Chapter 110

Under Qin Chuxue's secret instigation, the Langya Wang family stood by and watched, no longer participating in the power struggle of the imperial court, and at the same time taking away the forces established by the disintegrating Wang family.

Not only did Qin Hua not expect this, even the emperor did not expect this.

Qin Huaneng has been in power for more than ten years, and no one can match it. Among them, the Wang family of Langya has contributed the most. The Wang family is a century-old family with deep roots, and the power they have cultivated is even taboo to the emperor.

But the Langya Wang family has always kept a low profile. Most of the clan members focus on the shopping malls. The descendants of the ancestors who are officials are also cautious in their words and deeds. They have not formed a party with Qin Hua for personal gain, and have always been alone.

Back then, the young master of the Langya Wang family married Qin Hua regardless of the opposition of the clan, and the two families married. The old patriarch only helped Qin Hua twice for the sake of his daughter.

Unexpectedly, Qin Chuxue's mother died of illness when she was six years old. The old patriarch was in pain and even picked up a cane to beat Qin Hua.

The old man's heart ached when the white-haired man gave away the black-haired man. After that, he doted on Qin Chuxue very much and almost obeyed her.

Shortly after Qin Hua married the Wang family, he married the second wife. The old patriarch had always been quite dissatisfied. In his opinion, it was Qin Hua who had broken his daughter's heart with a playful heart, causing her to die of depression at a young age.

If it wasn't for Qin Chuxue's secret mediation these years, he would never have continued to help Qin Hua.

Now the time is ripe, Qin Chuxue wants to turn against Chu Yan, the old patriarch chooses to listen to his granddaughter after analyzing the pros and cons.

Although there were reasons why he doted on Qin Chuxue and reasons why he was dissatisfied with Qin Hua, the biggest reason for him to defect was the interests of the Wang family.

It's a pity that Qin Chuxue is a woman. This is the pity of all the elders. If she is a man, she must be the head of the clan, with the appearance of a dragon.

These years, it has been rumored that she and Chu Yan are a couple. She neither denies nor admits it, and even creates an illusion that they are a natural couple, in order to fight for the Langya Wang family for Chu Yan today.

Apparently, she succeeded!

The old patriarch has three sons and one daughter, and the three sons control almost half of the economic lifeline of Southern Chu. The grandsons also hold important positions in the court, but all of these are not as important as the escort of a future queen.

After weighing the pros and cons, the old patriarch resolutely abandoned Qin Hua.

Afterwards, in the name of missing his granddaughter, he brought Qin Chuxue back to the royal family, and let Qin Hua face the coming bloody storm alone.

Lian Yu naturally left the Wang family with her.

Qin Hua was shocked, and he came to see the old patriarch many times but was driven away, and he didn't even see Qin Chuxue's face.

The matter between Langya Wang's family and Qin Hua quickly spread throughout the court under Chu Yan's deliberate spread, shaking the foundation of Qin Hua's party feathers, and many people also began to withdraw from the matter and isolate Qin Hua.

Chu Jing and Chu Yan's purpose is obvious, to put him to death!

Concubine Qin has not come out yet, Nan Chu is still named Chu after all, they dare not really fight with Chu Jing and Chu Yan.

Qin Hua was like the end of a crossbow, his wings were gradually cut off by Chu Yan.

Prince Chu Jing was dissatisfied with Chu Yan's complete acceptance of Qin Hua's power, and gradually became active. Compared with Chu Yan's kindness and power, Chu Jing knew that Qin Chuxue was behind him, and that Qin Hua's party would probably join him. Chu Jing would rather ruthlessly destroy it than leave future troubles.

The court was in dire straits.

This matter went on for half a month, and in the end Chu Yan won. Qiu Wei's assassination was widely involved, Qin Hua was arrested and imprisoned, all his families were ransacked, Qin Guifei was given a white silk, and hanged herself.

Among them, as many as [-] officials were implicated. For those who could not be used by themselves, Chu Jing and Chu Yan adopted the method of never causing future troubles.

Extraordinarily cruel.

