Chapter 218 The Grand Finale (8)
"Well, it smells so good!" Su Xiaomo also said a little greedily, she didn't expect so much.

"You guys are so greedy, eat it if you like it!" Feng Youran said with a smile, looking at the snack she hadn't eaten for a long time, she also got up and took a piece from her pocket, but just chewed it in her mouth. Her face changed, and she rushed out of the office covering her mouth, causing everyone in the office to stand there dumbfounded.

Song Qiran, on the other hand, looked at the direction Feng Youran was leaving in disbelief, and reached out to take a piece of grilled fish. It was delicious and delicious, and there was absolutely no problem. Something fell on the ground, could it be...

"Hurry up and see Mr. Feng, I'll call a taxi!" Song Qiran said decisively.

"Okay, Xiaomo, let's go!" Ma Qi said, pulled Su Xiaomo and the two of them ran towards the bathroom.

Feng Youran was lying on the toilet in pain, her red eyes were filled with tears, and the nausea that kept rising in her throat made her vomit her stomach, but she still felt extremely uncomfortable, her hands trembled slightly, and her weak legs trembled , This kind of feeling made her seem to have returned to her previous nightmare, but she had only been with Ge Guanyu for a few days, could it be that God can't tolerate her anymore?

Why?why?With a touch of despair and powerlessness, Feng Youran couldn't help crying.

When Ma Qi and Su Xiaomo came in and looked at Feng Youran who was crying, they were stunned. In their eyes, Feng Youran was always strong. There is no problem in this world that she can't solve, and there is no problem that can hinder her. How could she have such a weak side? Is this really her?
"President Feng? What's the matter with you?" Ma Qi walked over gently, took the tissue handed over by Su Xiaomo, and gently wiped Feng Youran's tears, feeling pity for her tenderness.

"It's okay, I'm okay!" But just after she finished speaking, she pushed Ma Qi away again, and threw up on the toilet. This time, she was really weak all over, and she was sweating profusely, and her face was terrifyingly pale.

Seeing this, Su Xiaomo asked Ma Qi to help Feng Youran, put her on her back, and ran downstairs with big strides, which made everyone in the company change color.

Song Qiran had already got the car ready, asked Su Xiaomo to help Feng Youran get into the car, and then said to Liao Chenhui and Ma Qi who were about to get up.

"Boss Feng should be fine if you are in the company. We can't let the people below panic. Seeing that the Chinese New Year is coming, we have to live a stable year!"

Liao Chenhui glanced at Feng Youran, then at Song Qiran, "Okay, you can go there without worry, call anytime if you need something! I'm going back!"

After speaking, the two nodded, Song Qiran got into the car and drove quickly towards the hospital.

Feng Youran lay on the seat in a daze, feeling sad in her heart, while Su Xiaomo looked at her anxiously, Song Qiran couldn't express what was going on in her heart, but she didn't dare to say it clearly, hoping that her guess was false.

When they arrived at the hospital, Feng Youran was pushed into the ambulance room, Su Xiaomo went to go through the hospitalization procedures, and Song Qiran was at the door of the ambulance room.

Taking advantage of Su Xiaomo's time to leave, Song Qiran also walked in. The doctor happened to be asking about Feng Youran's condition, but she didn't have any thoughts now.

"Doctor, you can ask me!" Song Qiran said in a deep voice. Although the suit on his body was a little wrinkled, his aura could not be questioned.

Dr. Sun only felt that the two people in front of him looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen them before, but the condition could not be delayed, so he directly asked, "What are her symptoms?"

"It's just vomiting. I just ate a piece of grilled fish and ran out covering my mouth. I tasted the food and there is absolutely no problem."

"Vomit? Grilled fish?" The doctor thought about it, and suddenly frowned and looked at Feng Youran on the bed. She didn't seem to be very old, could it be... that?
"How old is she?" The doctor's expression was not very good.

Song Qiran was also slightly stunned, his expression was not very good, and his voice involuntarily cooled down. "She's a third-year junior high school student!"

"Student?!" The doctor was also surprised. It seemed that this matter was really not a guess, so he quickly asked the nurse to draw blood and send it to the laboratory. Before leaving, he took a deep look at Song Qiran.

Song Qiran clenched his fists, feeling an indescribable feeling in his heart, turned around and stood aside to guard Feng Youran.

Because it was impossible to diagnose what the disease was, the doctor only asked the nurse to open the intravenous channel, inject sugar and saline for rehydration, and did not prescribe any medicine. Soon a little nurse hurried in with a list, and then followed a man.

Dr. Sun was a little dumbfounded when he saw it. Why is it Young Master Zhan?Isn't he not in the hospital today?
"Young Master Zhan!" Dr. Sun said respectfully, and stepped aside to Zhan Lie.

Zhan Lie frowned and looked at Feng Youran who was lying on the bed, and then looked at Song Qiran who was on the side. His cold and deep eyes were stained with a touch of anger, but he still walked gently to Feng Youran's side and pulled her up. Hand, put his hand on her pulse, suddenly his face changed drastically, and his whole body exuded a coldness, which made the people around him shrink their heads and dare not speak.

"Liezi, what's wrong with me?" Feng Youran looked at Zhan Lie, grabbed the hem of his clothes, and asked stubbornly with downcast eyes.

Zhan Lie endured the overwhelming anger, clenched his fists, did not speak to Feng Youran, but directly said to Dr. Sun in a gloomy manner: "I don't want others to know what happened today. I disappeared in Kyoto!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" The clothes on Dr. Sun's back were already soaked in cold sweat, and his legs were trembling uncontrollably. He suddenly remembered who this woman was, and this realization made him even more nervous. down.

The surrounding nurses even lowered their heads, not daring to speak.

"Liezi!" Feng Youran asked hoarsely.

"Wait a minute!" After Zhan Lie finished speaking, he quickly got people to prepare the ward. He personally pushed Feng Youran on the flatbed cart to the room on the top floor. He turned his head to look at Song Qiran who was following him step by step, and he wrinkled in displeasure. frown.

"You can go!" Zhan Lie said coldly.

"My boss is not you!" Song Qiran said indifferently, he knew that Zhan Lie's identity was not simple, but he did not expect to have such great energy.

Feng Youran heard the conversation between Zhan Lie and Song Qiran, she turned her head and said apologetically to Song Qiran: "Qiran, you go back first, it's fine if he's here, thank you very much today!"

"President Feng..." Song Qiran glanced at Zhan Lie, then nodded.

"Then I'll go back first. Don't worry about the company's affairs, Mr. Feng. I will deal with them with Chen Hui. If you don't feel well, you can rest at home for a few more days!" Song Qiran said with concern.

(End of this chapter)

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