Rebirth of the only favorite business queen

Chapter 204 Sky-high street price

Chapter 204 Sky-high street price (4)
"Didn't Chen Hui make a fortune? Can't you relieve it?" Ma Qi frowned and said, after deducting the cost from the investment this time, they haven't seen a surplus yet, no wonder Hao Qingfan's happiness is just a flash And pass.

"A drop in the bucket!" Song Qiran interjected, the smile on his face disappeared, but his expression was much calmer than Ma Qi's.

Feng leisurely sat on the single seat of the sofa, resting her cheeks, looking at her think tank with interest, not paying attention to their entanglements at all, which made several people frown.

"President Feng, do you have any ideas?" Song Qiran said, his calm eyes full of trust.

"Yes, Mr. Feng, don't make us worry, hurry up and think of a way!" Ma Qi also echoed.

Liao Chenhui is the most observant, but after watching for a long time, he still can't figure out Feng Youran's thoughts, but what is certain is that she is definitely not without countermeasures, or the current situation is just her first step...

A few people looked at Feng Youran who looked at them like a joke with some reproachful eyes. Normally, they would not dare to be so bold, but today they looked at her who was rare and different, and everyone was bold enough to express express their dissatisfaction.

"Think about it for me. I still have time. I want to see what you can come up with? Or guess what I'm thinking!" Feng Youran pretended to ignore their bitter faces.

"Ringlingling..." The phone on the table rang, and Feng Youran was startled. Apart from a few of them, there were many people who knew this number. Could it be... Thinking of that possibility, she didn't know why she felt so nervous. He lifted it up all of a sudden, and rushed over in a few strides.


"..." No one spoke, but there was a slight gasp.

"Hey, talk!" Feng Youran's voice became a little louder, and her aura was immediately revealed.

Ge Guanyu looked at the eyes of the gossip girls at the door of the nursing room with some embarrassment, and heard Feng Youran's displeased voice, he endured the blood rushing to his forehead, turned around, and said in a low voice: "Youran, it's me! "

Feng Youran moved her lips, and smiled silently, thinking wickedly that she seemed to have frightened him just now, but is he so timid?

"Am I a tiger?" Feng Youran hummed angrily, suppressing a smile.

Ge Guanyu was taken aback for a moment, and then a gentle smile slowly bloomed on his handsome and monstrous face. The nurse at the door was instantly killed, and she stared blankly at him...

"No..." Ge Guanyu replied, his voice was deep and magnetic, with a hint of pampering and a smile, and the heat could even touch the strings in his heart.

"..." Feng Youran didn't know why after listening to his words, she blushed a little, raised her head uncomfortably, and looked at the few people who were originally frowning looking at her with interest, Liao Chenhui's eyes were still staring like copper bells , Feng Youran turned around, with her back to them, the two of them were clearly online, but they both kept silent.


"You..." The two were taken aback.

"You talk first!" Feng Youran quickly broke the unclear atmosphere just now, and cleared her throat.

"I'm going to be discharged from the hospital today." Ge Guanyu said in a good mood. Although her leg is still not healed, Feng Youran often runs around in the hospital like this. She knows that she is very busy recently, so she can't bear to let her do this.

"Wait for me there, don't move a single step!" Feng Youran was very annoyed, and after only staying for two days, he went out in a hurry. Could it be that he wanted to have his legs crippled to be happy?

He grabbed the windbreaker on the hanger and asked the driver to prepare the car. He glanced at the curious people, raised his eyebrows and said, "It seems that you are very concerned about my personal affairs? Would you like to tell me?"

"Really... um..." Liao Chenhui's big mouth was covered by Hao Qingfan and Song Qiran, and then he said to Feng Youran with a lost smile.

"President Feng, we are still thinking about what you told us. We are not interested in other things!" Hao Qingfan forced a smile.

"Yes, Mr. Feng, you have to hurry to the hospital!" Ma Qi wanted to bite off her tongue after she finished speaking, she lowered her head and dared not look at her.

Feng Youran looked at them with a broken smile, then hurriedly left the office building, leaving that anxious back to the four people in the office.

"Who do you think Mr. Feng went to see in the hospital?" Liao Chenhui rubbed his chin and asked curiously.

"It must be a man!" Song Qiran's fox eyes were bright, and Ma Qi and Liao Chenhui rubbed his arms.

"That's right, they are definitely men. Looking at Mr. Feng's appearance, I think they must not be simple. Maybe... Mr. Feng's spring is coming... Hehehe..." Ma Qi said with a smile, she was also very curious , as Feng Youran's driver, he must know, but that person will never say anything. Thinking of Feng Youran's excellence, she really can't think of who is the person who can make her look like a little woman...

"Don't think about it, it's Mr. Feng's privacy, you should quickly think about how to solve that problem!" Hao Qingfan said lightly, getting up and getting ready to go out.

Ma Qi, Liao Chenhui, and Song Qiran secretly looked at each other, and then sighed in their hearts, what a fool again... Could it be that he couldn't see how many people Feng Youran was flocking to?When did Feng Youran move Fanxin?It is not something these little people can bear even if their hearts are moved. Some people can worship, admire, and even love them as gods, but there is never a possibility between gods and people. This is not just the distance in reality...

"Okay, let's think about it quickly!" Liao Chenhui said.

"I'm going to the bathroom, you guys discuss it first!" Hao Qingfan said and walked out.

Putting his hands on both sides of the sink, looking at himself in the mirror, he can be regarded as the proud son of the sky, and he can be regarded as above average in appearance. He admits that he has been conquered step by step by Feng Youran. While she conquered him, she also conquered him. Xin, thought she didn't know anything about love, and was a cold person, but today I found out that he was wrong, not only did she understand...but also her other side was always stingy for those who regarded her as friends or subordinates, she is smart...

After splashing cold water on his face, the bathroom door opened and closed, and a pair of black suit pants came into view.

"In fact, sometimes this is also a kind of happiness. Being loved by her is happiness, but no one knows whether it will last for a long time? Since she wants us to be friends and confidants, why should we let her love you in front of her who is smart? Losing this comfort? Keep her relaxed and natural smile?" Song Qiran washed his hands, looked at the mirror and said quietly, with a sense of relief in his eyes.

"You..." Hao Qingfan wanted to speak, but Song Qiran's gaze did not allow him to speak...

(End of this chapter)

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