Chapter 153 The price of love (2)
Ye Juehan seemed to have expected Feng Youran to be like this, he sighed and laughed.

"Hehehe... what should I do? I still want to pamper you and treat you well!" After speaking, he walked a step further, lowering his head slightly to look at Feng Youran in front of him. Let him be slightly stunned.

"What does it have to do with me!" After Feng Youran finished speaking, she turned around and walked down without even looking at her.

Fang Fei and Hao Ge followed Feng Youran vigilantly, looking at Ye Juehan and Ye Jueao behind him.

Ye Juehan didn't speak until he saw her disappear from his sight, and said to the three girls who were trembling against the wall, "Are you going to disappear by yourself or do you want me to help you?"

The three of them were so frightened that they couldn't speak. They couldn't bear the profound meaning in Ye Jue's cold words. Didn't they just say bad things about Feng Youran, why did they treat them like this?
"Dissatisfied?" Ye Juehan gave a low laugh, his eagle eyes were already filled with frost, and the gloomy eyes shot at the three of them.

"Brother!" Ye Jue frowned and looked at Ye Juehan. Such a big brother made him a little strange. He should know the background of these three people. Is it necessary to offend so much for a woman?

Ye Juehan ignored Ye Jueao's dissatisfaction, and said to one of the dissatisfied girls, "Answer!"

"Yes, I just don't accept it. The big deal is that I don't say anything in the future. Where can I disappear? We are in the same compound." Bao Yumin bit her lip and said, how much effort she had put into entering this school, she herself It's very clear that no matter how big the capital is, there is no second Yucai Middle School. It's just because of a woman. She doesn't believe that Ye Juehan can do so well. At worst, she just walks around Feng Youran in the future.

"Okay, that's why I need to help you! I'll make a note of it!" After Ye Juehan finished speaking, he looked away, straightened his back, put his hands in his pockets smartly, and then walked downstairs.

Bao Yumin looked at his cold back, wiped the cold sweat off his brow, and then looked at the two people beside him who had long been limp, "You useless thing!"

"Xiao Min, you, are you not leaving?"

"Go? Why should I go? Is there a second Yucai Middle School in Kyoto?" Bao Yumin said angrily.

"Then, then I'll go!"

"Me too!" After speaking, the two of them seemed to have seen a ghost, holding each other's hands, and staggeringly disappeared beside Bao Yumin.

Looking at their hurried backs, Bao Yumin felt uneasy, but when she thought of her family's status in the capital, she smiled with relief.

Ye Jueao caught up to Ye Juehan and stood in front of him with a stride. His narrow eyes glared at Ye Juehan, and his tightly pursed lips were full of displeasure.

"Brother, let's talk!"

"Okay, I have the same idea!" Ye Juehan said as he raised his footsteps and walked towards a lake pavilion in the school. The emerald green pool was full of lotus flowers. The beauty is even more shocking.

Ye Juehan put his hands on the fence and looked at the lotus with his eyes, but his mind was as erratic as the white clouds in the sky, making it impossible to guess what he was thinking.

"Brother..." Ye Jueao leaned against the railing on one side and shouted in a low voice, his eyes were looking at the opposite direction of Ye Juehan, it was the pool water sparkling in the wind, dancing with the wind, Swing out different poses.

"I want her!"

Ye Juehan's words hit Ye Jueao's heart like a thunderbolt.

"Why?" Ye Jueao said angrily, but she stared into his eyes and said that she loved him with heart-wrenching eyes... From that day on, he didn't dare to think about that little woman anymore. He thinks that she is the incarnation of a witch, she can break the heavy defenses in a man's heart, and then occupy the most precious place in his heart, he hates her, doesn't he?Yes, he loathes her and is not ashamed of her!

"I can't let go..." Ye Juehan murmured, as if he was talking to himself, and also as if he was telling Ye Jueao his inner fragility at this moment.

Ye Jueao just felt that the sound hurt his ears, can't let it go?Such a proud person, after being hurt, said he couldn't let go?Hehehe... Really funny, is that his cold big brother?Why is his heart still sour?

"It must be her?" Ye Jueao asked slowly, turned around and looked at the lotus in the pond with Ye Juehan.

"It must be her!" Ye Juehan turned his head and looked at Ye Jueao. There were many meanings in it, and Ye Jueao finally lowered his eyes and smiled helplessly.

"It turns out that elder brother also has a relationship that he can't pass. If this is the case, then I respect you, but... I won't admit her!" After Ye Jueao finished speaking, his fists clenched into fists in his trouser pockets.

Ye Juehan looked at Ye Jueao with scrutiny, caution and a touch of pleasure in his eyes. What belongs to him will eventually come back, no matter how far she runs, as long as he wants, she will definitely return to him By his side, although he was a little cruel, but he... will make it up to him.Hao Ge looked at Feng Youran's smiling face all the time, she held her arm and said with a frown.

"Youran, what exactly do you want to do? Do you want to go back to Ye Juehan's side?" She couldn't tell what happened back then, but she felt Feng Youran's pain clearly during that time.

"Yes, Youran, have you forgotten how they hurt you? I don't agree!" Fang Fei also said anxiously.

Feng Youran looked at the purely worried expressions of the two people, reached out and patted their shoulders, and said with a light smile: "Those are all over, good horses don't turn back, even horses can do this, let alone people?"

"Really?" Hao Ge asked anxiously, fearing that Feng Youran would think she was soft-hearted and be hurt again.

"In this life, I'm insulated from love. I can't touch that thing. I always can't see clearly. Now that I understand, I won't be stupid anymore. I am content with friends like you by my side!" Feng Youran said softly, her eyes full of trust and grateful.

"Youran, let's be friends for life, no matter when!" Hao Ge suddenly hugged her, buried his head in her chest, and said with a choked voice.

The warm tears made Feng Youran's heart ache slightly, and she hugged her, "Of course, no one is allowed to change for the rest of my life!"

"Youran, I will protect you too! For the rest of my life!" Fang Fei said firmly, wiping her tears.

"Hehehe... what are you all doing? Wouldn't I, Boss Feng, be scared to death when others saw this?" Feng Youran blamed hoarsely, her reddish eyes revealed her mood.

"I hate it, Youran, you will ruin the atmosphere." Fang Fei also smiled dissatisfied, and finally laughed through tears.

"That's right! It's rare to be sad." Hao Ge also looked at Feng Youran's crumpled clothes with embarrassment, and a slight blush appeared on her pretty face.

(End of this chapter)

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