Rebirth of the only favorite business queen

Chapter 176 Commercial Marriage

Chapter 176 Commercial Marriage (1)
"How can we see through Mr. Feng's plan?" Song Qiran said indifferently, deliberately ignoring the search in Liao Chenhui's eyes.

"It's useless to ask you, even if I didn't tell you!" Liao Chenhui said with some displeasure, and finally read the newspaper.

dang dang...

Liao Chenhui happened to be fine, so he came up and opened the door, seeing Su Xiaomo, he couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat.

"Secretary Su, what's the matter?" Liao Chenhui asked warmly, with sweaty palms.

Su Xiaomo glanced at Liao Chenhui, smiled, "No, Mr. Feng is looking for you, hurry up!" After speaking, she turned and left.

Liao Chenhui also hurriedly followed, and asked in a low voice beside her: "Do you know what it is?" After speaking, he took out a small red box from his pants pocket and stuffed it to Su Xiaomo.

Su Xiaomo just glanced at it, then shook her head and smiled wryly, "How would I know, but Mr. Feng is in a good mood!"

"Thank you!" After speaking, Liao Chenhui forced the things to Su Xiaomo, passed her in a few strides, and walked to Feng Youran's office door.

Feng Youran put aside the project made by Li Hai, then picked up another document and put it on the table, her phoenix eyes were unclear, she couldn't see what she was thinking, her slender fingers were placed on the temples Gently massaging, a cup of coffee in front of him is slowly steaming.

After Liao Chenhui knocked on the door and came in, he saw Feng Youran's expression, his heart trembled, and then he sat opposite her, secretly looking at Feng Youran's expression.

"Have you seen enough?" Feng Youran withdrew her hand and leaned on the chair and asked with a chuckle.

Liao Chenhui didn't expect Feng Youran to say that, but felt a little embarrassed, his face flushed slightly, "I'm sorry, Mr. Feng!"

"Hehehe... You did a good job some time ago, but you still had an extra impatience when dealing with problems, and you will have to change this in the future!" Feng Youran pointed out.

"Yes, Mr. Feng, I will definitely change it!" Liao Chenhui promised nervously.

"I asked you to come today because I have something to do for you."

Liao Chenhui didn't interrupt, and waited patiently for Feng Youran's arrangement, looking at her with bright eyes.

Feng Youran smiled in satisfaction. She held back Liao Chenhui for so long just to give him more momentum. Although his performance was remarkable, he still had little experience in the crowd, so she just wanted to Constantly test him and let him practice, even if you can't see the fight, it's still war.

The three of them have entered the core layer of the company. They are the direct descendants who can only be loyal to her, Feng Youran. There are still many and complicated things to face in the future, so she needs them to do a good job every step of the way. , can not tolerate a little mistake, the foundation can be built firmly, otherwise her career may disappear like a mirage when a gust of wind blows.

Kyoto...the place where she and Ye Juehan will win, she will not let anyone control her fate, so she will never allow herself to lose this time!

Liao Chenhui looked at Feng Youran with some doubts, looked at the expressions that flashed across her face quickly, and didn't have time to think about the meaning inside, but in the end, the smile that stopped on her lips froze her whole body. She was so bloodthirsty. , I have never seen it before, which one is the real her?

Feng Youran looked at Liao Chenhui's thinking gaze, coughed lightly, and then pushed the documents on the table in front of him.


"Yes!" After Liao Chenhui finished speaking, he quickly opened the file, then quickly read it, and then his eyes became bigger and bigger, and finally looked at her in disbelief.

"Are you surprised?"

"Yes, now I know about President Feng's move. Chen Hui is so stupid that he didn't understand the joints inside." After speaking, Liao Chenhui was both excited and sad.

"Just pay more attention in the future. Your strengths are not here, I know very well, but you are indeed my most capable assistant when I ask you to implement this development project, and only you can do better!" Feng Youran said with certainty.

Liao Chenhui pursed his lips and looked at Feng Youran's trust and admiration for him, his frustration calmed down a little, and he nodded seriously.

"President Feng, I will not let you down!"

"I believe you, let's start now, according to the date I said at the beginning, the date is approaching, speed up the progress, and I will see the results by the end of the month!" Feng Youran got up and said.

"I'll definitely finish it by the end of the month!"

When Liao Chenhui walked out of the office with the documents, he walked into the bathroom alone, sat on the toilet lid, covered his face with his hands, and was still trembling with excitement. As usual, he walked out confidently and started his new day.

And Liao Chenhui is really outstanding. He is absolutely top-notch in social skills. After cooperating with Li Hai to clean up the land in the urban area of ​​Kyoto, excavators, cranes, bulldozers and other equipment were transported over, and they came from Kyoto and The construction teams from the peripheral cities also came here one after another. An old dormitory area began to change its appearance. Based on the main road and under the review of the relevant local departments, a six-six-six-six road was built from east to west. On the streets lined with lanes, there are connected three-story stores on both sides of the street, and a six-story building is planned to be built near the intersection.

But due to time constraints, all the construction is mainly on the road and the stores on both sides of the road. The office building is in charge of another group of construction workers, working overtime. Everything is going according to the scheduled track. As time goes by day by day , the dilapidated urban area has taken on a new look, and the unique commercial street is also a little bit brighter under the curious eyes of the people of Kyoto.

Liao Chenhui looked at the drawings and listened to the progress of the engineering team. He walked into the commercial street and began to check each building. He not only wanted to ensure the construction period, but more importantly, the quality of the project. In his future development, there is absolutely no room for a single mistake.

The big hand touched the wall a few times, then glanced at the concrete floor, and rubbed it with his foot.

"Manager Fan, did you get the batch number of the cement wrong? A layer of cement dust fell off the ground with my foot. It's just like this. I remember you promised me when we signed the contract. "Liao Chenhui said slowly.

Seeing that there were not many people around, Manager Fan took two steps towards the corner, and then said to Liao Chenhui, "Chenhui, come and talk!"

Liao Chenhui walked over, but kept a distance.

Manager Fan looked at Liao Chenhui's appearance, and finally walked over by himself, glanced at the person on the side, quickly took out an envelope and stuffed it to Liao Chenhui, and then looked at Liao Chenhui with a knowing smile.

Liao Chenhui's eyes turned cold, and his face lost the kindness just now. He held the envelope in front of him and shook it.

(End of this chapter)

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