Chapter 239 Contradictions (2)
"Ah..." Ge Guanyu yelled, not knowing what he did wrong to provoke this little wild cat.

"Say, why don't you miss me? Could it be that you have another woman?" Feng Youran said fiercely, her brows furrowed.

Ge Guanyu turned around, picked up a small bun and stuffed it into her mouth, then stretched out his hand and slapped her hard on the buttocks.

"Your husband, I guard myself like a jade and dare to doubt? Do you really want to see me transformed into a wolf to be satisfied?" After Ge Guanyu finished speaking, he carried Feng Youran on his shoulders.

Feng Youran was startled at first, and then couldn't help snickering, she owed him too much these years, the more he tolerated herself like this, the more she felt sorry for him.

Upstairs, Feng Youran's feet just hit the ground, because she was wearing a skirt, she didn't know when she lifted it up. At first, Feng Youran was a little shy, but soon she smiled and put on a seductive and provocative pose. However, Ge Guanyu just stared blankly and did not take any other actions. The concentration was so good that Feng Youran wanted to bite someone. Could it be that his charm has weakened? This is not a happy thing.

Then she stepped forward, put her hand on his shoulder, pursed her red lips, narrowed her eyes slightly, and raised her jaw...

After a long while, she widened her eyes, snorted unhappily, then climbed onto the bed with her hands, stared at him very dissatisfied, and stared at him very hard.

"Am I unattractive?"

"Hehehe... Compared to the cows in country M, they are really average!" Ge Guanyu said with a smirk, looking at her at this time, he still felt a little dazed, she really came back, that's great... …

"Ge Guanyu!" Feng Youran yelled, leaping forward, pressing Ge Guanyu tightly under him, and then bit his lips hard.

And Ge Guanyu smiled wryly, he really shouldn't have teased this little wild cat, and turned into a big wild wolf so quickly... But only these two long-lost people can know how the battle is going.

As the cloud and rain gradually receded, Feng Youran pinched Ge Guanyu's waist resentfully, and couldn't help laughing at his satisfied face.

Ge Guanyu looked at her, and said angrily, "Do you still suspect that I have someone else?"

Feng Youran turned over lazily, and hummed: "You have enough bullets, you probably don't have any!"

"A woman who deserves to be beaten!"

Looking at the tired Feng Youran, Ge Guanyu sighed, then fell asleep with his arms around her.


Zhan Lie looked at Bai Yi with a gloomy face, and walked behind him. Both of them stood there silently, looking into the distance.

"Are you willing to be like this for the rest of your life?" Bai Yi asked hoarsely. He has matured a lot in the past few years. Here, his fair skin has been tanned, and on that somewhat melancholy appearance, there is a little more clarity between his brows. Worry, but it is this appearance that makes many daughters of the chiefs who usually deal with them flock to him and fall under his shorts.

"Didn't you also plan to do that?" Bai Yi asked back.

Zhan Lie shook his head and laughed, but there was a strong bitterness in that smile, "It's not just the two of us... that person, isn't it even more..."

"It's not good, Doctor Zhan, hurry up, the mine has collapsed and now everyone is falling into it." At this time, a gray-faced African man staggered over, his face was covered with dust, his arms and body were bloodstained It hasn't stopped yet, and it looks like he just escaped from that side.

"Where? Let's go!" Zhan Lie grabbed his arm and told himself to calm down, and he must not panic at this time.

Bai Yi was also taken aback, and ran over after him. When several people arrived at the mine, they were all terrified. The entire mouth of the mine had collapsed. Even if people outside wanted to go in, they needed to open a new passage, otherwise There is no way at all, and the people inside are basically close to death.

Looking around, I saw that Liao Chenhui was directing the crowd to continue digging with the excavator, and the local ambulance personnel also arrived at the scene one after another. Although the rescue work was proceeding in an orderly manner, they could not go forward after all. They could only wait. .

There is no sign of Ye Jueao. He is the main person in charge of this project now. He usually guards the construction site by himself. Isn't he here now?Because some people who escaped were seriously injured, he was also busy in the temporary tent. In his heart, Ye Jueao would be safe.

As the sky gradually darkened, the time passed by every minute and every second, thinking that there were huge boulders inside, the excavator also stopped working several times, and could only continue by relying on people to pry things open, and the injured were also taken away by a group of people. The batches were sent to the local hospital, Zhan Lie wiped the sweat off his brow, looked at Bai Yi not far away, and walked over.

"Have you seen Jueao?"

"Him?!" Bai Yi was stunned, yes, where is Ye Jueao?He thought he was going to deal with the wounded later, could it be that...

"He's not with me, and I haven't seen him all this time!" Zhan Lie felt bad, did something happen to him?Thinking of that possibility, his heart sank.

"I'm going to find Liao Chenhui, you wait!" Bai Yi said quickly, he knew the friendship between Zhan Lie and Ye Jueao, so he could understand his current mood.

"No, let's go together!" Zhan Lie's lips trembled slightly, and he grabbed Bai Yi's arm.

Liao Chenhui, who was also disheveled, was shocked when he saw their appearance. They thought that Ye Jue was proud of each other, but who would have expected that he would not be there at all.

"Hey, Zhan Lie, what are you doing?" Bai Yi shouted looking at Zhan Lie who turned around and ran away.

Zhan Lie looked at the last batch of wounded who were about to be sent away, grabbed a man who was still conscious, and asked awkwardly: "Where is Ye Jueao? Is he still in the bottom?"

When the man saw that it was him, his eyes suddenly turned red, and he cried, "The nightclub is still down there. If it wasn't for them, he would have come out a long time ago. Huh... the nightclub..."

"Shut up, he's not dead yet, why are you crying!" Zhan Lie roared angrily, slammed the car door with his last bit of strength, clenched his fists, and quickly ran towards the landslide.

Bai Yi followed behind him and heard that person's words, and he felt bad. Ye Jueao has been here for the past few years, saying it was for work, but in fact he was still by Feng Youran's side, Over the years, the exploration of oil wells has not been going smoothly. He has worked hard behind the scenes, and the hardships and sufferings are really beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

Everyone knows his heart for Feng Youran. He knows that she has a family and a child, but he still pursues Feng Youran stubbornly. They also admire his boldness, but Feng Youran's ignorance also makes the same They feel unbearable for men.

(End of this chapter)

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