Chapter 126 The Gypsy Girl (4)
Shen Mingli's breathing was weak, Zhao Xiaowei's eyes were confused...

With a sense of arrogance, Hao Ge walked into the office area of ​​the Literature and Art Publishing House with his chest upright, followed Feng Youran's words, and as expected, they all started to pack up the things on the desktop immediately. Then he dressed neatly and walked towards the conference room. The seemingly calm but somewhat messy footsteps sounded in the office. There was a panic in the silence, revealing an incredible evil.

Hao Ge looked at the huge office, with a deep smile on his pretty face. What happened last time at the Kyoto Magazine really knocked all these people down. If Feng Youran hadn’t used Feng Youran’s ruthless means back then, he probably would have let it go today. The cake here is not easy to swallow, but she took the hard thorn out first, what kind of wisdom is this...

Feng Youran didn't stop her from letting Alex and Sam follow her. Since this is what Ma Qiang called capable people, she doesn't mind letting them raise a few more. After all, there will be more places to make enemies in the future. It's easy to deal with, since they didn't intend to leave, then she pushed the boat along to keep them.

The management of all the literary magazines gathered in the big conference room, with a suffocating solemnity in the air, knowing that Feng Youran was looking at them, but they didn't dare to look at her, this little girl Women are afraid of the big change of the Kyoto Magazine. If they leave this, they will no longer have to work in this industry, so all they can do is appoint, obey, and be cautious.

"Don't be nervous, everyone. The company is still operating according to Mr. Shen's previous plan. I think you are all old employees who have worked for the company for many years. You don't need me, a little girl, to guide you. Now Ms. Luo Fang and I also It was the original Mrs. Shen who jointly owned the shares of the magazine, and I have absolute control over the magazine with 60.00% of the shares, and Ms. Luo Fang also has a written consent to let me manage all the operations here." Feng Leisurely paused for a moment, then smiled and looked at them again.

"So, as long as you do the work that you should do well, I will see it and see it very clearly. It is my consistent style to distinguish rewards and punishments. Now the three magazines in Kyoto are in my hands. I believe everyone in this sense It is very clear, and as an industry, I still appreciate Mr. Shen's business model, but it does not match my personal style. I will integrate and improve on the original basis, withdraw what should be withdrawn, and increase what should be added. Each different periodical is a small unit, I am looking forward to who can stay in the final elimination, in order to give everyone a guarantee, I will give out 100 million cash for the reward plan!" After Feng Youran finished speaking, Su Xiaomo took out a cash check stamped with the financial seal of Wuji Magazine and showed it, and then handed it to the working financial supervisor.

Everyone kept in mind what she did when they watched her. Seeing the legendary person approaching and becoming their boss again, facing all kinds of temptations and threats, they knew that this was something that everyone might never encounter in their lifetime. Good opportunity, the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit, they also want to be the strong soldiers of the strong!

"Mr. Feng, I have a project plan. Mr. Shen didn't agree with it at the beginning. Now I submit it to Mr. Feng for deliberation. I wonder if it's okay?" Hu Fan said seriously, with a hint of provocation and pride in his eyes.

Feng Youran looked at him, smiled slightly, pretending not to care, "As long as it's good, if it catches my eye, even if it's a magazine that no one buys, I dare to do it. Why not? Director Hu... "

Hu Fan was startled, it seemed that such crazy words came from her mouth, it was no longer arrogance, but capital, capital, and admiration, what she said was true, suppressing the enthusiasm in her heart, looking at Feng Youran, this time he There was more respect in his gaze.

"Yes, within three days I will reorganize the plan and report it to Mr. Feng!" After finishing speaking, Hu Fan sat back in his seat and stopped talking, and there were many people around him, who seemed to be sizing up , seems suspicious...

Following Hu Fan's words, people began to stand up in the quiet conference room just now. Everyone expressed their own ideas and work directions, which meant that they were in the center. However, although the result was not certain, it was Greatly pleasing Feng Youran, her indifferent eyes swept towards the quiet Hu Fan.

Hu Fan tensed his nerves a little nervously, he knew that this was her scrutinizing gaze, which was as light as a feather but could not weaken its lethality at all.

His position in the magazine has always been neither high nor low. After these years of hard work, he is also eager to break out of the cocoon. Today is a gamble between him and himself. The first step to come to him was indeed right.

After a two-hour meeting, everything was discussed aside, and after Hao Ge and Su Xiaomo were left to review the accounts, Feng Youran looked at the two mountains behind her and said with a light smile: "If you like it usually Stay in the magazine office, if you don't like restraint, you can be more casual, as long as you can deal with things in time."

"Yes!" Alex and Sam said in a deep voice. Everything just now made them admire, and Feng Youran is undoubtedly the smartest. She gave them unlimited freedom and let them have their own space. The treatment I have never had before, this seems to be the real life... I am really living for myself...

"Just go to the finance department and report your salary to the accountant. You can set it yourself. I have no objection!" After Feng Youran finished explaining, she walked out of the conference room, and the black car sitting downstairs disappeared from everyone's sight. middle.A few days later, Shen Mingli woke up slowly on the hospital bed. His physical discomfort made him frown, and he also remembered everything that happened to him. He wanted to drink some water, but his throat was so dry that he couldn't speak. .

Turning his head with difficulty, he saw that there was no one around him, which made him feel very sad. Xiao Wei was not here, did she go out?
After waiting for a while, Luo Fang finally arrived. Her original big belly was gone, and she was holding a small blue meat ball in her hand. Looking at Shen Mingli, she was taken aback for a moment, and then walked over slowly.

Shen Mingli looked at Luo Fang angrily, with hatred in his eyes.

Luo Fang asked his lips to be chapped and bloodshot, she picked up the water bottle and poured some hot water, then added some cold water, and then put it near his mouth with a straw.


Shen Mingli didn't want to drink it, but his throat was about to smoke, so he finally swallowed it down and drank a big glass in one gulp.

Seeing him finish drinking, Luo Fang sat opposite him, waiting for him quietly.

"Where's Xiaowei?"

Luo Fang was startled, the first thing he said when he woke up was that woman... The son in his arms was sleeping with his eyes closed, his cute appearance was very much like Shen Mingli, but his father didn't ask a word.

(End of this chapter)

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