Chapter 115

In the middle of the night, the cold wind was like a knife.

Lian Yu ran alone on the street, her small figure cast a tired shadow on the quiet street.

The sudden sudden change of blankness caught people off guard.

Even someone as smart and calm as Lianyu hesitated for a while.

Except for Chu Yan, all of this felt strange to her, so strange that she felt a chill down her spine, full of uneasiness.

The streets in the middle of the night are very quiet, people are sleeping, only the howling cold wind hurts people's cheeks.

Late autumn night, very cold.

"Ah..." Lian Yu paused, covered her head, and screamed loudly.

She has been trying to recall those vague fragments, and the more she thinks about it, the more painful it will be.

Lian Yu was not reconciled, the more she persisted in thinking about it, the more severe the pain, which made her convulse.

When Xi Liuyue saw her, she saw her kneeling on the ground, holding her head, moaning in pain.

"Little thing..." Xi Liuyue rushed over quickly, and firmly controlled her hand that kept beating her forehead with both hands, thinking that she was seriously injured, so she quickly checked her body.

"Where did you hurt?"

"Headache!" Lian Yu said, she ran out while Chu Yan and Qi Zhiyuan were talking, her memory disappeared, but her instinct was still there.

In the past few years, she has been running around for Xi Liuyue, doing some shady assassination intelligence work, and it is easy to leave the heavily guarded palace.

"Come on, a kiss by this son won't hurt anymore!" Xi Liuyue held her face in her arms and kissed her fiercely. While she was still in a daze, she hugged her horizontally and walked to the side of the tree and sat down on the stone bench. .

"I've been waiting for you in the middle of the night, why so late? Where have you been?" Xi Liuyue wiped the cold sweat from her forehead, her tone was careless, but her movements were extremely gentle.

Lian Yufa looked at him stupidly, and Xi Liuyue smiled wickedly, "Little thing, why are you so stupid? Or are you finally fascinated by the beauty and beauty of this eldest son?"

Lian Yu was still dumbfounded, her eyes were even a little confused, her heart felt inexplicably sore, tears rolled down silently.

Xi Liuyue's heart trembled, did Lian Yu cry?

Ever since the day she witnessed her parents being forced to death, did Lian Yu, who had never cried before, cry?
Xi Liuyue has been with Lianyu for several years and knows her temperament well.

This girl's heart has long been tempered as hard as a stone, and her emotions are restrained, let alone crying, even smiling, he has to work hard to see it.

Xi Liuyue narrowed her eyes, "Hey, Qin Lianyu, are you crying? Who bullied you, tell me, I'll go and rape him!"

Lian Yu smiled, Xi Liuyue wiped away her tears gracefully, Qin Shizi with an unparalleled thick skin, rubbed up and kissed her on the cheek, as if seducing Snow White's bad mother queen, "Come on, tell Ben Prince, what happened? Is something wrong with Duoduo?"

The person who can make her cry is probably Lian Duo.

"Duo Duo?" Lian Yu was puzzled, who is this?

What made her even more puzzled was that she didn't dislike Xi Liuyue hugging and kissing her. Although Lian Yu had lost her memory, her instinctive habits were still there.

"Qin Lianyu?" The little girl was confused, "Is this my name?"

Xi Liuyue's slender and long eyes narrowed dangerously, her silver hair fluttered in the dark, taking advantage of his face to have a dark and bewitching look.

If he didn't know Lian Yu's temperament well, Xi Liuyue would have laughed and said that this joke was not funny.

But he knew that Lian Yu never joked.

Xi Liuyue held her face and faced him, her amber eyes looked strange and bewildering, and there was a hint of uneasiness in the shadows, but Xi Liuyue forcefully pressed her into the bottom of her heart. If he was willing to admit it, he should find out His fingertips were trembling.

"Come on, little one, tell me, who am I?"

Lian Yu looked at him seriously for a while, and the picture that had been in his mind just now almost overlapped with the monstrous face in front of him, and it shattered again in a flash.

