Rebirth of the only favorite business queen

Chapter 103 Cleaning up the Portal

Chapter 103 Cleaning up the Portal (5)
Feng Youran smiled, looked at the persimmon tree outside the window with burning eyes, and said with a smile: "It's also the season for us to start harvesting!"

"Call me back and say I agree to meet!"

"Okay, I'll do it right away!" Hao Ge walked out like the wind.

Before the door was closed, another whirlwind blew in. Fang Fei, who was out of breath, entered the room like a headless fly, found the water glass and filled it up, and drank it all in one gulp.

"Dare you both like to drink the water in my house." Feng Youran joked.

Fang Fei looked at Feng Youran who was joking, and shouted: "It's all your idea, it's driving me crazy, do you know what is the hottest thing in Kyoto now besides our magazine?"

Fang Fei once again stared at Feng Youran's completely ignorant expression, deeply frustrated, God, she was going to be mad at her.

"It's Qingcheng's clothes!"

"Ah?" Feng Youran was very surprised. The special issue came with the first issue, and the market was immature, so she didn't have too high expectations, but now the market is so strong, she really had to be surprised.

"Sister, please forgive me, put away your dumbfounded look, is this your idea, okay? Our group of people have been half-dead by you, and you have such an expression, I am really pissed off." Fang Fei shouted, limp on the sofa and looked at Feng Youran reproachfully.

"Hehehe... I really didn't expect that if this is the case, I will let her be in charge of the recruitment when Hao Ge comes back. Now just the two of you are not enough." Feng Youran smiled, and she had already started to think in her heart Well, God is really helping her, it seems that in the dinner tonight, she has an extra negotiating capital.

"That's the best, at least five people are enough for me!" Fang Fei said bluntly. Now that she is busy, she is grown up, but although she is busy, her life has never been more fulfilling.

"no problem!"

Dangdang... There was a knock on the door, and the two stopped talking.

"Come in!" Feng Youran said.

"The president has a Ms. Huang who said she wanted to recommend herself, you see?" the assistant said cautiously, even though she was older than Feng Youran, she had been taken back by Feng Youran long ago and she was so obedient that she didn't dare to violate it.

Feng Youran raised her eyebrows, glanced at Fang Fei, then sat back on the chair, raised her legs gracefully, and leaned against the back of the chair, "Let her in!"

Huang Beijia felt the sharp gaze as soon as she entered the door. Although she had done a lot of understanding beforehand, she was still stunned by the exquisite and picturesque girl in front of her.

"You're here to recommend yourself?" Feng Youran said calmly, looking her up and down, she was in her early twenties full of vigor and firm eyes, she looked good.

"Yes, this is my resume and the articles I have written!" Huang Beijia calmed down and took out a thick document bag from her bag.

Feng Youran raised her hand, making Huang Beijia's hand stop. "In my place, I don't look at those. You first tell me why you came here? What are your plans for the future?"

Huang Beijia was surprised again, this way was unexpected, she thought for a while and then said.

"I came to Promise Magazine first because I was curious about you, and now many people in the industry are looking for writers who can imitate your style, and it has even become a fashion, so I want to meet you and see if you are Not really that good."

"You saw it." Feng Youran said with a light smile, and nodded, motioning for her to continue.

"I was really surprised when I saw you at first sight, and I came in through the gate and passed your office area. I really like the atmosphere and environment inside. This can't help but reflect the spirit of a team, and it can also reflect the magazine's The connotation of the boss, so I began to admire you. I like writing since I was a child, and I was also a Chinese department in college, so I long for a space that allows me to play freely, instead of making me copy someone's model, No matter how difficult it will be in the future, I will take this path." After speaking, Huang Beijia looked at Feng Youran with burning eyes, provocative and a little arrogant.

Fang Fei couldn't help being a little angry, this person is too crazy.

Feng Youran called Fang Fei over, whispered a few words in her ear, then Fang Fei glanced at Huang Beijia and walked out quickly.Huang Beijia didn't know what medicine Feng Youran bought in the gourd, so she could only wait patiently.

Soon Fang Fei took a stack of manuscripts that hadn't entered the final review and put them on the table.

"I appreciate your drive and courage, but what I need is not only these, but also talent and brains. This is the second purely female publication we are going to launch. The text part of this issue will be written by you. Come and take charge, if it's good, you will stay naturally, if it's not good, then forgive me for what I can do!" Feng Youran looked at Huang Beijia and said calmly.

"Okay, I will do my best!"

"The person next to me is your direct supervisor, you can go out with her!" Feng Youran said.

Huang Beijia frowned slightly at the person who was about the same age as Feng Youran, but due to Feng Youran's aura, she followed Fang Fei out in a well-behaved manner.

Five minutes later, Feng Youran picked up the internal phone and dialed the number on Fang Fei's desk.


"It's me, Feifei, you should be more careful. She has good abilities, but her temper is a bit difficult to control. No one will help you this time, but it depends on your own ability." Feng leisurely said with a smile.

"Hehehe... I understand, don't worry!" Fang Fei smiled, hung up the phone over there, and looked at Huang Beijia with some calculations in her heart.Juyuan Building...

Still in Juyuan Building, at seven o'clock, the difference is that last time there were two people in room 101 of Zhuyuan, but this time there was an extra young girl.

Xiao Moren and Shen Mingli looked at Feng Youran who was brought in by the waiter, and their eyes lit up. Feng Youran was wearing a white cross-shouldered sweater and khaki rolled-leg pants, full of British style, with cowhide on her body. The oblique bag is very charming, the hair is tied up high to reveal the beautiful melon seeds, the face is so clean that no blemishes can be seen, and the whole person is full of youth, which is completely different from the imaginary bookworm.

"Mr. Xiao, Mr. Shen, hello, I'm Feng Youran from Wuji Magazine!" Feng Youran said generously, and extended her hand politely, a set of perfect etiquette was relentless.

Shen Mingli smiled and stretched out his hand: "I have admired your name for a long time, Miss Feng!"

"Mr. Shen, please be polite." At this time, Feng Youran's gaze was secretly watching Xiao Moren at the side. This person looked familiar to her, but she couldn't remember where she had seen her before.

"Everyone has been treated politely. Now that you're here, let's chat while eating!" Xiao Moren said, not like a businessman but like a literati.

(End of this chapter)

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