Chapter 137
"Drink it, or you'll have a headache tomorrow morning." Bu Qianrong took the porcelain bowl and handed it to Feng Youran.

Feng Youran looked at it, and finally raised her head and drank it, not wanting to say too much.

"Then you rest, good night!" Bu Qianrong didn't seem to see Feng Youran's depression at this time, and left her room with an empty bowl and smiled, and returned her to the emptiness of the room.

Feng Youran lay back on the bed with her eyes closed, pulled up the quilt and covered her head, secretly telling herself not to think about anything, her love will not change, and neither will he...

As time passed, the noise in the courtyard was replaced by the cries of a few small insects at night, and the luxurious villa was silent in the dense night.

A black figure walked in a corridor covered with Persian carpets, stood in front of a door, looked at the carved handle, slowly raised his eyes, and held his hand on it with slight hesitation.

The faint moonlight shone in the room, a slender figure curled up on the bed, approached, and stood by the bed, that all-powerful face was reflected in his brown pupils, instantly softening his heart, sitting on the bed The side of the bed sank slightly, Feng Youran moved slightly towards him under the force, and this unintentional move made Ge Song's lips reveal a bright smile, no matter what the reason was, she approached him , which pleased him.

Looking at the pale and flawless skin with a touch of pink, he looked at it fascinated, and suddenly he restrained the smile on his face and lowered his eyes.

"come in!"

Mu Ying stood respectfully behind Ge Song, lowering her head slightly so that she couldn't see her emotions clearly.

"Show her."

Mu Ying walked into Feng Youran after hearing the sound, her slender and vigorous figure was wrapped in a black tights, her neat short hair was scattered around her ears, her delicate face was calm and unwavering, and she exuded a cold aura .

Mu Ying didn't understand Ge Song's behavior very much. As one of the four shadows, in addition to being responsible for protecting Ge Song's safety in the entire group, she was also a medical master who was proficient in medicine. She was known as the female Yan Luo in the entire gray area. Even the top management of the Ge family couldn't mobilize her. It can be said that all of her is only for Ge Song, but she was notified yesterday, but she was full of curiosity when she came here.

Seeing the young master sitting by the bed, but she had never seen the flash of tenderness just now. Such a cold-blooded person actually has tenderness... It's really strange... It's strange in my heart... …

"Cough!" Yueying looked at Twilight who was in a daze, and then looked at Ge Song's expression, and coughed softly.

After Mu Ying came back to her senses, she was covered in cold sweat. She was out of order in front of the young master, and before she had time to wipe off the cold sweat on her forehead, she stretched out her hand to hold Feng Youran's wrist, her brows began to wrinkle gradually, and then put on Feng Youran's other With one hand, her pupils were filled with shock and disbelief, finally unable to maintain the calm on her face, she looked at Ge Song in astonishment.

"Little Lord……"

"Develop the antidote as soon as possible!" Ge Song said in a deep voice.

"But..." I didn't expect that the experimental product she made unintentionally would be tested on this woman. If it wasn't for that time when she accidentally met a man from Miaojiang... But that medicine is so evil, what she needs is not only It's just time, and Ge Song's cooperation is needed.

And she herself is not sure whether it is successful, how can she experiment on Ge Song?Thinking of the dead test items in her hands, she couldn't help shivering as she clutched them tightly.

"No confidence?" Ge Song asked in a low voice, his eyes flicked to Mu Ying, his expression was indifferent, and his expression could not be seen under the backlight.

"Subordinates don't dare!" Mu Ying bit the bullet and gritted her teeth and said, she couldn't use the young master for experiments, she couldn't do it.

"I... must be her!" Ge Song said slowly, the coldness inside cheered the moon shadow in the shadows, it must be her, what kind of emotion is that, it is always a cold-blooded and ruthless girl The master had such a decisive decision, he knew that without that woman, the young master would be lonely all his life.

Mu Ying raised her head and looked at Ge Song, feeling mixed feelings in her heart, such a young emotional, and he can be emotional.

She wanted to open her mouth to speak, but couldn't utter a word.

After a long silence, under the pressure of Ge Song, Mu Ying gritted her teeth and said, "Yes, this subordinate obeys!"

"Go down!" Ge Song said.

Yue Ying also walked out of the shadows, followed by Mu Ying and quickly disappeared into the room.

Ge Song looked at Feng Youran's sleeping face, leisurely... I'm sorry to make you suffer, but I promise, I will give you more happiness, I will always guard by your side, as long as you look back, you can see me By your side.

Just like this, Ge Song looked at Feng Youran quietly like a statue. As the light outside the window gradually lit up, Ge Song moved his numb legs, stood up gently from the bed, and looked at her with the corners of his lips parted, step by step. Somewhat stiffly she left her room.

This is another new day, a new beginning... The next morning, Feng Youran watched Ye Jueao carry the suitcase and followed him to the gate of the villa. Ge Song was dressed in khaki casual clothes Standing at the door, his brown eyes are as dazzling as crystal.

"Youran, do you really want to go? Isn't this place so much better than in China, why don't you just stay here and go to school?" Bu Qianrong said with a smile, holding Feng Youran's arm.

"But my home is there." Feng Youran said with a smile, looking at Ye Jueao.

"Yes, we also welcome you to play at our house!" Ye Jue said with a proud smile, holding Feng Youran's hand affectionately, with a bright smile on his face.

"Okay then." Bu Qianrong said helplessly, his eyes glanced at their handshake.

"Okay, Qianrong, it's almost time, let's go!" Ge Song said with a smile, and stepped forward to open the car door for Feng Youran.

Just like when he came, Bu Qianrong sat in the back, and then drove towards the airport.

At the airport, Feng Youran looked at the time habitually, "Don't worry, I've already asked someone to arrange the luggage and air ticket!"

"Thank you, Ge Song!" Feng Youran said with a light smile, hoping that the two of them will not have too much intersection from now on, it is best not to, since she can't give him affection, then she can't be selfish to bear his pain Paying, it's not fair, she is a person with only one heart, in this life she only wants to join hands with the one she loves for the rest of her life, she has already chosen, she never thought of changing.

Ge Song also understood the meaning in her eyes, was slightly taken aback, and then smiled slowly, "Take care!"

"Take care!" Feng Youran finished speaking, took the ticket from Bu Qianrong's hand, and walked out towards the security checkpoint.

Ye Jueao walked up to Ge Song, took a deep look at him, and said in a low voice, "You will never have a chance!"

"Things are unpredictable, isn't your existence an exception?" Ge Song replied unhurriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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