Ren Lianyu couldn't figure out how to put it together.

"I don't know you!" Lian Yu deserved to be Lian Yu, and Lian Yu who had lost her memory still spoke in a cold and clear tone, which made people feel chills.

The color of Xi Liuyue's pupils became strange, and her squinted eyes were dangerous and fierce, "Come on, I'll take you to see the doctor first."

He was so calm that even he himself was surprised, Lian Yu's sentence "I don't know you" was like a knife piercing straight into his heart, Xi Liuyue didn't bother to cover the wound, and let it be exposed bloody.

What he is most concerned about is, when it is a foregone conclusion, whether he can still remedy it, and what to do next.

Many people's first reaction to emergencies is why, but Xi Liuyue's first reaction is not why, but how to do it.

Such an attitude allows the young overlord to judge the situation as quickly as possible in the future and continue to win.


"No but!" Xi Liuyue's tone was gentle but tough, with a playful smile as always, "Lian Yu, remember my name, Xi Liuyue, my name is Xi Liuyue!"

"do we know each other?"

"Are you a stranger to me?"

Lian Yu shook her head, she was no stranger, no stranger at all, and she didn't even reject his approach.

"Come on, Lianyu, don't believe what anyone says in the future, just believe what I say, everything others say is wrong, and what I say is right, understand?" Qin Shizi has always been unreasonable Xing Tianxia, ​​this kind of coaxing tone is as sincere as he wants to say, with a face of honesty and honesty on his smile, as if I am an honest person, and you will not doubt him if you sell your parents .

Lian Yu's current situation is easy to be exploited by others. It has to be said that Qin Shizi's reflexes are really too strong.

After going back and forth, he finally established that he wanted to kill all the possibilities that might affect his relationship with Lian Yu.

Lian Yu nodded meekly under his loyal smiling face, Qin Shizi was very satisfied.

Hey, if only Lianyu was this obedient before.

"Stop!" Chu Yan rushed over panting, and stopped Xi Liuyue who was about to take Lianyu away, her face full of anxiety.

After he returned to his room after talking with Qi Zhiyuan, he found that Lian Yu had disappeared. His first reaction was to look for Lian Yu along the road to Donglin Garden, but he didn't expect that she was really with Xi Liuyue.

When Lian Yu saw Chu Yan, she subconsciously walked towards him. Xi Liuyue rolled her long arms and wrapped her in her arms, without even looking at her, she looked straight at Chu Yan.

Both of them are stunning young people, with scheming and methods, and their minds are on par.

Chu Yan knew very well that Xi Liuyue sent such a message.

Lian Yu is mine!

He's swearing his dominance.

Chu Yan dubiously believed Qi Zhiyuan's words. Seeing that they were as close as usual, he felt as uncomfortable as swallowing a fly. Could it be that Lian Yu recovered his memory?

"Chu Yan, why are you here?" Xi Liuyue's amber eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyeliner became slender, narrowing like this, giving people a very strange and dangerous feeling.

Lian Yu's eyes were still very cold, and he turned around between the two of them, standing quietly.

Xi Liuyue, Chu Yan, are these their names?

This was the only message that Lian Yu's blank mind received.

"Xiao Yu'er, come here!" Chu Yan said, looking at Lian Yu expectantly.

Xi Liuyue's eyes became darker, her silver hair was windless, and she was as dangerous as a poppy flower in the night.

"Lianyu, don't go, just stay by my side."

Lian Yu frowned, looked at Xi Liuyue, and Xi Liuyue also looked at her, speechless for a moment.

Chu Yan was a little anxious, "Xiao Yuer, come here!"

"Don't go!" Xi Liuyue said expressionlessly.

Xi Liuyue was not worried at all that Lian Yu would abandon him, what he was thinking at the moment was, why did Chu Yan behave so uncharacteristically?
Lian Yu looked at Xi Liuyue, then at Chu Yan, and finally broke free from Xi Liuyue's hand, "I listen to Chu Yan!"

(End of this chapter)

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