Domineering migrant workers

Chapter 92: Girls' Dormitory

Chapter 92: Girls' Dormitory
Stepping into this legendary girls' dormitory, Meng Yi's heartbeat suddenly jumped to 120 miles.

what did he seeLooking at the whole girl's building, the hoods and the insides are hung casually like that, with endless patterns, all kinds of strange things, fluttering in the wind, and magnificent.

Meng Yi seemed to be hallucinating, several young and beautiful women were leaning on the balcony, waving small handkerchiefs, and kept shouting, "Handsome guy, come up and play!"

"Okay, okay." Meng Yi's mouth was dry in an instant, her face was red and her heart was beating, and she was about to turn into a wolf.

"Brother Meng, have you seen enough? Let's go." Lin Shiyu's disdainful voice came.

"Huh..." Meng Yi took a deep breath, looked away reluctantly, and followed Lin Shiyu up to the second floor.

"Mengyi, this is Xiangxiang's dormitory, you just wait for her outside, don't mess around, otherwise not only will your eyes be lost, but the housekeeper will give you a knife, and then you will take off your pants, We can be girlfriends now, I'll go back to the dormitory and change clothes first."

Lin Shiyu hopped away. Although she was not injured just now, her clothes were dirty.

Be a girlfriend?You have a good idea, and my boyfriend can think about it!I'd rather you take off your shirt so we can be brothers, eh, Brother Haier!But your breasts are so big, we definitely can't afford to be brothers, so you can obediently be my sister-in-law.

But the threat of the dorm aunt's scissors was too great, Meng Yi still didn't dare to put herself in danger, and stood honestly outside the door, leaning on the balcony, without looking sideways.

At this time, the door of the dormitory opened suddenly, Meng Yi thought it was her younger sister, so she subconsciously turned her head away.

With just one glance, Meng Yi's pupils dilated instantly, and it wasn't Xiang Xiang who opened the door, but a strange girl.

It should be because she just took a shower. Her hair was still wet, and she was only wrapped in a bath towel. The faintly visible legs under the towel exuded infinite charm, and a scent of just taking a bath came out. Dream Memories almost reacted.

It's bad, she won't treat me as that kind of person, I'm afraid the next thing will be earth-shattering, crying ghosts and gods screaming!

The normal reaction in this situation is to turn around and run, or jump up and cover the girl's mouth, push her into the dormitory, close the door, and, you know!
Ke Mengyi chose neither, whether she ran away or covered her mouth, it was a sign of guilt, and the crime was committed.

Furthermore, with Xiangxiang and Lin Shiyu testifying for him, he was fair and upright, and entered the girls' dormitory swaggeringly, okay?
I didn't ask you to open the door, I didn't ask you to open the door with a towel wrapped in it, and I didn't ask you to open the door with a towel wrapped in a bath, so I just watched it, just stood here and watched, you come to bite me !
"You are Meng Yi, Xiangxiang's migrant worker brother?" The long-legged girl didn't scream, but looked at Meng Yi carefully and asked with a strange expression.

"Uh, you know me? Could it be that you are my sister's best friend?" Meng Yi glanced at this girl in surprise, and she looked familiar.

"Come in, Xiangxiang is taking a bath inside." The long-legged girl took the initiative to pull Mengyi's hand, not feeling shy at all.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!Meng Yi raised her heart secretly, put her right hand into her pocket pretending to be careless and manipulated it, and then followed her into the dormitory.

"Where's Xiangxiang?" Meng Yi looked at the legendary girls' dormitory, the scent would make him drunk just by smelling it, and it was more open than an underwear store, which almost made him lose his mind.

"Xiangxiang is taking a bath there, don't worry, the sound insulation in the bathroom is not bad, she can't hear the sound here, I will make you drunk and want to die later." The long-legged girl smiled strangely.

"Could it be that you are so handsome that I can't close your legs? Are you going to do it here? Xiangxiang is next door, and I will be nervous. Usually, it can take more than half an hour. If you take medicine, it will take longer. Now it's only 5 minutes at most. .” Meng Yi showed a shy smile.

"Half an hour? Just blow it hard! I finally caught you, you stinky migrant worker who dared to smash up my sister's shop, I, Chuchu, want to ruin your reputation today!" Chuchu's eyes were full of hatred, her face ferocious.

If it wasn't for Meng Yi who provoked her sister, I really wanted to try what it was like for half an hour. My boyfriend was like a milkman. It feels like he can't do it.

It’s the same in the morning, and it’s done in one minute. If it’s not May 1th, the legendary 5th day, he came to see me from thousands of miles away. He made himself have to take another bath in the early morning.

Later, I used cucumbers myself, and cucumbers are more caring than my boyfriend!Under the strong recommendation of my sister, I used yam again, which is thicker!longer!The biggest advantage is that it comes with a silky agent after peeling!feel better!It's so sour, I can't even imagine it!Cucumbers are not as sweet as yams!Sao Nian, people are used to eat, you think wrong!

Shit!I bought a watch last year!The uncle was scared to death!I didn't expect her to be the younger sister of Lin Dawei's goddaughter, no wonder she looked familiar!
"Even your sister and cheap godfather Lin Dawei are not my opponents, just rely on your girl's film?" Meng Yi's eyes were somewhat provocative.

