Chapter 91 The Warriors Saved
After the beginning of spring, there are countless snakes, insects, birds and ants.

Fortunately, it was safe and sound along the way.

Chen Yuanyuan couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, but she was also quite annoyed. Although she was afraid of meeting a snake, she had to return in vain if she couldn't see a snake!

Without snake venom, it is wishful thinking to develop snake venom beauty cream.

Just when she was about to retreat and was about to hire someone to catch the snake, although it was expensive, there was no other way.At this moment, I suddenly heard the slightest sound, very much like the sound of a snake swallowing a snake letter!
Her hearing power was beyond ordinary, her pupils shrank immediately, and her heart beat violently.

Of course, even if something is wrong, the body can't keep up with the speed of the poisonous snake!

Suddenly looking down, the long black snake had already wandered to her feet, and the snake Xinzi was even more hesitant to speak back and forth. She couldn't help but gasped, and her whole body froze in place, not daring to move.

At this moment, she is the only one in the mountains, what should I do?
She really wanted to take out the snake repellent powder, but she was afraid that she would disturb the poisonous snake if she moved too much. The speed of the snake was far beyond her imagination. If she was bitten and died across the mountains, her parents would cry to death!
But at her speed, she definitely couldn't outrun the snake!
I kept thinking about what to do in my mind, the dagger in the cuff had gradually slipped off, now I can only fight once, either the snake dies or she dies!

Just when she was struggling, a voice suddenly descended from the sky.

"Girl, what's the matter with you?"

She followed the sound and saw a handsome man in white clothes. She couldn't help pointing at the poisonous snake beside her, so as to warn him not to act rashly!

Chen Yuanyuan smiled awkwardly and politely, trying to suppress the fear in her pupils, but she was an ordinary woman after all, how could she not be afraid of poison?
But she still smiled and said, "It seems to like me very much..."

The girl's slightly pale face, strong and calm appearance made Mo Qinghan amused, seeing that she dared to go up the mountain alone without any martial arts, could it be a farm girl nearby?
Repelling snakes is just a trivial matter, and it is also a kind of fate to meet them rarely.

Mo Qinghan didn't refuse, and suddenly moved, her sharp eyes swept towards the black snake swinging beside her.

Mo Qinghan looked at the snake, and took a sharp breath of air. He didn't expect such a poisonous black snake. He glanced at the girl, frowned slightly, and suddenly shielded her behind him.

Just in case, he picked up the person by the waist and flew up to the branch lightly.

Landing on the tree pole, the man raised his big hand, and suddenly a hidden weapon cut the long snake in half.

Suddenly being picked up by someone, Chen Yuanyuan's face changed suddenly in shock, and seeing the long snake suddenly cut into several pieces, her heart beat violently, she must have met a martial arts master again!
All the way up the mountain, she didn't notice anyone around her. Her hearing ability was already higher than that of ordinary people. She didn't think she still didn't find this boy. She must have extraordinary skills!
"Girl, I offended you so much just now, Momou has to offend again."

Mo Qinghan smiled warmly, and while speaking, embraced Chen Yuanyuan again, and flew to the ground.

She couldn't help but swayed, and before she recovered, she felt like she was on a roller coaster and fell to the ground again.

She couldn't help but look at the man in front of her, only to see that the latter had a handsome face, sword eyebrows and star eyes, a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth, and such a nice voice, compared with Huangfu Shaohua's cold voice, it was like bathing in spring breeze !

Suddenly her face flushed, and she lowered her head to sweep the poisonous snake on the ground again, she couldn't help but let out a long breath, her body and mind suddenly relaxed.

She immediately said: "Thank you for this warrior."


Mo Qinghan smiled lightly and said nothing, and saw the girl frowning, and quickly squatted down.

He was suddenly curious, wanting to see what she was doing?

I saw that the woman took out a sharp dagger and took out the snake gall.

Seeing the long snake twist violently a few times, the girl didn't pay any attention to it. She held it firmly with both hands, and then took out a small porcelain bottle and pressed it hard in the snake's mouth, as if she wanted to take out the snake's venom?

But looking at the girl's face, she seemed to be very frightened. The little hand holding the snake's body was shaking all the time. She obviously didn't like it, so why did she insist on touching it?

Mo Qinghan couldn't help but look at him differently, he did have a bit of guts!

"Girl, what are you doing? In the wilderness, the girl should go home earlier."

If someone knew about the majestic Pavilion Master, he would be shocked to the point of persuading him to go home in such a gentle voice!
Chen Yuanyuan stuck out her tongue mischievously at him: "I'm catching a snake!"

After Mo Qinghan heard this, he didn't know what to say for a while, but he just smiled helplessly, "You really don't think you are afraid? If I wasn't here just now, you might lose your life."

After hearing this, Chen Yuanyuan expressed her gratitude, pursed her lips and said, "I don't know what to call this hero?"

"Why do we need to know each other when we meet again, the name will not be kept."

"Hero, can I give you money and hire you to catch snakes?"

Mo Qinghan looked at those clear and bright eyes, and at this moment, his eyes were piercing with anticipation, seeming pitiful and pleading, but also with a hint of playful spirituality, making it very funny.

Although he has something to do, he will soon arrive at the Imperial Capital, and it will not be a while before that.

He couldn't help but nodded and agreed, "You don't need to hire him, just go with you."

After the words fell, the girl smiled happily and thanked her repeatedly.

The joyful smile is as bright as the morning sun, and people can't help but feel better.

The two of them wandered in the mountains, and they had seen the poison a few times.

Chen Yuanyuan watched the man catch the snake neatly and bravely, so she couldn't help asking for advice, so that she would be much safer in the future.

The man is not stingy at all, instead of explaining.

She listened to it with relish, and after chatting for a while, she realized that the other party was also going to the Imperial Capital City, and immediately wanted to treat the other party to a meal to repay her.

It's rare for Mo Qinghan to meet a warm and hospitable little girl, who is also from the imperial capital, since she is on the same road, she might as well go back to the capital together.

The two of them returned to Beijing in a carriage from Zhoujia Village, and when they arrived at the city gate, they were ready to part ways.

Chen Yuanyuan originally wanted to invite the other party to dinner, but it was obvious that the other party was busy, so she had to be grateful and invite her next time.

She cupped her hands and said, "My name is Chen Yuanyuan. You are kind to me. If you need anything, you can find me in Fulai Building."

Mo Qinghan couldn't help laughing, but she is a girl who values ​​love and righteousness, which really suits him.

"Mo Qinghan, just call me Brother Mo."

"Brother Mo, since that's the case, I'll see you by fate."

A sweet "Brother Mo", as if something melted in his heart, Mo Qinghan couldn't help but smile warmly when he was in a happy mood.

While the two were talking, suddenly a carriage stopped beside them.

One person got out of the car.

Huangfu Shaohua got off the carriage with a sullen face, and suddenly stood beside Chen Yuanyuan.

Seeing that the other party's expression was wrong, Chen Yuanyuan's heart skipped a beat, and she said with a sneer, "Young Master, long time no see."

Since those few days at the beginning of the year, it is true that we have not seen each other for almost two months.

It's been a long time since I haven't seen this man, but he is handsome, dressed in rich clothes every day, full of energy, and his face is paralyzed as always!

Huangfu Shaohua glanced at Mo Qinghan who was on the side, then looked away, and glanced at Chen Yuanyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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