Feng Qiuhuang: The First Princess

Chapter 144 The eve of the decisive battle

Chapter 144 The eve of the decisive battle
Xiliuyue Lianyu's army arrived in Yunzhou, and Chu Yan's imperial chariot also arrived in Jingzhou. The two kings separated the river and started the most critical battle in the Western Qin and Southern Chu's competition for the world.

It is also a decisive battle!

The elite soldiers and horses of the two countries are on the front line!
On both sides of the Liuhe River, the atmosphere was tense, with black soldiers and horses stationed on both sides.

The entire river was filled with flames of war.

On the night when Xiliuyue Lianyu's army arrived in Yunzhou, Chu Yan ordered two sailors to lead a force of [-] sailors to attack.

Xi Liuyue ordered Xi Liuyun to lead the army to meet the enemy, and pretended to be defeated, and retreated to the rear line. Southern Chu captured countless Western Qin warships and armaments.About half an hour later, when Nan Chu was still immersed in the carnival, Xi Liuyue had personally commanded 4 sailors to fight back, and started a counterattack that night.

Southern Chu was caught off guard and was defeated like a mountain. Western Qin quickly recovered countless warships and ordnance. This battle was fought until dawn.

The hearts of the West Qin army were greatly encouraged. This was the only victory in the past few days, and it was also the victory that Xiliuyue Lianyu won on the day of his arrival. It was of great significance.

However, Xi Liuyue was very clear in her heart. Xiqin was on the water and could not win against Nanchu. This was absolute. To win this battle, recklessness was absolutely impossible, only outsmart.

After this battle, three days passed without much movement between the two armies.

On the fourth day, West Qin military camp.

Someone came to report, "Your Majesty, General Liu has arrived!"

"Please!" Xi Liuyue's face brightened, she stood up with a swish, and went out to greet Lian Yuyan, Bing Xiliuyun and others.

"Chen, Liu Yi, pay homage to the emperor!"

"Liu Yi, you're finally back!" Xi Liuyue laughed loudly, this is an extremely handsome young man, around 25, still very young, with calm eyes and elegant demeanor.

Lian Yu raised her eyebrows, Liu Yi, who is this?
"The water general of Xiqin just came back from Shalin!" Yan Bing whispered.

Lian Yu nodded, Sha Lin?An island country in the west of West Qin, and separated from the mainland, has the strongest navy in the world. It does not participate in the world's competition, so few people will pay attention to Shalin.

This allowed the Southern Chu Navy to barely rank first in the world.

If you really think about it, Shalin has a stronger navy than Nanchu.

When everyone entered the army tent, Xi Liuyun and Liu Yi got together, murmured for a while, and then said, "Your Majesty, I have lived up to my trust and have trained an elite navy."

"How many people?"

"2 million!"

"That's great!" Xi Liuyue narrowed her eyes, "Including the sailors trained by Emperor Yan Bing, our army has a total of more than 5 elite sailors. You have confidence!"

"Your Majesty, Yi has the courage to ask for orders, to defeat the enemy tonight," Liu Yi pleaded on his knees.

Xi Liuyue helped her up, "You have just arrived at the barracks, and you were supposed to rest for a few days, but... the frontline battle is not optimistic, thank you for your hard work."

"Your majesty is serious. The army on the road has had enough rest. Besides, Chu Yan is good at water warfare. He has an intelligence network that is not inferior to mine in Xiqin. If he doesn't come out tonight, he will be able to find out my identity. Why don't we break it tonight?" The enemy caught him off guard. If we win this battle, Chu Yan will definitely order Ximu to redeploy the Jiang defense, and our chances of winning will be greater."

"It is true that Yi Cong Shui can defeat them, but it is not enough to win them all. Your Majesty, there is still time anyway. It is better to draw up a battle plan. Our goal is to defeat them. It is not yet the time to attack across the board. We must wait for the new Jiang defense plan." It is better to attack the canyon from the west side, this is their weakest point, starting from here, the turning point will be greater." Xi Liuyun said.