But in an instant, he was not calm, because Chu Chu rushed over quickly, and stretched out his hand to untie the bath towel. It may be because of too much urgency, the slipknot could not be untied, and she tore it apart in a rage, and was instantly naked .

I'm dizzy, Mosaic!Two mosaics instantly appeared on Chu Chu's body in front of her, Meng Yi howled in her heart, the damn island love action movie actually made me hallucinate, I hate mosaics.

"Help, there are bad men! It's unreasonable!" Chu Chu shouted loudly, with a look of panic, she hugged Meng Yi vigorously, and was about to fall down on the bed.

Ok?The fox's tail finally came out, Meng Yi stretched out her hand to push it, and happened to touch Chu Chu's hand, suddenly felt that something was wrong with her body, and there was a sneer on her face.

If you don't take advantage of it, you're a bastard!Squeezing Chuchu's chest hard, then trying to break free from her restraint, Meng Yi retreated to the balcony in a flash.

But if you look around, with your own location as the radius, there are densely packed girls in all directions, and it’s summer, and it’s in the forbidden area of ​​boys. You know, everyone is dressed very coolly, and there are even some who go into battle in a vacuum.

There is no girl who realizes that her springtime has leaked out. Some of them share the same hatred, some are shy and curious, and some even stare at Xiao Mengyi with a green light!
Meng Yi is howling in her heart, I am in the girls' dormitory, I am in the girls' dormitory, I am not visiting a brothel, I am not visiting a brothel.

Namo Amitabha, sin, sin!

Form is emptiness, and emptiness is form!
The beautiful woman passes by, and the Buddha's heart is born.

"There was a man sneaking in."

"Auntie in charge, there are bad men, sacrifice the artifact."

"Kill this bad man."

"Sisters, fuck that guy, castrate him."

"Let go of that beast, ah, no, let go of that little fresh meat, let me do it."


Looking at a group of 18-year-old girls around Yingying Yanyan, Meng Yi wanted to cry without tears, because they were completely boiling, with brooms, iron buckets, and even electric wands, but the size was so small , you also have the nerve to show it and see how my brother kills it in seconds!
Countless legs that are hidden or visible, and turbulent breasts that cannot be seen clearly, a large number of beauties are approaching, and it is estimated that they will arrive at the battlefield in 10 seconds!It's so beautiful, I can't even look at it!
Meng Yi looked up at the sky at 45 degrees, his face was extremely indifferent, he was not pretending to be aggressive, but his poor nosebleed was about to flow down.

"Let go of that bastard, let me do it." The dorm aunt hurried over with the huge pair of scissors.

"Sisters, misunderstanding, it must be a misunderstanding."

Xiangxiang and Lin Shiyu, who heard the commotion, squeezed through the group with difficulty, and pulled Meng Yi behind them, like an old hen protecting its cubs, if it had hair on its body, it would have stood up.

Of course, as long as it is not a white tiger, it must have hair on its body, which is more suitable for a dog.

The auntie in charge and the girls looked at each other. Could it be that Lin Shiyu and the others were playing role-playing or watching an island country love action blockbuster. The love is so deep that you melt into each other, shouting out of emotion?

"Sisters, don't be fooled by this stinky man. If I hadn't resisted to the death, my innocence would be... woo woo" Chu Chu came out wrapped in the broken towel, crying loudly.

"Irrefutable evidence is like a mountain, aunt in charge, use the scissors!" The sturdy girl roared.

"Scissor!" The dormitory aunt gave a majestic order!

"Mighty!" All the girls clapped the time, and the blood was about to stain the floor of the girls' dormitory red.

"Stop, just relying on Chu Chu's one-sided words to convict Meng Yi and abuse lynching, is it too arbitrary? I, as the chairman of Baibaoge Group and Lin Shiyu, the second daughter of the chairman of Dongcheng Middle School, order you to back off, what's the matter?" Wait for the school's senior management to deal with it, otherwise, if you hurt Brother Meng's hair, I will kill you."

Crazy, this is called madness, sturdy, this is called sturdy!
As soon as Lin Shiyu announced her family name, the crowd took a step back.

Just kidding, what is Lin Shiyu's identity, she can't graduate without moving her mouth!I just knew that her identity was not simple before, but I didn't expect her to be underestimated!
Seeing that the atmosphere she had carefully created was broken like this, Chu Chu felt anxious, but there was no third party witness present, and you, a stinky migrant worker, actually grabbed my chest and added a torn bath towel , let me see who can trust you.

At this time, Wang Fei, who received the report, led the security team and rushed over aggressively. He dared to play a rogue in his own territory. See if I don't beat you out, and then tell you, use Liuwei Dihuang Pill to treat kidney deficiency. sugary.

But when they walked to the door of the girls' dormitory and saw Meng Yi's very familiar figure, as well as Lin Shiyu and Meng Xiangxiang guarding him, they were collectively stunned, not daring to take a step further.

What Lin Shiyu's identity is, they naturally know in private, Meng Yi is even more ruthless, the two hook up together, and she foolishly bumps into the muzzle of the gun, that's either brain damage, or looking for shit.

(End of this chapter)

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