Chapter 123

Lian Yu was awakened by the sound of birds chirping, she opened her eyes in confusion, her mind was still a little confused.

The sky is blue, like a huge blue gem, shining with dazzling light, and occasionally a few white clouds float by leisurely, looking particularly beautiful.

Hearing the melodious birdsong in his ears, and the tempting fragrance of flowers coming from the tip of his nose, Lian Yu turned his eyes and saw a row of plum trees, with brilliant plum blossoms, standing proudly against the wind on the branches.

The winter in Southern Chu is very cold, and it will snow in early winter, and it will be accompanied by snow when the plum blossoms bloom. However, it is autumn now, and the wind here is light and cloudless, and the clear sky is clear, which is the season of plum blossoms.

Lian Yu was startled, and sat up quickly, suddenly surprised that when she fell, it was Xi Liuyue who pushed Chu Yan away and protected her in his arms, so that when she fell, she was lying on Xi Liuyue's body.

His arm was badly injured by the sound blade, and the armor was scratched. Blood seeped out from the silver armor, staining the green grass under his body red.

Xi Liuyue's face was pale, her lips were bloodless, she lacked the usual iron-blooded enchantment, she was a little weaker, and her air was like floating threads.

"Xi Liuyue, wake up!" Lian Yu helped him up, took off the obstructing armor, patted his face, and said in a anxious voice, "Xi Liuyue..."

He can't die!

Lian Yu's heart tightened, and her face felt a burning pain, as if someone had slapped her, obviously he had hurt him with the sound blade, and these wounds seemed to be on her body.

"You fool, why did you do this for me?" Lian Yu tugged at the skirt of his shirt, her finger bones turned white, suppressing the surging pain.

Why does she feel pain?
Why does she feel helpless?
Why does she feel hopeless?
Like a person who has been trapped in a cage for thousands of years and cannot be freed, she clearly told her that she likes Chu Yan and will do anything to protect Chu Yan, but why does she treat Xi Liuyue...

"Lian Yu..." Xi Liuyue opened her eyes at some point, and her usual glistening eyes contained complexities that she couldn't understand. Lian Yu was ecstatic, and just about to ask him what was wrong, when she heard Xi Liuyue's coldness. voice, "Do you really want me to die?"

Lian Yu's smile froze, remembering her decision without hesitation when she issued the sound blade, she was instantly as if someone had poured cold water on her body, her body was icy cold, Xi Liuyue sat up with her uninjured hands supporting the ground, and pushed Lian Yu away , calmly spit out a word, "Go away!"

"Xi Liuyue..." Lian Yu was at a loss, her clever mind was completely at a loss what to do in the face of such indifferent Xi Liuyue, she wanted to explain, but she didn't know what to say, after all, it was a fact that she hurt him.

"I'm sorry!" It took a long time to spit out an apology.

Xi Liuyue covered her wound and laughed wildly. The usual proud smile made people feel sad, "I'm sorry? What are you sorry for me? In order to protect the one I love, other people don't care. I know this. If it were me, I would You don't hesitate to kill someone who threatens the life of your sweetheart, and even aim at the throat instead of the arm, it's human nature, why are you sorry?"

Xi Liuyue's voice was very flat, but when she was furious, it made Lian Yu feel even more uncomfortable. Lian Yu bit her lower lip, desperately suppressing the tears she was about to shed, it's not like this.

"I don't know why it happened like this." Lian Yu really wanted to cry. She didn't mean to hurt Xi Liuyue, but when she saw that Chu Yan was in danger, her body would uncontrollably attack others. Who is the opponent.

This feeling of being out of control scared her and made her feel at a loss.

How could Xi Liuyue understand her feelings.

"Enough!" Xi Liuyue finally yelled unbearably, "Since you lost your memory until now, you believe whatever others say, don't you have any brains to think about it yourself? Chu Yan and I, whoever is sincere to you, Whoever takes good care of you, won’t you be able to use your brain as his grandpa? Could it be that if you lose your memory once, it won’t even work here?”

Xi Liuyue was so angry that she poked her forehead, and poked it frequently, furious.

"From your amnesia to the present, what has he done for you? Have you asked a doctor to show you? Apart from taking care of your food and lodging, and speaking nice words, what has he done to you? What have I done to you? To protect myself, I can hold you to save my life. In order to save you, I am willing to jump into the trap I set, are you an idiot, so you can’t tell the difference?"

"Why do you always follow him, why do you lose your soul when you see him? What's so good about him, what's so good about him?"

Lian Yu was so ashamed by what he said, she lowered her head lower and lower, and was scolded with a cold face.Although she said that she wanted to protect Chu Yan and hurt Xi Liuyue, after all, this time she hurt him with real bullets and completely angered Qin Shizi.

"I know what you said, but my sister said, tell me not to believe anyone but myself." Lian Yu explained, "I don't believe everything Chu Yan says, but Xi Liuyue, whenever he is in danger , I wanted to help him uncontrollably... I wanted to help him get through when he was in trouble... Actually, when I came to my senses, I didn't know if I wanted to help him sincerely, but at that moment, I He will indeed hurt you in order to protect him..."

Lian Yu spoke so confusingly that she didn't even know what she was saying, so she couldn't help feeling a little self-defeating.

Xi Liuyue looked at her with a sneer, "I'm really crazy to let you spoil me."

"Qin Lianyu, don't squander other people's love at will. One day, you will regret it!"

"Lianyu, I'm in pain too. You touch it, it's bleeding, but you can't see it. Does it mean that you will remember me for the rest of your life only after I die?"

"Xi Liuyue..." Lian Yu's heart ached like a twist.

Xi Liuyue pushed her away and struggled to stand up, her face was gloomy, her pale face exuded a frightening calmness, her voice was so calm and cold, "If you dare to kill me next time, I won't kill your subordinates again." Be merciful. If I want to, no one in the world can hurt a single hair of my hair, so forget it this time. I, Xi Liuyue, will not be soft on someone who will kill me twice. You better remember it for me !"

It wasn't until Xi Liuyue disappeared in front of her eyes that Lian Yu slowly let go of her biting lips, her hands resting on the ground, tears splashing on the grass one by one...

I'm sorry, Xi Liuyue!
don't want……

Don't hate me.

Lian Yu's tears fell like beads, feeling wronged and uncomfortable in her heart, her heart was pierced by a knife, but she didn't know how to resolve it.

What about Chu Yan?
Lian Yu's heart paused, and her rationality came back to her mind, and she suddenly felt that the surrounding environment was very strange.

Blue sky, white clouds...

The colorful birds, the plum blossoms against the season, and the exquisite and delicate villas, everything here is as peaceful as a paradise, beautiful and serene.

What is this place?
She remembered that they fell into the ground, and she remembered the pain of being burned by the fire vividly.

Lian Yu turned her head and was stunned...

This is a space suspended on all sides. The villa seems to be suspended in mid-air. The bottom is bottomless and there is no support point.

A stone rolled down from her feet and instantly shattered into powder...

Lian Yu was dumbfounded!


It is definitely an illusion, but it is real!

"Xi Liuyue..." Lian Yu suddenly got up from the ground and ran towards the villa.

(End of this chapter)

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