Chapter 197: Flowers in Water (3)
Since he came back these few days, he has been living a life that is worse than death, but he is obviously worse than death, but he is reluctant to die, he is reluctant to die... I used to always feel that I could live with Feng Youran, even if it wasn't The lover is content, but he doesn't know that feelings are such a deadly poison. Lu Di's love scares him and makes him feel that love is crazy, but now he realizes that he is also a lunatic, a Captured by love, he was so hungry that he was crazy, he longed to be by her side every day, longing to see her every frown and smile...

Staggering up, with a bitter smile on his handsome face, he picked up the bottle on one side and took a sip. He is not an alcoholic, but now that he wants to become an alcoholic, his heart will be at peace. So that he can stop thinking about the pain he caused her. Although he is in the name of love, it is true that he hurt her. What should he do?How to make up for it, what should she do if one day she knows the truth of the matter?What should he do?
All kinds of things were entangled in his heart. Ge Guanyu's heart had never been so oppressed and painful that he wanted to roar. He staggered a bit, and felt a whirlwind.

Feng Youran never thought about why she came here, but seeing her falling on the ground in front of her and trying to get up, she quickly gave up and let herself lie on the ground so cold, let the cold wind keep blowing, empty There is an incomprehensible pain in the eyes!

Feng Youran rushed over in a few strides, instead of helping him up, she grabbed his clothes and pulled him to her position, then glared at Ge Guanyu who was pale but wide-eyed.

"Don't you want to live? If you don't want to live, then don't die in front of me!" Feng Youran roared in Ge Guanyu's ear.

"Youran?! Feng Youran..." Ge Guanyu endured the dizziness and opened his eyes to confirm that he saw Feng Youran, isn't he dreaming?

"Yes, I'm Feng Youran, but I didn't expect you to be such a person. You know that I used to think that my time was running out, how painful I was, and how many things I lost, do you know? ?" Feng Youran also roared out of control, as if she wanted to vent the pain she had endured.

"Youran, Youran, don't think about it anymore..." Ge Guanyu sat up vigorously, trying to comfort Feng Youran who was in a nightmare at this moment, her sharp questioning seemed to be stabbing at him with blood and blood My heart ached again for her pain.

"How could you do this? How could you?" Feng Youran murmured, and gradually let go of the strength in her hands, and sat down on the chair beside her.

Ge Guanyu looked at Feng Youran worriedly, and stopped talking. Gradually, Feng Youran's expression began to return to normal. Feng's eyes were a little embarrassed. Looking at Ge Guanyu's more wrinkled clothes and more embarrassment, she pursed her lips tightly. Somewhat unnatural.

"Ahem... It's cold on the ground, why don't you get up?" Feng Youran asked awkwardly.

"Hehehe...forget it!" Ge Guanyu was about to get up after finishing speaking, but after getting up a few times, he felt that the position of his left calf and ankle was extremely painful, and he couldn't use his strength. A bad premonition hit his heart.

"Can you forget this?" Feng Youran's mouth twitched.

"Oh, I'm dizzy now, I don't want to get up, let me sit for a while, I'm really not in good shape today, you'd better go back!" Ge Guanyu leaned back on the chair beside him after speaking, and sat there leisurely.

Feng Youran looked at Ge Guanyu, and suddenly got up and walked to his side, which made Ge Guanyu's heart a little lifted.

"I'm not an outsider, you don't have to do this, since we're here, let's kill two games too!"

Ge Guanyu smiled wryly, it seemed that it was really not easy to escape for a few days.

Taking a deep breath and exhausting all his strength, Ge Guanyu supported the chair with one hand and stood up quickly, but just as he was about to sit on the chair, Feng Youran grabbed his arm and glared at him.

"Why? Don't you want to play chess? It's in the house, go and get it!"

Feng Youran felt very angry, she turned around and walked towards the room, saw the phone on the table and dialed two immediately.

Through the half-closed door, she clearly saw Ge Guanyu in the courtyard looking in her direction vigilantly, and then placed his limp left leg with his hands, and pretended to be okay without looking at her own situation. Playing with the guzheng on the side, if she hadn't seen it, she would really have thought it was all her illusion, thinking of this would set fire in her heart.

He glanced at the time, sighed, and walked out of the room. He was indeed greeted by Ge Guanyu's usual smile, faint and warm.

"Let's go!"

"Where's chess?" Ge Guanyu was puzzled, and looked at Feng Youran suspiciously, the go was placed on the window sill, the obvious position, couldn't she not see it?But why don't you have it in your hand?

"Do you want to use up your legs?" Feng Youran said between her teeth.

Ge Guanyu shrank his neck suddenly like a child, a little afraid to look at her, and finally said, "How do you know?"

"Nonsense, I have eyes, and the big bumps on your feet are swollen like steamed buns. Please, if you don't want me to talk to you next time, then don't show your flaws for me to see, because I don't want to either." Feng Youran He spat, gouging him twice with his eyes.

Ge Guanyu was very guilty, but after careful consideration, he couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and coughed lightly, "Cough... next time, I won't let you see it!"

Feng Youran stretched out her hand and rubbed her temples. Now she realizes that she really misjudged Ge Guanyu. This mature man 15 years older than herself is so stupid... No wonder he likes to stay on the mountain. It was he who knew that the people at the bottom of the mountain were too dangerous, so he made the appearance of an outsider, it must be so!

God... is this her punishment?Letting herself face such a person, she is really powerless... She is so angry that she can't speak the pain, she really wishes she didn't come here today, otherwise she wouldn't be in a dilemma...

Look...the innocent eyes of the villain bullying the little white rabbit again, so sinful...she is so angry...

Ge Guanyu keenly sensed Feng Youran's rising anger, so he lowered his posture, Buddha bless... I hope this will make her not so angry...

Feng Youran clenched her fists tightly, Ge Guanyu!You are great!She took a step forward, pulled him up seemingly rudely but very carefully, then took his arm and put it on her shoulder, without saying a word, grabbed him and walked outside.

Ge Guanyu looked at his hands, and looked down at Feng Youran's caring look but didn't give him a good face. Although his feet hurt like hell, the smile on his face grew bigger and bigger.

(End of this chapter)

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