan's foresight.

It is definitely not luck that Chu Yan can have the status and power he has today.

Not far away, Lin Ximu and Qin Hua were polite, and Chu Yan said indifferently: "Ximu is indeed superior, and this kind of skill is even inferior to me. However, there are people who are more powerful, and can make His Royal Highness the crown prince. Without realizing it, the king and the prime minister formed a three-legged confrontation."

"That's right, the strong have their own strong hands!" Qi Zhiyuan smiled.

"The hunt has begun!" Yan Bing shouted excitedly, galloped over, and everyone gathered with him. According to the old rules, everyone took their positions. Emperor Nanchu drew the crossbow. There was a sharp and cold light, and the silver light pierced through the air, whistling, and shot precisely at the bronze drum, only to hear a loud bang, and the hunt began.

The hunters rushed towards the dense jungle like arrows leaving the string, and the iron horses flew, splashing countless fine grass...

The sound of shouting and chasing continuously resounded in the lush forest, sandwiching the hunters, the excitement of victory stirred people's hearts.

The atmosphere in the paddock was very lively, but Xi Liuyue and Lian Yu rode up a high slope. They were not interested in hunting, but were interested in another thing.

"Lianyu, Chuxue, you can accompany me to go over there." Lian Yugang wanted to ride the horse and go with Xi Liuyue, when Qin Guifei's smiling voice came from behind.

Concubine Qin has often chatted with Chuxue and Lianyu in recent years. In name, she is a concubine and their aunt. In fact, Concubine Qin is only in her early twenties, and Lianyu Chuxue is precocious. There is almost no generation gap between the three of them.

Qin Chuxue and the imperial concubine have always had a good relationship. Lianyu died three years ago, and the imperial concubine had a good impression of her because she had spoken to her. In the past few years, if they didn't consider their own interests, they could be regarded as partners who could talk to each other.

Lian Yu has a ruler in her heart, Qin Hua owes her the blood debt, and she will not put the blame on innocent people.

At the same time, she had long ago decided to share joys and sorrows with Xi Liuyue, and shared joys and sorrows, and she set a limit in her heart for Qin Guifei, Chu Yan, Qin Chuxue and others.

They are not allowed to cross.

Because in the end, they will end up being enemies!
In the past three years of dealing between the Qin Mansion and the Imperial Palace, Mingli and Xi Liuyue did evil together, and secretly planned a plan to fight against the tyranny of Southern Chu. Lian Yu has grown a lot, and she is no longer the girl who would whip Chu Yundie three years ago.

"Auntie, didn't you say you want ferrets? If you go over there, I'm afraid all seven of them will be shot down by Yan Bing." Qin Chuxue smiled lightly and rode his horse over there.

"I don't want to squeeze the treasure, just ask Lian Yu later to get it, right, Xiao Yuer?" Concubine Qin blinked mischievously and smiled like a fox.

This cunning, mean, and unparalleled concubine is sometimes very cute.

Lian Yu rode his horse to keep up, ignored the yelling from the jungle, and smiled, "Auntie, I'm not interested in ferrets, and besides, you let me accompany you, I want to catch you to honor you."

"Xiao Yu'er, are you pretending or not? Shizi Yan said he would catch him and throw it to Shizi Qin. You can just ask him for one. Whoever you two will be with whoever you are." After saying that, he covered his mouth and smiled.

Lianyu looked a little bit greedy, but he was indeed an old fox who had practiced for thousands of years.

Qin Chuxue shook her head and sighed, "I warned her not to get too close to Xi Liuyue, but she didn't listen to her, so now all the civil and military people in the court know that our Miss Qin and Shizi are a perfect match. Right now, the West Qin is in chaos If there is any movement from Xiliuyue, our Qin family cannot get rid of it."

Lian Yu lowered her eyes to hide the smile in her eyes. Her sister is always so quiet, with a pair of eyes that see through everything.

"What are the matters of the two little fellows related to state affairs? Big girl, you are too vigilant. You have known Mr. Qin for a few years, and if you want to, you will turn against him." Qin Guifei smiled, "Xiao Yuer, don't take your sister Don't worry, whoever marries her will be unlucky, tsk tsk!"

"No, my sister is also doing it for my own good." Lian Yu smiled.

Concubine Qin gave Lian Yu a meaningful look, and rode her horse towards a high slope.

Fearing that something might happen to her, Qin Chuxue and Lian Yu rode up to follow her. This place is above the paddock, with a wide field of vision. From here, you can see the figures of the ministers and nobles chasing their prey.

Lian Yu frowned secretly, bad!
Xi Liuyue's attack position happened to be in their line of sight.

With such a clear vision, if Xi Liuyue was seen by them, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Hey, why didn't you see Prince Qin and the fourth child?" Concubine Qin looked down curiously.

Lian Yu's heart skipped a beat, "Auntie, from here you can only see people on the outskirts of the jungle. This is the north paddock, and there is a south paddock over there."

Concubine Qin nodded, looked at the people chasing below, and smiled with a bit of interest, "Who will win the game in Qiu Wei?"

Suddenly she turned her head to look at Lianyu, and smiled coquettishly, "Xiao Yuer, why don't you respond? Auntie finally said something philosophical."

"What is Auntie talking about?"

Qin Chuxue smiled, "What kind of philosophical words are these?"

"Hey, our eldest girl is not alarmed. Our little Yuer is not indifferent. She is indeed a sister. Chuxue, you taught her very well." Qin Guifei smiled, and there was a gentle smile in her beautiful eyes .

"Auntie was joking, Xiao Yu'er was like this when she came to Qin's house, she doesn't need anyone to teach her."

"Auntie, sister, don't play charades, it's boring." Lian Yu's smile carried her unique, slight sarcasm, not sharp or obvious, but it gave people a creepy feeling.

"Angry?" Qin Chuxue asked.

"Yes!" Lian Yu didn't hide anything, and got off her horse neatly. The autumn wind blew her clothes and kept dancing in the air, covering her cold facial features with a layer of frost.

She didn't like Qin Guifei and Qin Chuxue always going around to keep her away from Xi Liuyue, even though they were doing it for her own good.

Concubine Qin Gui and Qin Chuxue looked at each other and got off their horses. The three figures stood together, forming a gorgeous landscape.

"Xiao Yu'er, although my aunt doesn't think that Xi Liuyue has the ability to oppose Nanchu, and I don't think it would be wrong for you to be together, but if there is anything suspicious about him, my aunt will definitely prevent you from meeting. , Qiu Wei is a very dangerous activity, do you know? The emperor has a high chance of being assassinated in Qiu Wei, do you know?"

Lian Yu raised the corners of his lips coldly, "He is dead, and all will return!"

This is a rebellious statement.

(End of this chapter)

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