Chapter 121
Mrs. Huangfu sneered and got up, and slowly approached the girl in front of her: "You think too highly of yourself, a fledgling girl, not worthy of my lady's hands."

The words fell, and the contempt in the eyes was self-evident.

Chen Yuanyuan clenched her fists and tried her best to appear calm.

But her parents are in prison, her younger siblings and grandma are still waiting for her to take care of her, and the case has no clue. At this time, she was cheated by someone and she didn't know what the other party wanted, so she felt extremely uncomfortable.

She took a deep breath, lost her composure at this moment, and looked a little weak and vulnerable.

"If Madam is looking for me because of this matter, there is no need, Yuanyuan will definitely find a way to prove her innocence!"

"Of course my wife doesn't care about whether you will suffer or not. I just want to remind you that with Yi Hua'er's status, if you ask him to help you, won't my Huangfu family be criticized?"

After the words fell, Chen Yuanyuan trembled all over.

She couldn't stop laughing, and laughed again and again: "Ma'am, you seem to have made a mistake? I remember I once said that I have nothing to do with your son, let alone ask your son for help! It's better not to think about it if Madam is fine. !"

Unexpectedly, the woman in front of her didn't care what she said at all, and continued.

"You don't need to rush to argue. You disappeared the day my son left the capital; when my son returned to the capital, you appeared in the capital again. If you want people to know, you have to do it yourself! Are you pretending that my wife doesn't exist? "


"This madam is also someone who has been there before. I know better than you what a man looks like. I just don't want you to sink deeper and deeper. In the end, you will be hurt the most!"


"Do you think he will always dote on you? Men are cats who like to change their minds and love to steal. You just aroused his interest and freshness at this moment."

Chen Yuanyuan gritted her teeth and said nothing, she was indeed careless, she seemed to have fallen in love with someone...

Just when a maid stepped forward, she whispered beside her: "Ma'am, the young master has just returned to the residence and is heading here."

Mrs. Huangfu raised her eyebrows and chuckled lightly: "That's all!"

I saw a slender and tall figure approaching, with deep and deep eyes, and he didn't even salute when he saw her, did he feel so sorry for this girl when he rushed back?
Huangfu Shaohua stretched out his hand to hold the livid girl in front of him, but he was thrown away by someone waving his sleeve.

"I'll take you away."

She said: "My lord, listen to your mother and don't put your mind on a girl like me."

After saying that, he turned around and left!

Seeing that her son was about to catch up, Mrs. Huangfu tensed up. A woman who can control a man's feelings is not a little vixen!
She immediately growled: "Leave them all!!!"

After the words fell, the two figures turned around.

Mrs. Huangfu felt a little pity, as if she was forced to help her: "Chen Yuanyuan, if you can't even solve this matter, how can you get into my Huangfu's house? This back house is a place that eats people and doesn't spit out their bones. You are a bitch. If this matter can be handled properly, then I will not stop you and Hua'er."

I heard that the empress is ill, if it is because of Chen's rouge gouache poisoning, even if the family is copied and chopped, it will not be worth a single hair of the empress!If Hua'er makes a move at this time, it will definitely cause a commotion, why not stand by and watch!
If nothing happens, everyone will be happy, if something happens... Hehe, she will never allow any accidents in the family!

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, not only did the two of them not feel grateful, but they also turned dark and livid by coincidence!

This time, it seems that their tempers are exactly the same, quite like husband and wife.

Mrs. Huangfu was startled by her absurd thoughts, she quickly shook her head, returning to her usual indifference.

Chen Yuanyuan sneered, there is no such thing as a free lunch in the world, if this case can really be solved, I'm afraid it's because of the formula behind her!
The businessman valued profits, but she has been drifting away recently, some things and some people can't think about it!
She smiled coldly, and there was no laughter in her eyes: "The matter of my Chen family has nothing to do with your Huangfu family!"

"Even if I handle it properly, it's not for the sake of entering your house! It's for the birth and support of me! You Huangfu's family, I, Chen Yuanyuan, can't afford it. Madame, don't put your mind on me, and leave!"

Huangfu Shaohua's heart twitched, the meaning of his parents could not be more obvious, so why not be a concubine if it is useful?
He was already following up with the leaving girl. The case of Chen's workshop was clearly framed by someone, and it was probably due to competition among peers or someone who shouldn't be offended. Neither of them is in Beijing, even if there is evidence and Clues should also be destroyed!
It is even more difficult to come back!

After hearing the news this morning, he has already investigated everywhere. It is impossible for him to solve the problem by her own power!
He immediately grabbed her wrist: "I'll help you!"

"...No need."

"Don't make trouble."

"Young master, you'd better stay away from me, so as not to be misunderstood by others."

This matter is related to the royal family, if she involves the Huangfu family, the relationship between the royal merchants and the royal family is already delicate, so why should she make a fuss for others?

She chuckled lightly, had already shaken off the person, and strode away.


After leaving Huangfu's house, Chen Yuanyuan rushed all the way to Jingzhao Mansion, and even went to Zhoujia Village while it was still early.

Seeing that the person returned as promised, Yuan Tutou also heaved a sigh of relief.

A group of four people, three yamen servants and Chen Yuanyuan, boarded the government's carriage and went to the Chen's workshop in Zhoujia Village.

Near dusk, a group of people rushed to Zhoujia Village.

Chen Yuanyuan drifted on a merchant ship for six or seven days, and just returned to Beijing and went back and forth, physically and mentally exhausted. At this time, her whole face was haggard and pale.

When she was returning home at dusk, the villagers of Zhoujia Village saw her coming under the escort of the yamen servants, they all showed surprise and pointed at her!
There is only such a workshop in Zhoujia Village, and now everyone knows what happened.

Ignoring the advice of others, she was tired and gasping slightly, and went directly to the workshop. Not long after the four of them unsealed, the younger brother, sister, grandma, and aunt's family all came.

Seeing that everyone was worried, Chen Yuanyuan felt uncomfortable, feeling guilty and resenting those who hurt her.

The workshop was searched once to collect evidence, and it was touched a lot. Fortunately, the yamen usually keep the scene when handling cases, so that the adults who decide the case can investigate the case.

Because the workshop is a dust-free house, the rooms inside are basically clean and free of debris.

She went straight to the finished product warehouse. The remaining semi-finished raw materials could not be shipped without a complete formula. The complete formula was always in her hands, and no one knew about it.

So the problem must be the finished product!

She asked her aunt, since she left for 22 days, a total of three shipments - May 25th, May [-]th, May [-]th!

The rest were not prepared successfully because there was no complete formula, and they were kept in the storage bin waiting for her to come back.

She took some finished products and smelled them carefully.

Because the sense of smell is naturally sensitive, it is different from the past, and the slightly strange smell has penetrated into the tip of the nose.

(End of this chapter)

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