Rebirth of the only favorite business queen

Chapter 235 Baozi Has Great Wisdom

Chapter 235 Baozi Has Great Wisdom (1)
After they walked in, the red shadow hiding in the dark was sweating wildly. This young master is bored again, and this woman should also be unlucky. Whoever told her to choose is not good, but she chose Ge Guanyu. What is wrong with the young master? Bullying the second master is fine, but if others have a little covetousness, let alone he is merciless, alas... Madam has been away for too long this time, and it is really time to come back and see the little devil!

Irene entered the hall. Although the weather outside was very hot, the central air conditioner in the room adjusted the temperature to make it very comfortable. The coolness calmed down the irritable heart instantly. The interior decoration is very simple, but it reveals a It had a romantic and femininity air, and before she could take a closer look, an English man dressed in a black third-class suit walked in with a tray.

"Master! Your lemonade!"

"Yeah!" Little Boy Ge Tong nodded, and his eyes narrowed slightly. The old housekeeper just felt that his heart couldn't take it anymore. He must disappear here as quickly as possible. This world is too dangerous...

"Miss, your fresh orange juice!" After speaking, the old butler held the tray under his arm and disappeared into the hall at an unusual speed.

The red shadow in the dark is also covering his eyes with one hand. I don't know what the young master invented this time, must be something good. He is very sure and sure, don't play with dead people!Master!
"Aunt Irene, quench your thirst!" Ge Tong said harmlessly, his appearance was exactly the same as that of his elder brother Ge Song, but the evil eyes were slightly better.

"Well, thank you Tongtong!" Irene smiled and drank it, the ice was very sweet and delicious, and she drank one cup unconsciously.

Ge Tong elegantly drank the lemonade in his hand. No one could tell that this was the one he didn't like to drink the most. It was sour, but Mommy Fei said that lemons have a lot of vitamin C content, what beauty, anti-virus, alas. ...Even if he is not at home, that violent queen can make him live under her orders every day, and daddy is so honest, it is so powerless to carry out without any water!Life is so boring...

"Uh...Tongtong, isn't your mommy at home?" Irene finally couldn't help asking.

Ge Tong's eyes drooped secretly, and then he said in a very sad voice: "I, it's been several years since I saw her last time."

"Ah?" Irene was taken aback for a moment, and then secretly pleased. Could it be that Ge Guanyu is really divorced as those people in the school guessed?Then this child can take the initiative to take him to his home, does it mean that she is very popular with this child?No matter what, she couldn't hide her excitement.

"It must be kept secret, or Daddy will be sad if he finds out!" Ge Tong said in a low voice, cursing in his heart that he is another woman who is overwhelmed. If you want to covet and take pictures without urinating, it's really abominable!It was you who caught up with me and provoked me. Everything you did was self-inflicted and has nothing to do with me!
Ge Tong's little boy's shoes said secretly in his heart, after speaking, he felt that he was doing justice for the heaven, so the little guilt in his heart was washed away.

"Don't worry, I won't tell! This is our secret!" Irene smiled and rubbed Ge Tong's soft hair, feeling affectionate in her heart.

"Aunt Irene, let me take you upstairs for a tour!" Ge Tong's little boy said thoughtfully.

"Okay, Tongtong is so nice!"

"'s nothing!" Then Ge Tong lowered his voice and said quietly: "Actually, I also want to hot that you know my daddy better!"

Irene's face turned red, and she was really embarrassed to be told by a child.

" did you say that?"

Ge Tong's small eyebrows raised, showing a very leisurely look, and the pair of phoenix eyes were even more translucent.

"You don't mean that I'm being affectionate, do you? You don't like my daddy?"

Irene was caught off guard, it seemed inappropriate to tell a child this, and she still didn't know if Ge Guanyu was single...

"If you don't like my daddy, that's great!" Ge Tong said with a smile, seemingly relieved.

"Ah? Why do you say that?" Irene was a little confused about the sudden turnaround, and she didn't want to give up this opportunity to get close to Ge Guanyu.

"Are you curious?"

"Uh... a little bit!"

"Let's go, I'll show you my mommy's room and you'll know!" Little Ge Tong's shoes seemed unwilling to let the secret be revealed, and walked in front of Irene to lead the way, but his mouth The sly smile on the side made the people in the dark tremble all over.

"..." Irene was a little conflicted, thinking that the child was innocent, otherwise she would not have revealed her family's secrets, but why did the child have such thoughts?In her eyes, Ge Guanyu is a perfect man with zero flaws, full of talent, and top-notch personality and appearance. He can be said to be the top-notch husband in the eyes of all the women in the courtyard. Does it mean that he still has secrets that no one knows?

Ge Tong's amber eyes casually glanced at the clock hanging on the wall, and then led Irene into a room on the top floor.

"This is it?" Irene frowned slightly and said, this villa is so big, as the hostess, she lives on the top floor?This is unbelievable.

"Yes, my parents live separately." Ge Tong raised his head and said innocently, as if it should be taken for granted.

"Is there no one in there?"

Ge Tong didn't answer as if he didn't hear it. He just pushed the door open so that only one person could pass through, and then looked at Irene.

Irene swallowed her saliva and walked in with what he could call anticipation in her eyes. As soon as she entered, she felt very dim. Before she could speak, the door behind her was slammed shut, and she hurriedly patted door.

"Tongtong, why are you locking the door? Quickly open the door for me!" Irene shouted, her back always felt hairy.

"Oh, the wind accidentally closed the door just now, I'm going to find the key, don't worry!" After finishing speaking, I heard the sound of footsteps gradually going away.

Irene moved her mouth and had no choice but to wait in the room, but people are curious, and it is impossible for her to wait here without moving. Adapting to the darkness in the room, she gradually fumbled for the switch on the wall. , but what she touched turned out to be cold metal boxes. She was shocked and took two steps back, but there was a wet, slippery coolness behind her. watching her.

She covered her mouth and leaned back suddenly, suddenly the light in the room came on, she covered the dazzling light, and she saw the whole room clearly under the heavy panting sound, this is not a room, it is simply a herbarium, leaning against the wall There are countless stuffed animals in the cabinet above, and the place I touched just now is a rectangular box one person tall. Drooling, looking at her.

(End of this chapter)

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