Domineering migrant workers

Chapter 12 Migrant Workers' Life-and-Death Counterattack

Chapter 12 Migrant Workers' Life-and-Death Counterattack

"It's on fire!" Meng Yi suddenly shouted for help at the top of her voice.

"Hehe, what a funny boy, this is an advanced ward, and no one will come to save you even if your throat is broken! You are the first to see through my disguise, and it is also the last, what a pity." In the eyes of "Xiaowan" Full of fun.

Why is this dialogue so familiar!Since calling for help is useless, I can only fight back!Get me up!
Turn on counterattack mode, loading... 10%... 30%... 60%... 99%!

The body is separating from the bed board, the body is being separated from the bed board, the body is suppressed, lying back on the bed again, the counterattack mode has failed!
The counterattack mode fails, so the old man activates the attack mode and stares at you to death with his eyes.If eyes could kill, "Xiao Wan" would have been wiped out long ago.

"If you stare again, I'll dig out your eyeballs and turn you into a one-eyed vegetable!" "Xiao Wan" cursed angrily.

The eye attack is ineffective. My most effective attack weapon is spittle. I will spray you in the face. When you are in a hurry, it is time for me to counterattack.

Meng Yi sprayed her saliva directly, but was dodged by "Xiao Wan", the attack was ineffective, Meng Yi felt puzzled again.

I vomit, I vomit, I vomit again... If it comes from another place, then Meng Yi will become Spider-Man!

"I'm dizzy, is it over?" "Xiao Wan" ran away, cursing loudly, increasing the strength in her hands.

"Is it going to end?" Meng Yi's eyes are full of despair and unwillingness, and his hands are getting weaker and weaker.

"No! I must not die!"

There is still a way, there must be a way!If I die, how can I become a domineering and rich man!With a strong desire to survive, Meng Yi always maintains a trace of sanity.

Meng Yi suddenly had a flash of inspiration. In the novel, there is a plot where a mouthful of old blood spurts out 3 meters of dog blood, so I will add some food for you!Black energy, come out to me.

Meng Yi's eyes suddenly exuded the breath of death, "Xiao Wan" almost felt his knees go limp.

Concentrating all the black energy on the tongue, Meng Yi yelled angrily, bit her tongue hard, opened her mouth and spewed a mouthful of blood at "Xiao Wan".

A strange cloud of black air was devouring the face of "Xiao Wan", and countless blisters suddenly appeared on her face, festering rapidly, as if poisoned.

"Ah...Xiao Wan" screamed with all her strength, covering her face with her hands.

After such a pause, Meng Yi finally seized the opportunity, grabbed "Xiao Wan"'s arm with her backhand, and stabbed the needle towards her body.

"No..." In the terrified eyes of "Xiao Wan", the needle pierced her body, she showed a painful expression, closed her eyes, and passed out.

And Meng Yi's eyes, nostrils and ears were bleeding, she looked terrified, as if she had suffered a serious illness, her whole body was limp, without any strength.

His eyelids were even more heavy, as if they would close at any moment, very sleepy.

But there is a question in his mind all the time, the description of biting his tongue and killing him immediately, is there any scientific basis for this?I won't bite myself to death!Will it be written like this on the autopsy report!What a headache!
Drowsy Meng Yi, vaguely saw Xiao Wan running towards him, and then he didn't know anything.

During his coma, wisps of sunlight traveled around, constantly repairing his injured tongue.

Not long after, Meng Yiyouyou woke up, and the security guards from the hospital came to question him, and Meng Yi always talked about him, pretending to be stupid and dumbfounded, and asking all kinds of questions.

At this time, Xiaowan hurriedly led a doctor in.

As soon as the doctor came in, he looked at Meng Yi, who was talking to the security guard, in a daze.

When Meng Yi was sent here, her skull was shattered, her head was traumatized in many places, and she was bleeding profusely. In his opinion, the chance of waking up was not high. He persuaded Lin Mengyao to give up the treatment and leave it to fate.

But Lin Mengyao insisted again and again, so she had to try her best to treat her. Now the other party is not only awake, but also able to talk, I am not blind!

"Doctor Li? What's wrong?" Xiao Wan tugged at the doctor's sleeve nervously.

"Ah? What!" Dr. Li finally came to his senses, and hurried forward, "When did you wake up and can you still talk?"

"I woke up yesterday, didn't you hear me just now?" Meng Yi showed a kind smile.

Damn it, I just went to a meeting yesterday!The shocked Doctor Li couldn't help but start various instruments in the ward to examine Meng Yi.

Half an hour later, his eyes lit up, and he murmured: "A miracle, this is really a miracle in the history of medicine. After being injured by such a high brick, he didn't even have a slight concussion. Now he is just a little anemic. You can leave the hospital tomorrow!"

Dr. Li issued a discharge certificate with an excited face, and left with Xiao Wan in a hurry. Meng Yi was planning to take revenge.

(End of this chapter)

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