Xi Liuyue nodded, agreeing with Xi Liuyun's point of view, Lian Yu listened quietly, the navy war made a plan, and she didn't need to intervene.

Xi Liuyue herself is an excellent military strategist, with Yan Bing, Xi Liuyun and other fierce generals under her command, now with Yong Yi added, there is no need for her to intervene here.

"Liuhe Gorge is surrounded by water on three sides. Chu Yan deceived our army's weak navy and withdrew Nanchu's own defense in the canyon long ago. All troops are concentrated on the river. This is extremely beneficial to our army. Your Majesty, why don't we attack east and west? Pretending to attack the enemy, Liu Yi led the navy to attack from three sides, if they can occupy the canyon to buy us time, Lingfeng's army elite can respond, and the defense of the South Chu River will surely collapse!" Xi Liuyun said.

Xi Liuyue nodded, Xi Liuyun's strategy is indeed feasible, just as he was about to say something, Liu Yi said, "Yun, this combat policy must be based on the premise of a large navy team, but my navy, such a huge 5 Wan, the Southern Chu navy has 30, such a risky plan, the emperor...do you have confidence?"

Xi Liuyue narrowed her eyes, stood up, and said with an imposing manner, "Only you have it, and I have it!"

Liu Yi pursed his lips, "Are there enough boats?"


"Liu Yi is confident that if he wins this battle, he will definitely break through the Nanchu River Defense!"

"it is good!"

"One more thing!" Liu Yi said, "It's been five years since I left West Qin Dynasty, and it's inevitable that the soldiers will be dissatisfied on the first day I took command. If there are those who disobey the military order, it will be difficult to deal with it.”

Xi Liuyue nodded. He really can't be judged by his appearance. In the past five years in Shalin, Liu Yi has grown a lot. It seems that he is not only cautious but also considerate in deploying his military force. The last point he said even He didn't even think of it.

The recklessness of childhood is gone, and every word and deed is the style of a general.

As soon as the night fell, the West Qin military camp sounded heavy horns, and the killing sound shook the sky. Yan Bingjun led 2000 troops as the vanguard, and the prelude to the battle of the canyon began from the bottom of the canyon.

In the Southern Chu military camp, Nan Chu smiled contemptuously after receiving the notification. The Western Qin army had attacked the canyon many times and suffered heavy losses every time.

He, Lin Ximu and other generals boarded the canyon, and a general came up and told Chu Yan, "Your Majesty, the West Qin army is a little strange."

Chu Yan looked down and saw the flames soaring into the sky, the sound of killing was loud, and his brows were tightly frowned, "Siege but not attack, what kind of medicine is sold in Xiliuyue's gourd?"

His eyes are cold, he can lose to anyone, but he can't lose to Xi Liuyue, hum!

This battle is not only for the world, but also for the honor of men.

"Your Majesty, the West Qin army has called out round after round, but they have not really attacked the canyon. I am afraid it is a fraud."

"It's just a bluff, what can there be?" Chu Yan looked at the sky-high fire below with disdain, and sneered.

There are 30 sailors in Southern Chu, and Xi Liuyue has a lot of tricks on the water, and she won't be humiliating herself!
"In the afternoon, the spies reported that a new force arrived at the Xiqin army camp, and Xiqin defeated the enemy that night. Your Majesty, don't take it lightly." Lin Ximu reminded him, "After all, Xiliuyue has beaten the water so many times. Fighting, I still have some experience."

As soon as these words came out, Chu Yan clenched his fists and snorted coldly, "Hmph, the losses in the previous war were heavy, and the West Qin navy army was no more than 6. Wings, otherwise you can't break through my canyon formation."

Lin Ximu was silent!

The goal was achieved. After Chu Yan ascended the throne, his determination was not as good as before. He thought he was invincible and was too conceited. When it came to Xi Liuyue, he became even more impetuous. This battle has revealed his defeat.

Chu Yan glanced down and frowned, "Xi Mu, you ask Lin Zhong and Zhang Ping to lead a battalion of water troops to defend from the north. Dongfang leads another battalion of water troops to defend from the south."

"Yes" Lin Ximu took the order and left.

(End of this chapter)

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