Chapter 135

Xi Liuyue?
Lian Yu was very sure that he was not mistaken, it was indeed Xi Liuyue, he was alone, two years later, that person became more and more evil, he grew a little taller, his signature long hair was tied tightly with a jade crown, without his usual The flamboyant and reckless, more calm and dignified, brocade clothes and red robes, still like a peerless red lotus.

Dazzling, monstrous... people can't ignore it.

Xi Liuyue also saw her, but just glanced at her for a while, turned around and followed the flow of people without looking too much.

On the street, there was a constant flow of people, and there were so many people who followed them back and forth, high and low, sometimes blocking their sight, Lian Yu was still in a daze, and the people had already rushed forward.

Xi Liuyue...

She didn't know what she wanted to do, but she just didn't want Xi Liuyue to disappear. She was unwilling to just disappear like this, and missed her too much. That face had long been deeply imprinted in her mind, and she couldn't get rid of it.

Longing for a word from him.

Lianyu rushed forward along the flow of people, crossed the stone bridge, and there were small vendors on both sides, selling lanterns, couplets... small jewelry, everything.

There is no trace of Xi Liuyue!

People kept passing by, and Lianyu stood in the middle of the street stupidly, her whole body was cold.

There were many lanterns hanging on both sides of the street, and the lights flickered on and off, hitting Lianyu's face with a hazy pallor.

"What are you looking for?" A gorgeous and smiling voice came from behind, Lian Yu was overjoyed, and turned around quickly, Xi Liuyue was leaning on a tree trunk with a lantern hanging on it, looking at her with a smile that was not a smile .

Lian Yu suddenly remembered that a few years ago, on New Year's Eve, he was leaning on the railing in the same posture, looking at him with a half-smile.

The memory was blurred, and the two faces overlapped. She was surprised to find that the former boy had grown into a mature man.

The usual evildoer, the usual romantic and unrestrained, not at all the iron blood and coldness when we parted two years ago.

"Xi Liuyue..."

Xi Liuyue tilted her head, a strand of silver hair fell down, covering the raised eyebrows, "We know each other?"

Lian Yu's expression froze, and she suddenly remembered that she had another face now, Xi Liuyue should not recognize her, but after thinking about it, as she expected, Xi Liuyue didn't recognize her at first sight.

This cognition made Lian Yu feel terrible, unable to tell whether it was loss or disappointment, she looked at him for a while, and did not speak.

Xi Liuyue looked up, the sky was filled with starlight, and the afterglow of the lantern shone on his face. With a faint smile, he was so glamorous that he looked like a heavenly man, with peerless elegance.

"Is the night in Xiqin beautiful?" Xi Liuyue asked again, this time with a deeper smile.

Lian Yu nodded, "It's beautiful!"

"How about Bi Nanchu?"

Lian Yu was taken aback, and slowly approached him, feeling her heart beating rapidly and her hands and feet flustered. She just wanted to get closer to him, and even closer.

"Binan Chumei!"

"Hey, are you dumb or mentally retarded? Can't you answer a question and answer a sentence?" Xi Liuyue squinted at her with an arrogant and domineering expression.

"You are dumb and mentally retarded!" Lian Yu couldn't help but retorted, habitually grabbed the jade flute and was about to hit someone, suddenly remembered that she hadn't done this for two years, and stopped involuntarily.

Xi Liuyue looked at her with an unfathomable face, as if she was searching for something on her face, Lian Yu's heart beat for a while, pretending to be displeased, "What are you looking at?"

"Hey, why do you look so boyish? White teeth and red lips, it's dangerous to walk on the street with such a lively face." Xi Liuyue was full of ruffians, purely bullies molesting good women.

Seeing Lianyu blushing, he could finally understand why bullies always put on a condescending look when molesting civilian girls, because it was such an accomplished thing.

"Why don't you look at your own face!" Lian Yu rolled his eyes at him, his brows raised coldly, he thought he was not as beautiful as Xi Liuyue.

"My gray-haired old man, who would be interested in me?" Xi Liuyue smiled meaningfully.

Lian Yu's eyes burst into anger, and she squeezed a sentence through her teeth, "Are you always attracting bees and butterflies like this on the street?"

Xi Liuyue rubbed her chin, and smiled wickedly, "A few years ago, the son of Xiqin was famous all over the world for being violent and lustful, haha..."

Lian Yu's face was livid, she turned around and left, why did she talk to him about such unnutritious topics here.

With a sudden tightening of her arms, she was already hooked by him, and after a few vertical leaps, she was carried up to an attic. Before Lian Yu could speak, he was firmly pressed against the wall by him, and the warm man came rushing towards her. Liu Yue has already firmly occupied her lips.

Savage... vicious... powerful... took her breath and soul.

Xi Liuyue forcefully grabbed her lips and kissed her endlessly.

"Xi Liuyue..." Lian Yu struggled a few times, unable to withstand his attack, she lay softly in his arms, the jade flute in her hand fell down, Lian Yu hugged Xi Liuyue's neck with her backhand, and responded enthusiastically.

The liquid and fluid blend, and the clove crosses secretly.

Express the longing and pain of the past two years through physical intertwining.

When Lianyu was about to breathe hard, Xi Liuyue let her go, and the two pairs of eyes were tightly mixed together as if by magic.

Xi Liuyue's amber eyes were as deep as the sea, as if something was about to spray out, but he suppressed it tightly, holding Lian Yu's hand, trembling slightly.

"Xi Liu... um..." Before Lian Yu finished speaking, he kissed her fiercely again, devouring the rest of her words.

"You..." Lian Yu panted anxiously, staring at him blankly, did Xi Liuyue recognize her?

Don't hate her?
Is it her?
All kinds of emotions rushed into her heart, Lian Yu's heart ached so unbearably, she was on the verge of tears, and tightly grabbed Xi Liuyue's lapel.

Xi Liuyue looked at her quietly, her eyes sparkled with a dark fire, but she tried her best to suppress it, and her slender index finger stroked the red and swollen lips from his kiss.

tender... affectionate...

A trace of a smile flashed across his eyes, Xi Liuyue leaned over again, kissed her, and said with a smile, "As expected, she is a beautiful woman!"

"What?" Lian Yu's mind was blank, and the feeling of falling from heaven to hell was nothing more than that, "You kissed me to make sure I was a woman?"

Xi Liuyue hooked her slender chin, "Otherwise what do you think?"

A wave of shame and anger welled up in his heart, Lian Yu slashed at him with a blade, causing a slap to fall on Xi Liuyue's face, the force was not strong, and to Xi Liuyue, it was neither painful nor itchy.

"Hey, isn't it too harsh?"

"Get out!" Lian Yu kicked away, Xi Liuyue continued with a smile, pulled her closer, deliberately rubbed against her body, smiled kindly and sincerely, and asked honestly without shame, "What should I do?"

The scorching heat made Lian Yu's face dry, and she almost yelled, Xi Liuyue, you dog can't change a shit-eating pervert!
"Cut it off!" Lian Yu became furious, pushed him away, and walked away!

Xi Liuyue behind her laughed loudly, "Haha, hey, you should know how to find me, you only have one chance!"

Lian Yu paused, turned around and gave him a hard look.

damn it!
Color embryo!

(End of this chapter)

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