Rebirth of the only favorite business queen

Chapter 142 Your Pain, My Love

Chapter 142 Your Pain, My Love (5)
"Ye Jueao..." Ge Song gritted his teeth and said, good Ye Jueao, you actually did this and treated Youran like this, it seems that he really overestimated him.

Yue Ying quickly lowered her head, the young master would lose control as soon as she touched Feng Youran, this was absolutely accurate every time, he had a premonition that Ye Jueao would be in trouble.

"Moon Shadow..." Ge Song lowered his eyes and shouted, there was a hint of haze in his brown pupils.

"Young master..." Yueying looked at Ge Song who was out of order at this time with some hesitation, because he knew Feng Youran's position in the young master's heart, the more he needed to calm down at this time, otherwise, the consequences would not be bearable by ordinary people .

"Say!" Ge Song snorted coldly.

Yueying was covered in cold sweat, but she bravely said: "Young master, the second young master of the Ye family has different meanings to Miss Feng. I think the young master should handle this matter with caution!"

"Careful?" Ge Song stood up slowly.

"Yes, this subordinate thinks so." Yueying gritted her teeth and said.

Ge Song's eyes turned and he laughed, "Hehehe... Yueying, you are really smart!"

"Subordinates don't dare!" Ge Song's thoughts are beyond his imagination, it seems that he is lucky today.

"You said that if I don't get the sincerity I want quickly, I will regret it!" Ge Song waved his hand after speaking, took out a silver pistol from the drawer, and started playing with it in his palm.

"Yes!" Yueying turned and left Ge Song's study after finishing speaking.

As soon as Yueying walked away, Ge Song picked up the pistol and twirled it twice on his index finger, then narrowed his eyes slightly, and shot in the direction of the big tree outside the window, and saw a chick struggling to fall from the nest with flapping wings. It landed on the ground, and a big bird circled down, constantly flying above its head.

"Yejueao! If you dare to hurt Youran, I want you to look good, but if I don't do anything this time, I will make your life worse than death!"

Bu Qianrong came out from the secret door and glanced at Ge Song, who was full of anger. She smiled lightly and leaned on the corner of Ge Song's table, stretching out her slender fingers and fiddling nonchalantly.

"Are you willing to come out?" Ge Song put away the pistol, leaned on the back of the chair and looked at Bu Qianrong.

"If I don't come out at this time, who cares about my future happiness?" Bu Qianrong smiled slightly, but there was also an aura in his eyes that could not be ignored.

"Qian Rong, you know my bottom line, this time is the last time, next time it will be you, I will not give face either!"

"Cousin, are you sure you can really get what you want?" Bu Qianrong whispered provocatively, not missing the look in his eyes.

Ge Song narrowed his brown eyes slightly, got up, leaned towards Bu Qianrong, pinched her jaw with white fingers, the sudden pain made Bu Qianrong shrink his eyes in pain.

"Qianrong, are you sure you can get what you want?"

Bu Qianrong pursed her lips tightly and stopped talking, because she saw the determination in Ge Song's eyes to get or perish. They both had the same blood flowing in their bodies, and that blood was cold from the moment they were born.

Ge Song shook off Bu Qianrong's jaw, went to the bookshelf and took out a book, said without looking at it: "It's important to get what you want, but don't forget your roots! Get out!"

"I'm leaving!" Bu Qianrong walked out a little stiffly, with panic and embarrassment in his eyes.Feng Youran did not accept Zhan Lie's invitation, and stubbornly returned to her small yard, and Zhan Lie also moved in with a few things, which made Feng Youran a little helpless, but thinking about living here alone With a lifeless look, he acquiesced in his intervention.

And Feng Youran didn't have time to relax. After reaching an agreement with Xiao Moren, they also signed a contract and bought shares under the notarization of a lawyer.

Feng Youran signed her name on the back of the two documents, and then exchanged them with Xiao Moren. Mo Yu stood aside, and they both stood up after signing.

Xiao Moren stretched out his big hand, looked at Feng Youran with a smile, "We will be a family from now on!"

"Of course!" Feng Youran took his hand and replied.

From this moment on, the time when the three pillars of Beijing used to stand on top of each other is completely over, and Feng Youran has ushered in her heyday. With the end of her big acquisition, her name has once again become a hot topic in Kyoto and even the whole country. And Wuji Literature and Art Company has become the number one boss in the country.

The most urgent thing for the merged Wuji Literature and Art Company is to integrate several office areas scattered in Kyoto, and Feng Youran also started her new plan and vision.

Bai Yi was a little surprised when he saw Feng Youran appearing in his office, and then he was angry again.

"Where's Ye Jueao?"

"He went to Macau, and he won't be back for a while, what's wrong?" Feng Youran said lightly, since Ye Jueao left and now he hasn't called back a single call, what is he going to do?Although she cared a little in her heart, she was still waiting for him, willingly waiting for him to come back.

Bai Yi did not know where to get out a mirror and threw it in front of Feng Youran, "Look at your face, I haven't seen you for a while, why have you lost so much weight? What's wrong with you?"

Bai Yi knew that they went on vacation some time ago, thinking that they didn't go to school during this period, and they were delayed by other things. The relationship between Lie and Ye Jueao, he didn't want Ye Jueao to worry about his concern, so he resisted not looking for Feng Youran, but he didn't expect that the person in front of him today lost so much weight, his heart ached, He is angry.

"It's nothing, the immunity is a little low recently, a cold is just right." Feng Youran smiled lightly, seeing the genuine concern in Bai Yi's eyes made her heart feel a lot warmer, although she knew what he was thinking, she was still thankful for herself Can have a few good friends.

Bai Yi suppressed his anger, saying any more would only add to her troubles, since she didn't want to mention it, then he didn't say anything.

"I heard from Ma Qiang that you have already acquired Grand Vision, what do you plan to do next? Is there anything I can do?" Bai Yi changed the subject.

"Hehehe...I want to buy land!" Feng Youran laughed.


"From your antique city, go two kilometers east and two kilometers north."

Bai Yi was speechless, stared at her with wide eyes, and said angrily after a while: "Sister, this is the capital you mentioned, not the countryside below. You knew how difficult it was for me to get that place at that time, but now you still want to do it like that." It’s a big site, let’s not talk about anything else, where there are about [-] households whose owner’s surname is for you to settle there?”

"Of course I have my way." Feng Youran said confidently.

Then Bai Yi took the map and started to discuss with Feng Youran.Ye Juehan put down the phone in his hand, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his lips, since he has taken this step, let's go!
(End of this chapter)

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