Lian Yu and Qin Chuxue went to the palace to meet Concubine Qin on this day, the Qin family suffered an accident, Concubine Qin would never escape death, especially these years the kings have spent a lot of money on her, and some upright officials in the court wished to execute her immediately.

"Why are you here?" Concubine Qin Gui smiled, she was still drinking tea, leisurely, "The empress just came to demonstrate, what's the matter with the two little nieces?"

The beauty has a face like jade and a smile like a flower.

"Auntie was joking, Xiao Yu'er and I came here specially to see you off." Qin Chuxue smiled, then sighed, "I tried my best, but I still couldn't save you, Auntie, I'm sorry, Chuxue's ability is limited."

"Girl, it's enough for you to have this kind of heart. The Qin family and I will live together in prosperity and loss. It doesn't seem like you can escape, and there is nothing wrong with it." Qin Guifei smiled.

Lian Yu felt a little uncomfortable, she really liked this concubine Qin Gui who was sometimes shrewd and sometimes evil, such a woman was really blind in the harem.

"Little girl, look at your eyes, I'm not sad, why are you sad?" Concubine Qin pulled her to sit down, "I, after living for 20 years, I should know what I should know, what I should play, what I should eat After eating, you can enjoy what you should have, and there is nothing to be dissatisfied with. Entering the palace for fourteen years, and being a pet for six years, how many women can do it?"

She said this very easily, and she had a kind of calm and self-satisfied.It's not the joy that is deliberately shown, but the real joy, like a colorful phoenix out of a cage.

The dying Concubine Qin is still Concubine Qin.

Enchanting, charming, shrewd and thorough, there is a fascinating charm all over him.

It's not unreasonable for the emperor to favor her so much, even a very defensive person like her pities her very much.

"Auntie, do you have any unfulfilled wishes?"

Concubine Qin smiled charmingly, "I have only one wish from beginning to end, and I will watch him fulfill it with my own eyes."

She said the last sentence very lightly.

"Okay, my two little nieces, don't delay too long, the time has come!" Concubine Qin turned her head and swept the white silk beside her, and smiled, "By the way, I've been majestic for a lifetime, and it's not good for others to watch me die." For face, when you go out, Chuxue, take people outside the yard, and collect my body after I die."

"Okay!" Qin Chuxue replied in a deep voice.

Concubine Qin hugged Qin Chuxue and then Lianyu, "Little girl, one day, we will meet again."

Lian Yu was taken aback, and when she looked at Concubine Qin again, she was already smiling like a flower, and she couldn't see any expression.

After leaving the palace gate, Lian Yu was so uncomfortable that she turned her head frequently, hating herself for being helpless.

Qin Chuxue patted her on the shoulder and comforted her, "At least my aunt died with a smile on her face. It is her dream to leave here."

After a while, Concubine Qin's body was carried out, and Lian Yu no longer had the courage to lift the white cloth.

The leaves are withered and yellow, and the wind is bleak.

Cold all over.

Obviously sad, but can't cry!

The night is thick, and the moon is like water.

In Shili Pavilion on the outskirts of the city, a slender figure stands tall and straight like a bamboo under the moonlight, aloof and desolate, wearing a red gauze, dancing and dancing, like a peerless red lotus, passionate and dangerous, with silver hair that moves without wind, enchanting and bewitching.

In the middle of the night, the official road was quiet, and the sound of the wheels of the carriage was very clear. A man and a woman were driving the carriage and stopped at Shili Pavilion.

"I've seen His Royal Highness the Prince!" The two quickly got off their horses and saluted.

"Anxiang, Chen Yang, thank you for your hard work!" Xi Liuyue's voice was cold, "Go and guard!"

"Obey!" The two got up, stayed away from the carriage, and dutifully guarded the world.

The jade hand raised the curtain of the car, and the fragrant wind blew it away. A woman in a yellow shirt got out of the car lightly.

As soon as she stood firmly, Xi Liuyue rushed over quickly and hugged her, her arms were like iron, a choked sound came out of her throat, like a child who has suffered endless grievances.

The woman in the yellow shirt smiled slightly, stroking his silver hair pitifully, as gentle as water, tolerant of all his grievances.

"Yueyue, I'm back!"

(End of this chapter)

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