Chapter 119

The thoughtless and soft words made Chen Yuanyuan's heart tremble.

She widened her eyes, the vague affection seemed to be clear but not clear.She pursed her lips, and finally said nothing, but raised her lips and smiled, leaving him with a back that was fading away.

His eyes were gloomy, his thin lips trembled slightly, and he finally withdrew his gaze and returned home.

It was not yet dawn at this time, and according to the time, the parents should have just woken up and were ready to go to work.

She was wandering quietly at the entrance of the alley, raising her eyebrows and resting her cheeks, thinking about how to admit her mistake later so that her father, mother, and grandma can forgive her. The gift should have been received, right?

For the sake of the gift, will it be revealed?
It's useless to think too much, you have to bear the consequences for what you commit, she couldn't help but approached and suddenly found that the door of her house was locked!
It's still dark at this moment, everyone should be at home, why is the door locked?

She was suddenly a little scared, and her eyelids twitched wildly!

She yelled a few more times into the room, maybe it was locked accidentally, but no one responded!

When Aunt Zhang next door heard the movement, she hurriedly put on her coat and came out, seeing that it was a young man she didn't know, she immediately cursed.

"You little thief, are you sneaking around to steal something!"

"Aunt Zhang, it's me!"

Chen Yuanyuan suddenly smiled, and pointed to herself: "Yuanyuan."

Aunt Zhang was stunned in place for a moment, and after hearing the familiar voice, she was finally convinced that the boy in front of her was Chen Yuanyuan!

She pointed at Chen Yuanyuan with trembling fingers and said, "You heartless little bastard, how dare you come back!"


"What are you staring at? How dare you come back now if you made a poisonous rouge to ruin the appearance of others, and even absconded and let your parents take the blame!"

"...What a crime!"

Aunt Zhang glanced suspiciously at Chen Yuanyuan, who was bewildered, and frowned, "Why are you pretending? Don't you know the shit you did?"

Seeing the other party's wrinkled face, as if she really didn't know anything, she said anxiously: "Your parents were sent to jail last night. I heard that even your workshop will be closed. Your grandma and younger siblings Running to Zhoujia Village, I'm afraid I want to keep the workshop, isn't this fighting with officials for nothing?"

At the end, Aunt Zhang said again: "Fortunately, your little concubine, the scalp monkey, also followed..."

Before she finished speaking, the girl in front of her turned pale and turned around to run away. Because she was too fast, she had already fallen a few big somersaults before she walked out of the alley. Seeing how she fell, Aunt Zhang trembled. ——It really hurts to fall!

Chen Yuanyuan came to Zhoujia Village with almost red eyes.

She clenched her fists tightly and pinched her fingertips into the flesh of her palm. What happened in the days when she was no longer!

She shouldn't have left!

You shouldn't be capricious!
She can't even think about things that shouldn't be there!

A scum like her should burn incense if she has family affection, but she doesn't know how to satisfy her extravagant hope that someone... will accompany her for the rest of her life...

Parents are being held in prison, Mr. Lin Yuwen is a good official, and his life will not be in danger for the time being, grandma is old and in poor health, and younger siblings are still young, so... nothing can happen!
She was trembling all over and ran to her aunt's house. It was already daylight at this time, because she was still showing off in men's clothing, but no one recognized her.

Panting heavily, she knocked on the door of the aunt's house, and it was Lu Zi who came to open the door. Before the latter could ask who she was, Chen Yuanyuan was the first to arrive: "I am Yuanyuan!"

Yun Sheng and Qing Qing were sitting in the yard, when they heard their elder sister's voice and familiar eyes, their eyes turned red immediately.

Chen Yuanyuan trembled all over and looked around, as if she was looking for someone.

Chen Qingqing suddenly ran over, hugged the missing elder sister, and said in a low voice: "Sister, grandma only went to bed in the middle of the night, and now she is still resting in the room, sister, don't worry, don't scare grandma."

Chen Yuanyuan's red eyes calmed down a little.

Fortunately... Fortunately, people are fine!

Next, take it easy!

Don't be afraid!
She can't help but be afraid!
She still wants to rescue her parents, but she wants to see who is harming her!

Aunt Chen's family pulled him aside, frowning deeply, she hesitated to speak before saying: "The workshop was closed yesterday."

"Auntie, I already know!"

Then, she blamed herself again: "It's all because Yuanyuan is too capricious and ran away from home."

Auntie sighed: "What does this have to do with you? Auntie always thinks this is wrong, and they don't believe you, but my niece knows it. Auntie doesn't believe that you will fix those harmful things!"


She pursed her lips, frowned and said sternly: "Auntie, tell me in detail what happened in the past few days?"


After the aunt's explanation, she finally knew the whole story.

Three days ago, some vendors came to return the goods intermittently, saying that there was something wrong with the items, and they wanted to rot and disfigure their faces. The day before yesterday, several girls had ulcers and high fever after using it. The shop was closed.

Parents took everything on them and never mentioned her name, but everyone in the imperial capital knew that this was something that Chen's parents and daughters had to deal with.

So Master Lin ordered her to be arrested again.

Now she seems to be absconding in fear of crime, not wanting to return to the imperial capital alone.

If she didn't still maintain her youthful makeup, she might be arrested by the officials!
She asked her aunt and uncle to take care of her younger siblings, and grandma, and handed over the last bits of money in her arms. After all, it was her aunt's husband's family, and the Zhou family and their Chen family were just in-laws. If there is trouble, it is right to give some money.

Immediately, she went to the workshop again.

The workshop was already sealed, and the heavy seal naturally couldn't block her way.

After finding stepping stones, it took a lot of effort to climb into the workshop.

It was dawn at this time, and the surrounding scene was clear, but she didn't find any clues at all, and the things were as they were when she left.

She had to quit the workshop, and grandma hadn't woken up yet.

She had no choice but to get the key, go back to the city first, and drive the three of them home after noon.

I took the bullock cart in Zhoujia Village and went back to Beijing along the way.

Immediately after returning home, he picked up the carriage again, washed off the makeup on his face, changed into a woman's attire, and then straightened his back and went to the government.

When she came to Jingzhao Mansion, she took a deep breath, and she had already fetched the drumsticks to beat the drum of grievance!

When the people around heard the commotion, they were attracted to come here one after another. Many people recognized Chen Yuanyuan's appearance. The case of Chen's workshop was not a small matter, and they immediately gave a loud baw!
"It's a bit of a conscience, come forward and surrender!"

"The harmed family's daughter can't see people, and the rotten face can't find a husband and son-in-law for the rest of her life!"

"Yesterday there was a girl who said she was going to marry and become an aunt!"


Chen Yuanyuan ignored the pointing, and stared at the drum desperately until the yamen began to ascend and brought her into the hall.

Facing Lin Yuwen again, she sighed and knelt down on her knees.

"Minnv kowtowed to Master Lin, Minnv complained about Chen's workshop!"

"At this point, the witnesses and physical evidence are complete, so what excuse do you have?"

(End of this chapter)

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