Chapter 220 The Grand Finale (10)
Feng Youran was a little confused by Ge Guanyu's ever-changing expression. What kind of mood was he in? Could it be that he couldn't accept it? The sudden sensitivity made Feng Youran's expression change, and she got up and wanted to go out.

Ge Guanyu finally recovered from the ecstasy. Looking at Feng Youran's face, he knew that she was thinking too much. With a slight force, he pulled her closer to his arms, and gently stroked her waist with his big hand, tenderly Laughter rang in her ears.

"Youran, I like this child!"

Feng Youran's body froze, she raised her head and looked directly at Ge Guanyu, quietly watching the excitement stealing from his introverted eyes, and asked suspiciously: "Is this your child, and you like it too? And he... "

Ge Guanyu's expression froze, carefully observing the expression on Feng Youran's face, the smile slowly congealed, "Is my heart not enough for you?"

Feng Youran sighed softly, took Ge Guanyu's hand, and the two of them sat on the soft couch, while Ge Guanyu frowned, secretly looking at Feng Youran, trying to find something strange on her face.

"Youran, what did you say to me?"

Feng Youran lowered her phoenix eyes, pondered for a while, and then slowly said: "Sometimes I think I can understand you, but now I find that you confuse me, making me feel that I know too little about you .”

"And then?" Ge Guanyu pursed his lips and asked softly, but his heart was raised high.

During more than four months of getting along, every expression of her has penetrated into his heart. His heart has never become ups and downs because of a woman's words or eyes. He has let others control his emotions. Only he I know how happy he is when she smiles at him sincerely and says a word, but she is so busy that she doesn't even have time to look at him, the feeling of psychological emptiness and wanting to go crazy is only his own You know, he is greedy, he wants more and all of her attention even though he is under the same roof... Today, she said that she didn't understand his feelings for her?Ge Guanyu felt a dull pain in his heart!Could she really not see his affection for her?

"You are excellent, no, I don't need to prove this at all. Although you are low-key, your other name is not low-key. You have your pride, and your conditions are superior, whether it is character or talent. It is commendable, apart from the relationship between me and you on the mountain, we have been together for the past few months. You are very clear about my affairs. Although I think I am not bad, but there are so many women in the world, you are simply worried. There is no woman in your eyes!"

"Youran, no matter how many women are, you are not there, but my heart is only on you, Feng Youran. I will be in this life, and I will be in the next life. If I am destined not to meet you in this life, then I would rather wait to meet you in the next life." With eyebrows and eyes, he said calmly and calmly.

"Even if I can't accept you all now? Are you willing?" Feng Youran asked coldly.

"Yes! I am willing!" Ge Guanyu raised his head and repeated frantically.

"You're going to get hurt..."

"Only you can let me have it. You are the only one in the world. For you, I am willing to do anything, even if it is bloody, and I still have a breath, I will wait with my life!" Ge Guanyu laughed at himself. His admirer Also, although he didn't talk about feelings when he was young, he also understood the pain of feelings, so he even avoided contact with women, because they made him see his own cruelty, maybe this is retribution...

"This child, if I don't want it, will you support me?" Feng Youran asked coldly, frightened Ge Guanyu into a cold sweat, and looked at her warily.

"As long as you think, I am willing!" Ge Guanyu said complicatedly, this is his child, he is looking forward to his arrival more than anyone else, but if Feng Youran doesn't like it, then...he won't force it, he loves it It's her, if love won't make her suffer, make her difficult to choose.

Feng Youran was taken aback for a moment, she didn't expect Ge Guanyu to say that, she felt an indescribable feeling in her heart, moving, sour, relaxed, and a little melted heart that she knew, he just liked it. She couldn't help but be moved, this man also made her feel bad, for his parting, for his spoiling her for no reason, he really loved her terribly.

Holding his big cold hand, the two looked at each other, Feng Youran slowly put his hand on her stomach, and said softly: "He's been three months old!"

Ge Guanyu's big hand trembled, and he almost let go, but fortunately, Feng Youran held him back.

Yes, it has been three months, and now he is still sleeping peacefully in his mother's womb, but does he know that his fate has come to an end?Son, I'm sorry... don't blame your mother, it's my fault, if you want to resent, come and resent me!

"You just said that you like him!" Feng Youran said softly.

Ge Guanyu didn't speak, but greedily felt the illusion that the child was in his hands, and wanted to keep this moment in his heart.

"Then how about we keep him?" Feng Youran said with a hint of a smile in her words. Although she didn't like the child in her womb wholeheartedly, it was still a piece of her body.And she didn't want Ge Guanyu, who doted on her so much, to have no heir because of her selfishness, and let him have regrets that would never be erased in his life, so she told herself to accept, to accept this child...

"Really?!" Ge Guanyu said in surprise, he thought she had already sentenced the child to death, but she still stayed.

Ge Guanyu hugged Feng Youran in his arms, his eyes were red, he couldn't hold back the tears and didn't want to fall, he didn't want Feng Youran to see his excitement at this time, for a long while...

"Let's get married!"

"Married?" Feng Youran repeated, putting her head on Ge Guanyu's shoulder, and smiled softly...Married?Are you really going to marry him?

"A combination like ours will scare many people, don't you care?" Feng Youran teased, lying lazily on his thick shoulders, smelling the faint fragrance of ink on his body, gently closing her eyes, revealing gave a mischievous smile.

"Hehehe... I never cared about the eyes of the world, as long as you say a word, I dare to do crazy things!"

"You are really talking more and more energetically, just proposing like this, how can I marry you? It's a good idea!" Feng Youran blamed, her heart is very sweet, there is no secret, it feels so good to talk about it...

But in the hospital, there was also a person who saw Feng Youran being sent to the emergency room. Although Zhan Lie had issued a gag order, because there were so many people involved, someone took advantage of it.

Kyoto is immersed in the festive atmosphere of the Chinese New Year. This is also a big day for family reunions. The TV programs related to the Chinese New Year are constantly being broadcast here, and the contents of major magazines and newspapers are also kind and moving.

(End of this chapter)

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