Rebirth of the only favorite business queen

Chapter 121 The Doom of Shen Mingli

Chapter 121 The Doom of Shen Mingli (4)
When we arrived at the restaurant, we ran into acquaintances just after ordering something. The visitor also took a look at Zhao Xiaowei and Shen Helang who were beside Shen Mingli, and left with a smile after exchanging a few greetings. Mrs. Luo Fang has deep sympathy.

Shen Mingli took Shen Helang and Zhao Xiaowei to eat happily in the box, but he didn't notice any figure standing in the restaurant across the road.

Luo Fang looked at the three people on the opposite side, the pain in her heart could not be expressed at all, she clenched her fists tightly, afraid that if she relaxed, she would rush over and tear off the ugly faces of those people, the child's smile was so Pure, that face so similar to Shen Mingli made her heart feel so uncomfortable, his child... what about the one in her belly?

Originally, she was still hesitant, but now she was broken by the picture of the happy parent-child relationship. If there was only one left, why couldn't she do it first?Shen Mingli, this is what you owe me...

After getting up and leaving, Luo Fang returned home and looked at the house carefully arranged by herself. It was warm and tidy. The small room on the second floor was equipped with a small bed and clothes for the child. If there were no accidents, she would is so happy.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, Luo Fang didn't turn on the light, and she was still waiting quietly. After this night, he and she could no longer face each other so peacefully.

It was almost midnight when there was a knock on the door. Shen Mingli looked at the pitch-black room in a daze. Before when he came back, no matter how late it was, someone would leave a light on. This has never happened in the past few decades.But he still walked in step by step. This home... soon won't be his home. Thinking of this, he put aside other thoughts.

Luo Fang got up in the dark, walked into Shen Mingli, then slowly hugged his waist from behind, pressed her face to his back, feeling his body temperature through the shirt.


"Fangfang? What's the matter?" Shen Mingli was a little surprised, she had never been so tender in so many years, the rare tenderness made him a little dazed, and his heart softened unconsciously.

"No, I just miss you very much today..." Luo Fang's words were gentle, but her eyes were so cold, with suppressed nostalgia and even more hatred.

"Is the child misbehaving today? When he comes out, I will teach him a good lesson." Shen Mingli entered the bedroom with his arms around Luo Fang.

With a big belly, Luo Fang still waited on him for more than ten years to change his clothes, and then lay obediently beside him, but today she stubbornly looked at him, held his face and said eagerly: " kiss me please?"

No matter how Shen Mingli is, he is still a man, a man who has a great career and is already high on the top. He doesn't need to bear with such a beautiful wife. With the patience he hasn't had for a long time, he holds Luo Fang in his arms and kisses her gently. printed on it.

The night is still going on, and the two people on the bed are also secretly competing, tomorrow... seems to be a new beginning for everyone...

The morning sun shone into the room, Luo Fang moved her body, looked at the ceiling, her eyes were red and red all night, and the night passed like this.

Luo Fang got up and got dressed, then prepared a document and put it in a drawer, and then went to the kitchen to start preparing the daily breakfast.

When Shen Mingli got up, he looked at the sumptuous breakfast table, and he showed a hearty smile. The satisfaction of his body and stomach brought him an unprecedented good mood. After breakfast, he stood at the door. Well, I looked around again.

"I'm leaving!" Shen Mingli said with a smile as he kissed Luo Fang's cheek.

"Well, be careful!"

Then Shen Mingli strode out, and Luo Fang looked at the time and the cars in the yard, she quickly ran back to the room, took out the document, grabbed the pen on the coffee table, and hurriedly chased it out .

Shen Mingli's car had already started, and as soon as he stepped on the accelerator and moved a little, he heard Luo Fang's voice.

"Mingli, wait a minute!"

Shen Mingli habitually stepped on the brake with his foot, and waited for Luo Fang with a frown. He didn't put the car in the neutral position, and had the intention of leaving immediately.

"What's the matter? Don't run and fall!" Shen Mingli said.

"I just forgot that when I had a physical examination last week, Dr. Wang asked me to get back the document. I can't tell when it was born. If you were not there when I gave birth, and no one signed the consent form for the operation, That would be bad, so I will ask you to sign it when I come back, so as not to be caught off guard." After speaking, Luo Fang handed him the folder.

Upon hearing this, Shen Mingli looked at Luo Fang's big belly, then glanced at the name and official seal of a maternity hospital in Kyoto, and he stretched out his hand.

"Here you are!" Luo Fang put the pen in his palm.

"Let's talk about this in advance. I don't like being late for work." Shen Mingli was a little displeased, but he still signed.

"There is also the second page." Luo Fang reminded, looking softly at Shen Mingli, without being angry at his displeasure.

"Okay, it's all done, I'm leaving!" Shen Mingli closed the folder and handed it to Luo Fang, then released the brake, stepped on the accelerator, and the car quickly left the Shen family's villa.

Luo Fang looked at the document in his hand, and just glanced at it, with a sneer on his lips.Feng Youran looked at Luo Fang who came to visit, she got up and greeted her to the sofa in her office, Luo Fang looked at this simple and bright office, it was very different from Shen Mingli's luxury here, it was very relaxed, not depressing, on the contrary I feel very comfortable.

"This is what you want!" Luo Fang pushed the folder to Feng Youran.

Feng Youran opened it and took a look, then smiled, "Don't worry, I will definitely do what I promised you, do you want me to find some people to protect your safety now?"

Luo Fang naturally knew what Feng Youran meant. Although she felt a little uncomfortable, it should be like this.


"Give me five days. After five days, we will meet at the gate of the Kyoto Literature and Art Magazine." Feng Youran said decisively.

"Okay, but now I want you to give me a written promise." Luo Fang said cautiously, now she will not believe anyone, since she is on this road, then she will get what she wants smoothly .

"Don't tell me, I'm ready too. We'll still be partners in the future, Ms. Luo!" Feng Youran took the document out of the drawer, signed it, and pushed it to Luo Fang.

After Luo Fang read every word, she signed her name, picked up one of the copies, and turned around to leave Feng Youran's office.

After she left, Feng Youran handed Ma Qiang into the office. The two talked for a long time. Su Xiaomo knocked on the door and walked into the office with the second pot of tea. She lowered her eyes, put it away, and left automatically. Go out and stand at the door so no one can come near you.

(End of this chapter)

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