Chapter 110
When the majestic building boat set sail, the sun had already filled the sea, and the brilliance reflected by the sparkling light shone brightly.

Chen Yuanyuan leaned on the railing with both hands and exclaimed.

Huangfu Shaohua followed her out slowly, ordered Qingfeng to prepare the bed, dismissed the surrounding guards, and immediately stood beside the girl again.

Such a beautiful scenery is breathtaking, and Chen Yuanyuan will naturally not miss it.

She found a high place at the bow of the ship, sat cross-legged, raised her head facing the vast ocean, and felt the sea breeze blowing, her heart suddenly became peaceful.

Suddenly, she glanced at the man looking down at her again.

"Would you like to sit down?"

The man hesitated for a while, and was already sitting beside her.

The two sat side by side, as if they could hear each other's breathing, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little weird.

The two of them didn't speak for a long time, they looked at the scenery surprisingly quietly, until the orange-yellow light was slowly changing, diving into the deep and magnificent sea, and it became quiet in an instant.

Night has fallen.

He suddenly said, "What do you want to ask me?"

The girl tilted her head to look at him, and said crisply: "Why did you go south, but you are not happy?"

"Do you think I look like an unhappy person?" After speaking, he raised his lips and smiled at her in high spirits.

When she came, he was already full of joy!

In an instant, Chen Yuanyuan felt that the man beside her was a bit eye-catching!
There were slight ripples at the tip of her heart, and she was uncomfortable to move away, pursed her lips, hesitated for a long time, finally turned her head and stared at his face, and said: "Why did you say that day... I can rely on you?"

Impulsively caught up today, after she calmed down, it was too late.

The two of them are like this, is it considered elopement?
Could it be that she... fell in love with him?

After thinking about it, I was a little scared, but what was even more frightening was that my heart was ready to move, as if there was a feeling that was about to come out...

However, according to her 3-minute hot temperament, she can't be sure of her own mind, let alone know the other party's mind.

Maybe both of them are just because of the freshness for a while, or maybe because of the impulsiveness for a while, and when they regain their senses, they will be in a pool of stagnant water again.

Sincerely this thing has never been real!

The heart of being loved by someone is very heavy, and she is afraid that she will not be able to afford it.

Of course, loving someone is even more terrifying, because it will turn people upside down, lose their minds and become self-losing, and fall infatuated with them for no reason...

So at this time, she was afraid of hearing his answer, but also a little bit looking forward to his answer.

The man was silent for a moment, then suddenly looked towards the dark sky, and said in a low and slow voice, "Because I am rich, you can rely on me."

Huangfu Shaohua still remembered that once, when Chen Yuanyuan was speaking to Ben, she said that if the two were together again, there would be no room for a third person, and if there was a third person, she would choose to leave.

Since I can't promise her now, why bother to say it.

hold on……

He will definitely say those three words! (I'll marry you)

Hearing the answer, Chen Yuanyuan rolled her eyes.

She was nervously anticipating all kinds of complicated emotions, and she suddenly turned into nothingness, and teased a few times: "I will be rich in the future, and I don't have to rely on you."

Huangfu Shaohua raised his eyebrows and smiled: "I have martial arts."

"...I can ask for a guard!"

Seeing her sullen and muttering appearance, Huangfu Shaohua shook his head and couldn't help laughing, and suddenly said casually: "Now it's my turn to ask you, why did you come to find me?"

He was obviously absent-minded when he said it, but his heart was cautious, and he scanned her face cautiously from the corner of his eye, not wanting to miss a trace of her expression.

Hearing this, Chen Yuanyuan was at a loss for a moment.

She pursed her lips for a long time before saying, "I came because I wanted to."

Hearing this answer, Huangfu Shaohua was not surprised at all, and couldn't help laughing, it really is his little idiot! ——Because you want to, you don’t need a reason, this is the most sincere!
As the two talked, Chen Yuanyuan already felt a wave of drowsiness swept over her, and her whole body became tired.

He didn't have a good rest last night, got up to work again when it was not clear, and drove back to the city in the afternoon, before he stopped, he heard that Huangfu Shaohua was going south, and rushed over anxiously.

Now blowing the breeze, listening to the sound of the waves, comfortable drowsiness.

As night falls, the moon and stars are sparse.

She finally couldn't help yawning, seeing her like this, Huangfu Shaohua wanted to put her little head in his arms, but after all, he didn't cross the line, so he couldn't help but order Qingfeng to lead the people to rest.

It was rare to be treated well by someone, Chen Yuanyuan thought about it, and finally handed over a piece of silver to the big housekeeper of the Huangfu family.The latter naturally didn't accept it, and after several times of persuasion, Chen Yuanyuan was allowed to give up.

Huangfu Shaohua ordered his servants to prepare dinner, and if Yuanyuan woke up at night, she could still have a supper.

The servants saw that the eldest young master was still sullen when he got on the boat, although he didn't laugh out loud now, but his brows were soft and smiling, what a ghost!

However, there was no one waiting for the supper. After returning to the cabin, Chen Yuanyuan slept until dawn.

The next day, when I woke up in a daze, I saw the decks all around, and I was sure again that I had committed a crime.

She rubbed her head and looked at herself in front of the mirror. Even though she was wearing men's clothing, she still looked like a girl. If she was careful, she would have seen her through.

Right now, the merchant ship at Huangfu's house is not safe even though it is dressed in men's clothes. If someone recognizes it, it will cause a lot of trouble for no reason.

She couldn't help but took out her makeup box, and began to apply makeup to the mirror.

It took nearly half an hour before Chen Yuanyuan put away her hands contentedly, changed into a black men's outfit, and slowly left the cabin.

As soon as she stepped onto the deck, the servant girl beside her exclaimed.

The handsome young man with red lips and white teeth yesterday turned darker today, his brows and eyebrows seem to be much deeper and more resolute than yesterday. Could it be that it was too dark last night to see his appearance clearly?

It just so happened that Huangfu Shaohua was also eating on the deck, and suddenly saw a young man he didn't know get on the merchant ship, he frowned for a moment and then loosened his brows - isn't this young man the girl Chen Yuanyuan!

Others didn't feel anything strange, they just felt that they didn't see clearly last night, and didn't feel that the "boy" in front of them was a girl at all!
"come over."

Huangfu Shaohua waved for him to come over, there was a freshly served breakfast in front of the table, it was pleasing to the eye.

She scratched her head, and said with a sneer: "Eldest young master, you eat what you eat, I am a brat who is still young, how can I have the nerve to eat with you?"

The corner of the servant's mouth twitched, but the young master never said that he wanted to eat with him, why are you so shameless?
"Sit down and eat!"

"Hey, then I'd rather be respectful than obedient!"

Chen Yuanyuan sat down happily, picked up the dishes and began to eat without the slightest politeness, if it wasn't for the presence of servants around, it would have been a mess.

As if seeing her displeasure, Huangfu Shaohua waved his servants away, leaving Qingfeng alone to watch.

Huangfu Shaohua's eyes fell on her face, and he couldn't help looking at her carefully. If it wasn't for his pair of eyes that couldn't be changed, he really thought that Chen Yuanyuan sitting in front of her was a man!
(End of this chapter)

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