Rebirth of the only favorite business queen

Chapter 101 Cleaning up the Portal

Chapter 101 Cleaning up the Portal (3)
He Zirong looked down at those things and wanted to throw them away, but after thinking about it, everyone said she was amazing, so she wanted to see how amazing she was, so she put on her slippers, went to the desk and turned on the lamp.

In the middle of the night, everything was quiet. He Zirong gently put the finished novel aside, then took off his glasses and rubbed his sore nose. It had been a long time since he had wanted to finish a book in one sitting. The self is better, even more talented. Although I am jealous in my heart, I can't deny it.Look at the magazine with a clean cover design. The content is novel and it focuses on youth groups. The stories and ideas are positive. Compared with the old magazines in Kyoto, it can reflect the sense of the times.

Feng Youran is really the proud daughter of heaven...she is starting to look forward to it now...arrogant little girl...

"Hehehe..." He Zirong couldn't help laughing in a low voice, the sound startled Zhan Yaogang who was lightly asleep.

"Zirong, what's wrong with you?" Zhan Yaogang asked in a low voice.

He Zirong got up and walked over, put his arms around his arm on the bed, and said in a low voice: "It's nothing, I just figured out something." Zhao Wenxin of Kyoto Magazine is busy arranging the layout of this issue and some advertising matters, but the desk The phone on the desk rang.


"Old Zhao, what have you been up to lately? Today the Ministry of Culture issued a document, which is the list of candidates for the Ministry of Culture's selection of periodicals and magazines, and it is nationwide. Why don't your magazines participate?" Han Yazhou looked at the document and asked.

"Selection? Isn't it October every year? It's not even this time yet?" Zhao Wenxin thumped his head when he heard it.

"But the organizers sent out invitation letters, didn't you know?" Han Yazhou was a little helpless.

Zhao Wenxin seemed to hear something suddenly. He flipped through the cardboard box next to his work. A brand new registered letter was lying quietly in it. He picked it up tremblingly, tore it open, and a big red invitation letter fell on the ground. on the ground.

He didn't know when the phone was hung up. When he came back to his senses, he rushed out of the magazine and drove all the way to Han Yazhou's office.

After parking the car and going upstairs, he opened the door and entered before knocking.

As soon as Han Yazhou looked up, he saw the embarrassed Zhao Wenxin, and said a few words to the people next to him, and they were the only two left in the office.

"Sent it?" Zhao Wenxin said as if he was dying.

Han Yazhou sighed, "Sent it!"

The two were silent for a while, and Han Yazhou took out a document signed by the Ministry of Culture and handed it to Zhao Wenxin.

Zhao Wenxin even saw the familiar name at a glance, and then closed his bloodshot eyes.

"Old Zhao, why don't you hurry up and think of a countermeasure?" Han Yazhou advised, his old friend for many years didn't want to see him like this.

Zhao Wenxin sighed, then got up, "I can only do my best and obey the destiny now, I'm leaving, let's talk another day!"

This time the only quota in the city was taken away by Feng Youran, no wonder she didn't make a move, it turned out that she wanted to get rid of the bottom line, but he was not knocked down so easily.

Bracing himself up, Zhao Wenxin started to get in touch with the units he had a good relationship with, and Shen Mingli also received a call from him in the afternoon.

As soon as the selection activity of the Ministry of Culture was published, it attracted the attention and participation of many people, and they all ran for the name of Gentle and Leisurely. After a short week of selection activities, Wuji Magazine became the new year with an absolute advantage. It is an excellent publication, and because it involves topics that young people like and the magazine is positive, the Ministry of Education also specially awarded it the title of the best youth magazine.

Feng Youran looked at the large-scale reports in the newspaper, and the corners of her lips rose. She didn't expect it to be so fast, and being a periodical recognized by the Ministry of Education is a more intangible honor in a sense, which made her unable to help. I was pleasantly surprised.

"You Ran, what should I do next?" Fang Fei asked excitedly while lying next to Hao Ge.

"Wait!" Feng Youran just spit out a word lightly.

Hao Ge also smiled, what a word!wonderful!

When Bai Yi saw the newspaper from the construction site, a gentle smile appeared on his originally serious face. He knew that Feng Youran's smile must be particularly bright at this time.

"You are here to watch the progress, I have something to go out!" Bai Yi took off his helmet and trotted out after finishing speaking.

And a certain eagle-eyed owner of the Ye family was also staring at a certain name on the newspaper, and the throbbing in his heart made him unable to hold his hands against his chest.she……

But the heartbeat was still hard to suppress, and finally got up and left Ye Ye's house.

After he left, Mr. Ye Youyou came down the stairs and watched him for a long time. He should have guessed this result, right?Nie Yuan...

Ye Juehan drove the car to the alley where Feng Youran lived, and stood at the corner he often went to, but a person occupied that place. He looked at that person coldly, and walked over step by step.

Bai Yi also saw Ye Juehan. Although he didn't understand why Feng Youran chose Ye Jueao in the end, he also understood a lot from the scene at the airport that day. Ye Juehan hurt Feng Youran, so the gaze he looked at him was also With rare gloom.

The air seemed to become hot with the appearance of the two of them.

Bai Yi moved his wrist secretly, and when the two of them were close at hand, he said in a low voice, "You have no right to appear!"

When Ye Juehan heard this, the anger that had been suppressed in his heart suddenly ignited, and his fist hit Bai Yi's right cheek hard. Looking at Bai Yi who staggered back a few steps, he said disdainfully: "This sentence Words, you are not qualified to speak!"

Bai Yi wiped his bloodshot lips with his sleeve, smiled, and said sarcastically: "Looking at the pot and wanting to eat the bowl, you deserve it!" After speaking, he punched back In the past, there was an evil spirit on him.

"Shut up, you don't have to worry about my affairs, don't think about it!" Ye Juehan said coldly, while avoiding Bai Yi's attack, in terms of reaching out, Bai Yi is no match for Ye Juehan who grew up in the army , but with his ruthlessness, he didn't let Ye Juehan take advantage of it. After you came and I fought, the two of them finally collapsed on the ground exhausted, unable to get up.

Bai Yi lay on the ground, his face covered with dust and said: "If you let me watch and see you disturbing her again, I will see you and hit you once!"

Ye Juehan also spat: "Remember this sentence for me too!" After speaking, he staggered up and walked towards the car.

Bai Yi also got up and looked at his back, "Ye Juehan, if you have a little conscience, don't disturb her life anymore, otherwise I won't let you go even if I try my best!"

(End of this chapter)

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