Feng Qiuhuang: The First Princess

Chapter 4 The Autumn of Troubled Times

Chapter 4 The Autumn of Troubled Times
In the autumn of troubled times, heroes compete for the throne!

Southern Chu, Western Qin, Qi, Yan, Han, Wei, Zhao, the seven kingdoms stand together, and the tricks of vertical and horizontal alliances emerge endlessly. Years of wars and chaos, the smoke is full, and the people's lives are miserable.

The cycle of dynasties is endless, once it prospers, then it fails, then it prospers, then it fails again, and it repeats itself.

The world fell apart due to turmoil, and after falling apart, it reunited.

The long-term division must be united, and the long-term union must be divided. The annual rings of history clearly tell us this cruel but inescapable fact.

Everyone wants to dominate the world, and the phoenix soars to the sky. Ambition and desire force this beautiful land to be watered with blood year after year. The war lasts for more than 100 years, which is extremely cruel and intense.

Until Southern Chu unified the world and ended the situation of chaos in the world.

Southern Chu proclaimed himself emperor and ruled the world.

Over the years of chaotic warfare, the relationship between the seven kingdoms is intricate, seemingly unconnected, but entwined like vines. Even if the Southern Chu unified the world, they would not dare to drive out the families of the six kingdoms overnight.

Water can carry a boat, and it can also overturn it. Those who are in the upper class understand the truth deeply.

This country was bought by stepping on white bones and bathing in a pool of blood. The Southern Chu Emperor naturally wanted to consolidate the imperial power. Under the proposal of the Southern Chu Prime Minister Qin Hua, the six countries remained under the original imperial power for a short period of time. , changed from the original emperor to the king, attached to Nanchu.

In the Southern Chu Dynasty, in the summer of the 18th year of Xiangping, an imperial decree was passed to the six kingdoms. In order to contain the descendants of the royal families of the six kingdoms, the Emperor of Southern Chu asked the six kingdoms to send their sons to the Southern Chu Palace.

The name is that the Emperor of Southern Chu wants all the sons to study in the Imperial College, and to use what they have learned in the future to contribute to the country, but in fact it is no different from threatening.

At that time, Qin Hua's proposal was very in line with the development trend of the situation. To completely disintegrate the six kingdoms would not be achieved overnight, and freezing three feet would not be a one-day cold. We can only deal with them slowly after the stability of Southern Chu , and then it can be uprooted.

Emperor Nan Chu was also complacent about his decisiveness and intelligence for this proposal, but he didn't know that this edict would set off a bigger and more violent bloody storm in the future and promote another cycle of destiny.

The obscurity of the national policy is like a dragon lurking, waiting for a good time when the right time, place and people are in harmony, and it will explode in full swing.

(End of this chapter)

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