Chapter 182 Gu Poison (2)
"Please come in!" Feng Youran said, looking up at Zhan Lie.

Zhan Lie looked at Feng Youran who was wearing a thick coat. Although it was bright and attractive, it couldn't hide a delicate Feng Youran. He quickly lowered his eyes to block the emotions inside, glanced lightly at the man sitting opposite her, and nodded lightly. Nodding, then spontaneously sat on the side, took out the thermos, poured a cup of chicken soup with medicinal fragrance in the porcelain bowl and placed it in front of Feng Youran.

"Go ahead!" Zhan Lie said with a smile, then took out a medical book from his backpack, sat on the opposite sofa and read it with relish.

Hao Qingfan also saw Zhan Lie. Although he didn't understand why he appeared and what his relationship with Feng Youran was, he still blocked his curiosity and put all his thoughts on what Feng Youran said just now.

Feng Youran looked at the steaming chicken soup in front of her eyes, sighed, held the porcelain bowl slightly with her cold hands, and took a sip, a strong fragrance warmed her heart with warmth .

"Qingfan, I'll give you two days to make a survey report on a newly listed company. I'll know everything about the shares, share capital, status of the holders, company assets, and the profitability of the past three years!" Feng Leisurely said in a deep voice, although Hao Qingfan is very talented, he still needs training.

Hao Qingfan felt Feng Youran's disappointment, he gritted his teeth, stood up, "I promise to finish!"

"Qingfan, let me remind you one more thing. Now that the national policy and current situation are still undecided, there are only a few people who can trade on the stock exchange. Now there are so many companies rising one after another. In this situation, you can see What happened?" Feng Youran couldn't bear his depression, and reminded with a faint smile.

Hao Qingfan felt that something was about to break through in his mind, but he couldn't grasp it, what was it?That must be Feng Youran's next plan!

"Okay, you go back and think about it slowly, I will wait for you here in two days!" After finishing speaking, he stopped talking and concentrated on drinking the chicken soup boiled by Zhan Lie. People are fascinated.

Hao Qingfan glanced at Feng Youran again, suddenly a little dazed, because of the expression he saw just now, he was in a daze, how much face does Feng Youran have?Which side is the real her?
"Ahem..." There was an unpleasant coughing sound.

Hao Qingfan nodded to Feng Youran, and quickly left her office with his briefcase.

Looking at Feng Youran's smiling face, Zhan Lie couldn't help snorting awkwardly, closed the book in his hand, got up and walked towards her.

"Drink less coffee in the future!" Zhan Lie blamed, staring at Feng Youran with introverted eyes, stretched out his hand, pulled her hand in front of him, and then stretched out his slender, calloused hand and placed it on his wrist.

Feng Youran looked at Zhan Lie, smiled softly, and rarely lay face down on the table, stretching out her hand and letting him go.

Zhan Lie glanced at Feng Youran who was also staring at him. Although her gaze was not aggressive, he couldn't stay indifferent in that gaze, so he simply closed his eyes.

"Hehehe..." Feng Youran finally couldn't help but sneered.

In Zhan Lie's masculinity, there was a touch of tan on his delicate face, and the tips of his ears were secretly reddish.

Sinking down, looking at the pulsation from the fingertips, Zhan Lie's heart is sinking gradually, Feng Youran's heart disease is very special, it can be regarded as the type of ischemia, but after searching for it, the root cause of the problem is not found , since the last heartbreak, her body functions have started to go downhill step by step. From the original insensitivity, she has been able to clearly perceive herself. If she can't get it under control, then with the advent of winter, she will be in danger this winter. it will be hard...

His fingertips became stiff because of her illness. Finally, Zhan Lie took a deep breath and quickly moved his hand away from Feng Youran's wrist. Although he was greedy for her warmth, but... if he didn't take Open, he is about to tremble in front of Feng Youran, that is the fear in his heart.

Feng Youran withdrew her hand without knowing it, looked at Zhan Lie's slightly stiff face, and said with a light smile, "The soup you cook is getting better and better."

"Drink more if you like, and I'll serve it for you again." After speaking, Zhan Lie actively turned around and walked towards the other side, using this method to cover up the reluctance in his heart and the sourness that kept gushing out of his eyes.

Feng Youran sighed, walked over gently, stood still behind Zhan Lie, put his hands on his shoulders, and leaned his head lightly on it, his stiff body was uncomfortable, but he Gave her a rare warmth, this little man, she always couldn't bear to hurt him, but facing a person like her, he should stay away wisely, instead of letting himself leave indelible pain in his memory middle.

"Everything has its own will..." Feng Youran murmured.

Zhan Lie's body trembled, God's will... even if it was God's will, he still had to fight, he didn't want to watch her fade away like this.

"Nonsense!" Zhan Lie reprimanded softly, his brows and eyes full of determination.

"I am content to have you as a friend by my side. Everything is only God's will. I will not force it, but I will not compromise easily!" Feng leisurely got up, bypassed Zhan Lie and sat on the sofa, holding her chin and smiling. with him.

"Promise me that you will never give up easily!" Zhan Lie said stubbornly.

"Well, I, Feng Youran, will never give up easily!" Feng Youran repeated, her smile blooming like a flower, her waist-length hair hanging over her shoulders, strands of blue silk exuding a faint fragrance, and her lovely eyes also wrote Full of her perseverance.

When the subject changed, Feng Youran asked with a smile, "When will you go down to exercise? If you leave, you have to tell me."

Zhan Lie looked at Feng Youran with a slight smile, with sunshine in his eyes, and said warmly: "I won't go this year, it's the same in the city."

"Then I'll be lucky!" Facing him like this, Feng Youran joked a little awkwardly.

"No, my grandfather is always thinking about you, so he comes to sit at home when he has time." Zhan Lie didn't seem to notice.

"Let's talk about it after we've been busy for a while. We've been preparing for so long, and we're just one step away!" Feng Youran smiled wearily, with satisfaction in her eyes.

"Youran, I really don't understand you. What you have is now beyond the reach of many people. What are you doing so desperately? Do you really want to be a queen?" Zhan Lie sat next to her, puzzled Said.

"Hehehe...Queen? That's a good idea. If I were the queen, wouldn't I be able to do whatever I wanted? No matter who it is, don't want to bully me. Don't you think this is bad?" Feng Youran teased.

Zhan Lie froze for a moment, slowly lowered his eyes, and said quietly: "Even if you don't become a queen, someone will protect you..."

(End of this chapter)

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