Domineering migrant workers

Chapter 87 Migrant Workers Are Too Perverted

Chapter 87 Migrant Workers Are Too Perverted

"What's going on here?" Meng Yi frowned and asked gloomyly.

"elder brother……"

"handsome guy……"

Meng Xiangxiang and Tingting unexpectedly rushed to answer at the same time.

"You're ugly, tell me first." Meng Yi stared at Tingting with an unkind expression.

"Handsome guy, this is all a misunderstanding..." Tingting's voice was sweet and crisp, her eyes were full of temptation and confusion, and she licked her sexy lips like a little devil, looking at Meng Yi infinitely charming, He doesn't mind Meng Yi calling her ugly at all.

Compared with the fairy Meng Xiangxiang, she is indeed ugly, but compared with other female dicks, she is at the level of a goddess.Are you not convinced?Come on, you stand up, I want to talk to you about the ideal of life.

Miaoman's figure, seductive eyes, and seductive movements, the boys who are close have already set up tents, and they can only bend down to cover up their embarrassment.

With the beauties in front of them, I'm afraid there will be another big fight later, so they can't help but leave like this.

After listening for a long time, Meng Yi finally understood the reason, his face was terribly gloomy.

Sure enough, the younger sister was also shot while lying down, Dongchen fucked Tingting, Tingting fucked Qin Liang, this love triangle was already complicated enough.

But the playful Qin Liang wanted to fuck his younger sister Xiangxiang again, Xiangxiang naturally didn't want to let him fuck him, so Qin Liang kept pestering Xiangxiang, and the jealous Tingting naturally didn't like it, so there was the beginning scene.

If it wasn't for Meng Yi's gloomy face, Tingting would have thought he was not good, after all, he is handsome and suffers, Meng Yi must be too handsome, he has suffered too much, and he didn't respond to his temptation.

"Do you like to play undressing? I'll let you undress as much as you want."

Meng Yi smiled evilly, took out a silver needle from her clothes, and quickly pricked a acupuncture point on Tingting's abdomen.

Hot, why so hot!

Tingting couldn't help but want to take off her clothes. Although her consciousness was clear, her body didn't listen at all!This feeling of terror gradually hit my heart.

Although she is no longer a virgin, it is the first time she has taken off her clothes in public. Now that the Internet is so developed, she might become famous in the next second and become popular all over China. Anyone can download it from the hard drive anytime, anywhere. Own.

Undressing door, if you become the heroine of the undressing door, your family will be pissed off.

"Xiangxiang, I, I was wrong, please ask your brother to spare me, if this continues, what kind of person am I!"

Tingting's silver teeth are almost gnawed, and the button of her shirt has been unbuttoned to the second to last, and if she takes it off again, all the glory will be leaked, so many people can have fun without spending money, my mother is really at a loss.

"Brother, just let her go." Meng Xiangxiang looked very soft-hearted, and pitifully pulled Mengyi's hand, after all, for a girl, integrity is the most important thing.

"Hmph, for Xiangxiang's sake, I'll let you off this time."

What a silly sister!If I wasn't here today, how would your fate be better!

That's all!Meng Yi used the same method to prick the acupuncture point on Tingting's abdomen, the other party immediately felt relieved, and fastened the button of the shirt.

The male students who were watching immediately cursed, our pants are almost taken off, you just let us see this?

"Mengyi, I like you, can you forgive me?" Tingting suddenly said pitifully.

like?I like your uncle!Forget about the pain from the scars, this woman is really badass!I don't know if the brand you use for laundry is Ariel!
In fact, Meng Yi also wanted to forgive Ting Ting, she liked her, and even confessed in public, it can be said that this person has a very good vision, and she is a principled person.

It's because of such principles that I can't hate a person with vision, but you dare to bully my sister, any bullshit principles have to be sidelined.

"Like me? Then do you have a cigarette?" Meng Yi suddenly turned her head and asked.

"Ah! Yes!" Tingting took out a cigarette from her underwear cover, handed it to Mengyi, took out a lighter from her crotch, and lit it for Mengyi.

Hey, the original flavor of cigarettes, with their own milk fragrance, really knows how to hide them. The boys who watched collectively swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and their waists bent even more.

Hey, a lighter hidden in the crotch is no less powerful than a grenade hidden in the crotch!

"Bah." Meng Xiangxiang spat, her face turning red.

"Brother Meng..."

When Tingting was talking, Meng Yi stuffed the cigarette butt directly into her mouth.

"Ah..." Just as Tingting let out a heart-piercing howl, Meng Yi tightly covered her mouth.

It hurts, it hurts, it really hurts, it hurts more than the first time I came to my aunt, it hurts more than being pierced by a man for the first time!It's just that I don't know how it hurts to have a baby, anyway, Tingting almost fainted from the pain.

"If you like me, you'll get beaten. I'm a man who likes domestic violence." Meng Yi's face was full of anger.

"Ah!" Tingting let out a hoarse scream, and passed out completely.

Meng Yi shot her cold eyes all around, and said word by word, "Meng Xiangxiang is my sister, Meng Yi. Although I am only a migrant worker, whoever dares to insult her, I will dig his ancestral grave and destroy his whole family. Ting is the end."

hiss!What a ruthless man!What a ruthless migrant worker!This product must not be a real migrant worker!The surrounding audience avoided his sharp edge one after another, and there was silence around him.

"You kid is fine, dare to hit my little brother! I'm going to cut you alive!" A very domineering voice suddenly sounded from outside the crowd, breaking the silence.

