The eldest sister of the poor family is unreliable

Chapter 104 The Power of Spicy Strips

Chapter 104 The Power of Spicy Strips
The eldest princess was not very old, and she couldn't stop giggling while listening to her talking in the script along the way.

Coincidentally, it happened to meet the Huangfu family who came out of the House of Internal Affairs.

Huangfu Shaohua still had a paralyzed face as usual, but Patriarch Huangfu gave her a special look, and Chen Yuanyuan's whole body shivered and goosebumps appeared when she looked at her with those deep eyes.

Those eyes are both shrewd and sophisticated.

Chen Yuanyuan felt her whole body trembling, as if she was being stared at by a tiger wolf and couldn't escape its sight.

Fortunately, Patriarch Huangfu immediately withdrew his gaze.

Her eyebrows drooped slightly, and there was a trace of suspicion in her eyes. Compared with Mrs. Huangfu's pure disdain and contempt, Patriarch Huangfu's eyes were clearly a little more scrutinizing!

It is somewhat uncomfortable!

No longer studying Huangfu Patriarch's gaze, she instead glanced at Huangfu Shaohua from the corner of her eye.

Since that day, the two have not seen each other.

After the establishment of the new emperor, the Huangfu family, as imperial merchants, needed to purchase countless things, and they probably had no time to take care of her, a small shrimp.

It's just what he said that day-you can rely on him, what exactly does it mean?

Seeing him again at this moment, the other party didn't even look at her. Although there are many rules in the palace, and there is the head of the Huangfu family by the side, but he is so cold and indifferent, and his heart is somewhat unhappy.

So hot and cold, is it really just the young master's trick to tease people?
A businessman pays too much attention to profit, she's probably overthinking it!
After the father and son saluted the eldest princess, they left directly outside the palace.

She didn't dare to think about it, for fear that her heart would be disturbed, she took a deep breath and went to the eldest princess' bedroom.

In modern times, the eldest princess is just a young girl in her teens. She is beautiful and youthful, with clear and beautiful skin. She doesn't need heavy makeup to hide her age.

The eldest princess did not ask her to wear heavy makeup, but as a high-ranking person, etiquette required, so naturally she couldn't face the sky.

Of course, most of them only paint eyebrows and red lips, but pay more attention to skin care.

Just the eldest princess's pair of green hands is already arousing people's pity.

Previously, the rouge and gouache set of the tribute, the eldest princess especially loved lip balm and nail polish, seeing her entering the palace now, she directly asked her to help dye her nails beautifully.

Yue Mo was bored alone in the palace, and Yue Mo was about the same age, the two chatted and laughed for an entire afternoon.

When the eldest princess saw the dyed nails, she was full of joy, and again she was reluctantly sent out of the palace.

Although talking with the eldest princess is very pleasant, there is always an invisible pressure in the palace, which makes people extremely cautious, and they can't even talk to their heart's content, and they will be overwhelmed after a long time.

Then, as soon as she left the palace gate, she let out a long breath, revealing her true colors!
She was in high spirits and ate the tribute fruit given by the eldest princess. Before she could eat a mouthful of sweet fruit, someone patted her shoulder lightly.

Her heart tightened, she had just left the palace, who could it be?

Could it be that Huangfu Shaohua was waiting for her?
Thinking about it this way, she turned around happily, but unexpectedly it was Mo Qinghan, she couldn't tell what she felt at that moment, so she could only smile brightly, and said to the people: "Brother Mo."

Seeing the disappointment in the girl's eyes, Mo Qinghan frowned slightly, did he take him for someone else?
"Yuanyuan, where have you been all these days? I didn't see you talking in Fulailou in the afternoon, so let me find it easier."

As the master of the Crouching Pavilion, it is convenient for him to find someone, and this is just to shorten the distance between the two.

Chen Yuanyuan smiled and responded: "These days, most of them are in Zhoujia Village."

Although she is not very smart, but she just came out of the palace, this place is not far from the palace wall, and there are even more dignitaries living around.Mo Qinghan's sudden appearance here inevitably made people suspicious.

But she also knew what to ask and what not to ask.

Yue Mo saw the suspicion in the girl's eyes, Mo Qinghan was slightly stunned, and smiled again: "Yuanyuan is curious why I am here?"

"Not curious."


Seeing the girl shaking her head decisively, Mo Qinghan couldn't stop laughing, so he could only say: "Yuanyuan, trust me?"

Mingming looked calm and relaxed, but she saw the seriousness in his eyes.

She couldn't help grinning: "Of course I believe you!"

Seeing the surprise flashing across the other person's eyebrows, she couldn't help but took a bite of the sweet fruit, and said as she walked, "If you wanted to harm me, there was no need to save me in the first place."

"Aren't you afraid that I will abduct you?"

As soon as these words came out, it was Chen Yuanyuan's turn to be surprised.

Seeing the half-truth and half-false tone of the other party, she swallowed hard: " don't really want to abduct me, do you?"

Immediately, the corners of his mouth twitched again, revealing an awkward yet polite smile.

It is rare to see her in distress. At this time, the expression on her small face is extremely rich. Mo Qinghan burst into laughter immediately, and rubbed her hair with his big hands, before bowing her head and approaching slowly.

"Why are you so cute?"

The man's bright smiling face suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. Chen Yuanyuan was startled for a moment, and then she blushed and retreated quickly.

"Let's go, Brother Mo will take you to eat delicious food."

"What to eat?"

"What do you want to eat?"

"Anything you want, but I like spicy."

The man seemed to think of something, and suddenly said: "There just happens to be a novel snack, I heard it's so spicy that it's mouth-watering, you might like it."

After the words fell, he was leading someone to walk to a small stall.

She was amazed when she saw a bunch of soy products similar to spicy strips wrapped in oiled paper in front of the vendor's stall...why did they look like spicy strips?
It was rare to see food that was only available in her previous life, her eyes lit up immediately, unexpectedly before asking, the last few were already snatched away by a child with quick eyesight.

"Here, five cents!"

After finishing speaking, the little ghost head quickly left with a bag of spicy sticks.

Just when she was regretting that she didn't move faster, Mo Qinghan called the child to stop, exchanged it with a string of copper plates, and then put it in her hands with a gentle smile.

Chen Yuanyuan was slightly embarrassed to take it, and wanted to return the money to him, but thinking that the other party might not accept it, she changed her mind and took out a sachet from her satchel.

It is made by collecting flower petals and drying them in the sun, and it smells delicious.

Mo Qinghan didn't expect to get a gift in return, surprise flashed in his eyes, and he cherished it very much and put it in his sleeve.As long as he is with Miss Chen, he can always be so relaxed, which is something that he never dared to expect in the past.

I saw the girl biting off the spicy strips, her eyes widened in disbelief!

He frowned slightly, slightly worried: "Why, isn't it delicious?"

That's right, but a few pennies.

"No no no! It's really delicious!"

Holding the oiled paper bag in surprise, she strode towards the peddler.

"You did this?"

Familiar taste, familiar formula, familiar memory of past life, it makes people tremble!
Who the hell did this?

The peddler was puzzled, and shook his head: "This is a spicy strip that became popular in the imperial capital at the beginning of the month. I heard that it is the unique secret recipe of Mrs. Lin San in Fengzhou. Others still don't know the essence."

Chen Yuanyuan couldn't help muttering in her heart, why is it Mrs. Lin San again?

(End of this chapter)

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