Chapter 114 Game of the Brave (1)
Ye Juehan also saw Bai Yi's figure leaning against the wall, his eagle eyes narrowed dangerously, as if he was lingering at that person with his gaze.

Feng Youran ignored the cold air emanating from Ye Juehan's body, walked towards Bai Yi calmly and gracefully step by step, then turned her head slightly, and said coldly, "Don't make me look down on you."

Ye Juehan was slightly shocked, then clenched his fists tightly, watching the figure gradually disappear from his eyes.

Leisurely... I won't let go, let me see how selfish you can be?

I hope this time, your heart is ruthless enough!

Bai Yi watched Feng Youran with a calm face and swallowed the words again, put his hands in his pockets, and walked beside Feng Youran calmly.

Feng Youran was calm on the surface, but in her heart she had to admire Ye Juehan's words that directly pierced her heart. In the place of absolute guilt in her heart, Ye Jue was proud of Ye's family, and was also the grandson that Ye Juehan loved. Over the past few months, he has paid and sacrificed far more than her, which is something she can never feel at ease in her whole life.

Now Ye Juehan's words obviously have a countermeasure. In his previous life, Ye Juehan was the person in charge of the Ye family. His ability is beyond doubt, and he will not have much difference in this life. She will never forget it until death, but for such a somewhat obscure him, hers is still unfamiliar.

Unknowingly, she returned to the classroom. The teacher was lecturing in front of her, but she couldn't concentrate. What should she do?
After Ye Jueao found out about Song Miaomiao and Feng Youran, he went straight to Song Miaomiao's class. Looking at the teacher who was still in class, he knocked on the door and said to Song Miaomiao in the classroom, "Song Miaomiao, come out!"

The teacher was also taken aback, and frowned, "Is there anything we can't talk about after class?"

"Song Miaomiao, come out!" Ye Jueao held back his breath and shouted, everyone could clearly feel the anger all over his body.

The teacher moved his lips and wanted to say something more, but finally thought of his identity and held back his temper.

Song Miaomiao naturally knew Ye Jueao's temper, but she didn't expect him to come so soon, and at this time, she, who was always known for her innocent and cute image, didn't want to be disrespected in front of her classmates, so she got up and walked step by step. Walked out under the worried gaze of the crowd.

When the two arrived at the door, Song Miaomiao deliberately took a few more steps, so as to be farther away from the class.

Ye Jueao naturally saw her little tricks, "It's your business that you like my brother, but if you use those useless tricks on Youran, then I will never forgive you!"

"Brother Jueao, you are too cold-blooded. After all, we have been friends since we were young, and you are so partial to her?" Song Miaomiao complained aggrievedly, her voice choked with sobs.

"You don't come here. You are right. We grew up, so it is even more meaningless to use your little tricks on me. You are very clear about the meaning of Leisurely to me. This is the first time. It's also the last time, otherwise I won't give face to Grandpa Song, let alone my brother!" Ye Jue said with a cold face.

Song Miaomiao finally smiled, and wiped away the tears shed with her fair fingers, who didn't know whether it was because of the smile or because of those pretending to be pitiful just now, and looked up at Ye Jueao. To be honest, she really envied Feng Youran's Ye Jue's proud care, his strength and tenderness are only for that woman, even the heartbroken Ye Juehan can't escape her palm, a sense of frustration arises spontaneously, but he is immediately suppressed by her down.

"Brother Jueao, do you think Feng Youran has much affection for you? Is it worth it?" Song Miaomiao said with a light smile, the sweetness just now was gone from her face.

Ye Jue looked at her with proud eyes, raised the corners of his lips and swore flamboyantly: "No matter how much affection she has, I will give ten, one hundred percent, because she is worth it!"

"She is worth it? Hahaha... How ridiculous, she is the most shameless, but you brothers treat her as a treasure? I want to see if the person you care for really treats you that way? She is special to Ye Juehan Yes, are you really more confident than Brother Juehan?" Song Miaomiao laughed mockingly, she just wanted to get rid of the smile on his face, because it hurt her eyes.

Ye Jue's proud eyes instantly darkened, and he walked towards Song Miaomiao step by step, and suddenly locked her white and slender neck with his big hands.

"You are such a desperate woman, but I tell you, no matter who it is, don't want me to let go, including my brother!" Ye Jueao raised his wrist up after speaking, Song Miaomiao's face instantly turned purple, But she still stared stubbornly at Ye Jueao.

After a long while, Ye Jueao let go of his hand, and shook it away in disgust. There was a violent coughing sound, and Song Miaomiao squatted on the ground and grabbed her neck with both hands. Even so, her eyes did not flinch in the slightest.

"This time is because of our friendship when we were young, there is no next time!" Ye Jueao turned and left after speaking, but his clenched fists trembled slightly, so fast that it was unnoticeable.

Song Miaomiao looked at Ye Jueao's leaving back, the pain in her neck was still there, she didn't need to think about it, she knew it wouldn't go away in a few days, she was jealous, crazily jealous, Ye Juehan liked her, Ye Jueao liked her, and That seemingly indifferent Bai Yi is also caring for her left and right, what kind of virtue does she have and how can she touch other people's hearts like this, she refuses to accept it!

When the school bell rang, Feng Youran walked out of the classroom with slightly stagnant steps. The young man leaning on the railing and looking at her with doting eyes instantly confused her eyes. The corner of his shirt fluttered in the wind. There was an incongruous tenderness on his rebellious face, and his smile was only for her, only for her, and no one else could catch his eyes. What a heartwarming love this is, But she was so lucky to have, to have all his feelings.

Walking towards Ye Jueao step by step, all the uncertainties and contradictions in her heart were put aside. At this moment, she just wanted to be in his arms, and she really threw herself into him boldly and in a high-profile way as she had imagined. hugged him around his waist, sniffing his breath gently.

"Nice to have you."

Ye Jueao didn't expect Feng Youran's sudden move, but this kind of move satisfied his uneasy heart to the greatest extent, and the warmth instantly filled his heart, pouring the freshest and sweetest water.

"Me too." Ye Jueao stretched out his hand without hesitation, and whispered in her ear with a smile.

Zhan Lie looked at the two people embracing each other, the tenderness between them could not be ignored even by a blind man, and the kind of love that could not be separated made him a little confused, could this be love?

Bai Yi walked all the way with his trouser pockets and schoolbag on one shoulder. Although the scene in front of him hurt his eyes, the smile on his face did not change.

(End of this chapter)

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