I dizzy?The young ones were beaten, and the old ones came. Could it be that the bad guy came on stage so quickly?
The onlookers hurriedly moved closer to the two sides, and a black-faced burly man with a ferocious complexion appeared in the crowd. The tattoos on the left green dragon and the right white tiger looked very fierce. At first glance, he looked like a gangster, but the funny thing was that the other party actually Wearing the security uniform of Dongcheng Middle School.

"Hmph, as the security guard of Dongcheng Middle School, it is my responsibility to stop the students from fighting. What did you mean by hiding behind to watch the excitement? I beat someone, but he is a gangster, not to mention I was in self-defense. It's good now, you actually shot for your little bastard brother, is a person like you worthy of the school's security work?"

Meng Yi really wanted to pick up the phone and dial [-] to the cute police uncle, because someone here is pretending to be aggressive and trying to kill someone, and the scene is almost out of control.

"It's a fact that you beat my little brother. Your fight has seriously affected the order of Dongcheng Middle School. I can arrest you!" the black-faced security guard said coldly.

"Do you think you are a school security guard? I beat your little brother a minute ago. Are you talking nonsense? The IQ of the whole street has been severely lowered by you. You are sick, you have to Treatment, the medicine cannot be stopped." Meng Yi smiled disdainfully.

"Hmph, to be honest, quickly pay me ten thousand and eight thousand for medicine, or don't blame me for being cruel in front of your sister! Are you afraid of a fist the size of a sandbag? Are you afraid of blowing your head off! If you let If Sister Xiangxiang stays with me for one night, then we will be eliminated!" The black-faced security guard raised his huge fist, with a humble look on his face.

"Wow, the punch the size of a sandbag is really the same as a sandbag. I was scared when I saw it myself!" Meng Yi patted her heart exaggeratedly.

Seeing how funny his brother was, Chu Xiangxiang couldn't hold back, and burst into laughter.

"court death."

The black-faced security guard rushed over screaming and punched out. He was very powerful and full of momentum. Coupled with his big and thick build and the ferocious expression on his face, he really had a bit of power.

This punch will definitely see blood!Ordinary people will definitely be scared to urinate or come out directly. It is really a good news for prostate patients and constipation patients. All unscrupulous andrologists in the country have to stand aside.

"Ah." Some of the students onlookers covered their eyes in fear, with terrified expressions on their faces.

"Brother." Meng Xiangxiang covered her mouth in horror, she really didn't dare to watch her brother being beaten and bleeding, so she also closed her eyes.

The grin on the corner of the black-faced security guard's mouth was even more exaggerated, because he had already foreseen the scene where Meng Yi was beaten to the head by this punch.

The momentum is quite enough, it looks so boring, but the base is unstable, the middle door is wide open, that buddy who pretends to be aggressive, give way, I want to pretend to be aggressive first.

"Drink." Meng Yi sternly shouted, and the one who raised her hand raised her fist, she was really domineering and unparalleled, like a god descending to earth!

Tingting's eyes were full of little stars, her face was even more flushed, her body was trembling slightly, and her legs were clamped even tighter.

Meng Yi didn't change her face, she slipped her foot, raised her foot and kicked the black-faced security guard's "tai"-shaped middle point.

The black-faced security guard wilted in an instant, an earth-shattering and inhuman scream came out of his mouth, his body bowed into a shrimp, and he fell to the ground wriggling, spitting mouthful after mouthful.

A pain in the ass spread out, and the male students who watched were holding their crotches in horror, for fear that Meng Yi would come to them too.

Meng Yi said calmly, "23 years of professional dick kicking, one kick smashes the source of your crime."

KO, the tall and powerful uncle security guard was unexpectedly KO'd by Meng Yi again!
"Pervert, pervert is outrageous!"

"No matter how powerful a man is, his bird is weak."

"Beast! Why do men make things difficult for men!"

"Migrant workers, you can't afford to mess with them!"


The onlookers were in an uproar.

Meng Xiangxiang opened her eyes timidly, but was taken aback by the scene in front of her, so scared that her aunt was about to leave early.

The elder brother was fine, but the villain uncle was rolling over while clutching his crotch.

When did her brother act so aggressively? She couldn't accept all of this.

"Ah, why are you like this kid, don't run away if you have the guts, report your name, and I'll call the security team to arrest you." The black-faced security guard looked crazy, and his heart was broken.

Run, run a chicken leg, didn't you see that I was standing there leisurely?Why do bad guys like to talk harshly when they are defeated? It's so funny.

"Listen well, I don't change my name when I'm sitting, and I don't change my surname when I'm doing it, so does Meng Yi." Meng Yi flicked the dust that didn't exist on her clothes.

"Meng Yi?" The black-faced security guard suddenly changed his face when he heard the name.

"Brother, hurry up and call the security team, arrest this country bumpkin, and then arrest his sister, I'll let your brother do the first shot, just leave me a mouthful."

Dongchen, who didn't know when he woke up, pointed viciously at Mengyi, and Ji'er had a vile look on his face again.

"Catch him? You're blind! Do you know why Dongzi, his wife, and his uncle Director Yang in the security team were fired? It's because of what you call a bumpkin!"

The black-faced security guard was so angry that he cursed, if this kid wasn't his younger brother, he really wanted to slap him.

I was able to enter the security team of Dongcheng Middle School because I really trusted Meng Yi, because Dong Zi who offended Meng Yi was fired, and I entered the back door instead of his place.

At that time, the scene where Dongzi was forced to kneel and slapped and sang "Conquer" was widely circulated in the security team, and I had heard it a little bit.

Meng Yi is an evil star, it's too late for me to hide, if you want to harm me, then even your own brother won't have to do it.

(End of this chapter)

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