Rebirth of the only favorite business queen

Chapter 139 Your Pain, My Love

Chapter 139 Your Pain, My Love (2)
Xiao Moren was silent for a while, closed the document in front of him, sighed lightly and said: "There is only one road, isn't it? I have no choice."

"But..." But it was all his hard work for many years, he was reluctant, and so was she.

"No but, now I have you and a child, and I am already very happy. Maybe it's because I am old, but now I don't want to live like a turbulent life. Isn't this a kind of fulfillment?" Xiao Moren wrapped his arms around Mo Yu's belly while speaking , feeling a slightly raised satisfaction.

"It's fine if you don't regret it." Mo Yu said firmly, she is not afraid of ups and downs, as long as he is there, she is everything, and his happiness is also her happiness.

"Hehehe...Fool, what regrets do I have, Feng Youran is a smart person, isn't she just waiting for me to speak again? My bottom line, I believe she also understands." Xiao Moren laughed, this is how to deal with smart people The good thing is that you don't need to say a little bit more.

Originally, he didn't want to do this either, but after several rejections, if he still had illusions, then he would have spent so many years in the mall in vain. Since she wanted to give him face, then he might as well fight for it for himself. More benefits, so good with everyone.And now in Kyoto, she has already ruled the roost in the industry, if he continues to fight with her, his fate may not be as good as that of Shen Mingli or Zhao Wenxin. Where is Kyoto?It is said that the gun hits the first bird, since she wants to be big, then he will also see if she has the ability to be big, otherwise he, who is dormant one step away from her, will not miss the opportunity mercilessly.

"Mo... Thank you!" Mo Yu whispered with her arms around Xiao Moren's neck. She knew that the existence of herself and this child was the root of changing his mind. He was able to let go of so much because of the importance he attached to them in his heart. She really so happy.

Early the next morning Xiao Moren came to Feng Youran's office in person. Su Xiaomo was a little surprised when she saw his arrival, but then cheered up and went to meet him.

"Hello, Mr. Xiao!"

"Well, is Mr. Feng here?" Xiao Moren smiled lightly, looking at him with a refined and calm demeanor made people feel comfortable.

"Not yet." Su Xiaomo replied.

"Then I'll wait for her!" After finishing speaking, Xiao Moren didn't care, and sat in the reception area of ​​the office area, watching the magazines in the magazine office, and waited leisurely.

When Feng Youran walked in, she saw such a picture, she turned her gaze to Su Xiaomo, and she also saw Feng Youran, and hurried up.

"Mr. Feng, Mr. Xiao has been waiting for you for a long time!" Su Xiaomo said in a low voice, with a gloomy and depressed expression.

Feng Youran glanced at her, and naturally understood her reason. What she said yesterday was a bit heavy, but she is the person around her. If she feels satisfied now, then she will not be able to keep up with her in the future. , so she must give her this blow, let her see everything more clearly, she can give her time and opportunities, but there is a time limit.

"Well, bring me two cups of green tea." After speaking, she walked towards Xiao Moren.

"Mr. Xiao!"

Xiao Moren raised his head from the magazine, feeling a little dazed, thinking that Feng Youran was stunningly beautiful against the background of the sun. It had been a long time since I saw her, and she shocked him again. If he was ten years younger, maybe he would have to do it for him too. I'm fascinated.

"Hehehe... I was so fascinated by it that I didn't even know Mr. Feng was here." Xiao Moren stood up calmly and put the magazine on the sofa.

"It's really an honor for our magazine, Mr. Xiao, please come inside!" Feng Youran also smiled, and the two walked towards the office.

Su Xiaomo quickly came in with tea, put it away, and retreated respectfully.

Xiao Moren looked at Feng Youran who was sitting behind the desk. There was only one table between the two of them. A few months ago, he was the big brother in the industry in Kyoto, but in less than half a year, he was so advanced, and Feng Youran The last time I went to his office to look for him was still fresh in my memory. They said that ten years in Hedong and ten years in Hexi, Feng Shui took turns. Although he was still a little unconvinced, he had to be convinced because he lost to his mistaken belief. Knowing that he lost his self-confidence, he thought he understood Feng Youran, but in fact he only saw the side of Feng Youran that he wanted to see.

Feng Youran also looked at Xiao Moren's expression, her heart was very calm, such an opponent is indeed worthy of respect, and if he doesn't choose today, although she has the confidence to defeat him, it will cost her time and money. Not cool enough.

So she understood Xiao Moren's mood at this time, and patiently waited for his decision, just because he... was worth it!

Xiao Moren looked up and saw the praise and understanding in Feng Youran's eyes. The pent up breath in his heart seemed to be a place to vent suddenly, and disappeared in an instant, because at the same time, he admired this opponent and admired her mind.

"I agree to put the big vision under the banner of Promise Magazine, but I also have my own conditions!" Xiao Moren said, pulling out a document and pushing it to Feng Youran.

Feng Youran smiled, opened the file and read it quickly, then closed it, and pushed it back to his place.

Xiao Moren raised his eyebrows.

"I agree!" Feng Youran replied with a smile. Although his conditions are very harsh, she likes his stubbornness in choosing the good. Those who follow him need to be grateful and maintain. If he is really selfish If she doesn't care about other people's life or death, then she will definitely not agree to the conditions in this document, and will continue to suppress him, making him lose more.

People's hearts... People's hearts are the most difficult thing in the world to grasp. Although he may bury hidden dangers for her by doing so, such a decision can stabilize his team. As long as they are under her for a day, then she will use her Tactics slowly ate away at their will until they were completely hers.

"Mr. Feng's heart, I admire Xiao Mou!" Xiao Moren smiled, his eyes flashed a little complicated, he still underestimated this little woman.

"I'm sorry, I'm just a lazy person, and Boss Xiao will have to worry about it in the future!" Feng Youran said politely.

Afterwards, the two of them messed up the details of the shareholding, and Ma Qiang also went to Feng Youran's office when he was a child, and was responsible for drawing up the contract and detailed rules. From the morning to the darkening of the sky, Su Xiaomo sent two The next meal, I stood outside silently, looked down at my fingers, and bit my lips tightly. She will definitely not let her down, definitely not!
Ye Jueao looked at the dark courtyard, the inside was pitch black, Zhan Lie walked beside him and glanced at him, in his memory, this small courtyard has always been warm, even if there is no one there, there will be a light stay, but...

"Youran is not at home?"

Ye Jue lowered his eyes proudly and took out the key. "She's been very busy recently." After speaking, she turned on the light in the yard, instantly dispelling the darkness inside and the impetuousness hidden in the darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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