Chapter 184 Gu Poison (4)

"In the early stage, I will ask Liao Chenhui to help you. As for the future... You should have many classmates, right? If possible, try to recruit them for me. I can definitely afford their satisfactory salary in China, and it is only me! "Feng Youran said confidently.

"I have already contacted a few old classmates, and it is estimated that I will be able to arrive in Kyoto in the next two days. Their character is also trustworthy."

"That's right, our first kick in Kyoto will definitely shake it a few times!" Behind Feng Youran, the golden sunlight shrouded her body, she was like a female fighter overcoming thorns and thorns, Kyoto... this time is her true love. Battle of Fame!Ge Guanyu looked at Feng Youran who was quietly sitting under the lamp reading a book. If it hadn't been for that person's reminder, he would never associate a person who is going to die with her at the flowery age in front of him.

She was still so young, her talent, her ambition, her pride and fragility all made his heart feel like a knife had been stabbed. Seeing her busy every day, watching her realize her dream step by step, he My bones feel pain.

Lu Di is simply his nightmare. If he didn't have the experience of going to a teacher to learn art, maybe he would have a different life. He couldn't imagine that the brother who cared for him so much... He left, but he didn't expect that ten years later I will meet him again, and now Lu Di has become very ghostly, and his behavior has no rules at all. He can't give what he wants, but he can't watch Feng Youran die here.

The time spent together during this period was the happiest time in his life. He quietly guarded her, and also guarded his heart that was already occupied by demons, but why did he want to break it?

"Brother Ge, what's the matter with you?" Feng Youran raised her head and said strangely, Ge Guanyu has been very strange these days, always looking at herself with a kind of eyes that she can't understand, as if she has something to say, but always nothing.

"No, I'm wondering if it's getting colder. Do we need to add some sets of heaters here in winter?" Ge Guanyu said with a light smile, with a kind smile on his enchanting facial features, and the red moles at the corners of his eyes also exuded a dazzling brilliance.

"Hehehe...then I'll call someone to do it another day. Although the weather will be cold, it won't freeze you!" Feng Youran chuckled lightly.

"The New Year will be in two months, what's Youran's plan?"

Feng Youran put down the book in her hand and leaned on the soft couch. Speaking of which, she had left Feng's house for more than a year. If no one mentioned it for such a long time, she would feel that she had no relatives, but in fact she still had , It's just that those people... don't care about her. If they really care, then maybe it's only grandpa. Thinking of him reminds her of the ten-year agreement between herself and him.

In the current situation, she didn't know if she could fulfill the ten-year agreement, but no matter what, she would give him a wonderful answer, thanking him for giving her so much trust.

Ge Guanyu suddenly wanted to slap himself in the face, but he knew it but brought it up, it really shouldn't be.

"Youran, let's celebrate the New Year together this year!" Ge Guanyu said quickly, wanting to wash away the gloom in Feng Youran's heart, with a flattering smile on his handsome face.

"Master, you smile so weirdly!" Feng Youran joked, watching Ge Guanyu's changing face narrowly.

"Smelly girl, if you don't understand, you should respect your teacher and be punished!" Ge Guanyu hummed deliberately with a straight face.

"Hehehe... Then Youran will be punished by you!" Feng Youran said mischievously, there is a 15-year age difference between himself and Ge Guanyu, which makes Feng Youran, who has always been strong, occasionally show a little girl-like expression by his side , he is her friend, her teacher, and an indispensable confidant, so in front of him, she is willing to let herself put down the burden and just be herself.

"Then I'll punish you, sit around the fire with me during the Chinese New Year, and don't sleep late!" Ge Guanyu said with a smile. He originally planned to go back to spend the New Year with his sister, but at this moment he can no longer leave, and he is reluctant to leave. No matter what, he will guard her safely.

"Okay, let's sit around the fire together!" Feng Youran smiled, but she didn't know that many years later, when she thought of this, she could only...

A whistle suddenly sounded outside the small courtyard, Ge Guanyu frowned, picked up a small blanket and handed it to Feng Youran, rubbed her head lovingly with his big hand, and said narrowly: "As a teacher, go out and look around, Stay at home obediently, it's cold, don't look at it for too long!"

"Going on a date? Hehehe... Don't forget to say hello to Mrs. Shi!" After speaking, she looked at Ge Guanyu teasingly.

Ge Guanyu shook his head angrily, pushed open the door, and walked out.

Lu Di leaned against the fence, looking at the darkening sky, the bustling Kyoto was gradually shrouded in darkness...

With the sound of light footsteps approaching, a smile appeared on Lu Di's face, and there was a bit of indulgence in his eyes.

"You're here!" Lu Di smiled lightly, his bright eyes could still be seen in the darkness.

"Change place!" Ge Guanyu glanced at him, then passed him by.

Lu Di got up, moved his numb shoulders, and slowly followed behind Ge Guanyu.

Unknowingly, I walked to the moat. The weather was cold, and the people by the river had already gone home early because of the weather. It was rare to be quiet.

"Have you figured it out?" Lu Di asked impatiently. He knew that the tail following him was always there, but when he thought of that person, he began to lament his good life. This time, he would never miss it no matter what. Ge Guanyu.

"What's wrong with Youran?" Ge Guanyu asked in a deep voice, his eyes looked at the sparkling water surface under the light.

"She's not sick...just poisoned by the poison I prepared! I specially made it for you - Hongrui!" Lu Di laughed triumphantly.

Ge Guanyu turned his head abruptly, and looked at Lu Di in disbelief. Hongrui, he knew that thing too well. He had heard Lu Di say it before, but he didn't expect that he actually made it and used it on Feng Youran. body.

"Can't believe it? Actually, I can't believe it, but it's so miraculous, I actually made it, and it has such a good effect, I'm really surprised!" Lu Di smiled and walked to Ge Guanyu's side, gently Lifting his jaw, he looked fascinatedly at his face that called him obsessed.

Ge Guanyu concealed the nausea surging in his heart, let him go, and asked awkwardly: "Do you have the antidote? Give it to me!"

"Hehehe... I do have it, but you know that I won't give it to you for no reason, you know..." Lu Di's hand caressed the softness between the two with nostalgia.

Ge Guanyu was silent for a moment, and finally turned his eyes to Lu Di quietly, and slightly raised the corners of his lips, "I don't care if I hate you?"

Lu Di was startled, and the strength on his fingers tightened instantly. He looked at Ge Guanyu sullenly, and said with a sullen smile: "Guanyu, I can let you run for ten years, but I will never allow you to run for a second time." Ten years, you and I are destined!"

(End of this chapter)

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