The emperor's plan: to rule the world

Chapter 303 Provocation, Disfigurement

Chapter 303 Provocation, Disfigurement

The shadow guard who led the order didn't dare to take a breath, got up without hesitation to restrain her, and touched her body familiarly.

The blood on Qingci's face finally disappeared completely, and she could no longer lift any strength from her whole body. She was also a shadow guard and she clearly understood that from this moment on, she lost even the chance to seek death.

With a wry smile, shouldn't she thank them for their gentle actions instead of just removing her chin and limbs?

But if he fell into the hands of this Highness alive, his fate would be worse than death!
Qin Shu stepped forward slowly, went to her side and bent down to pick up the jade pendant. He looked through it unhurriedly, and found that it was not damaged, so he didn't fasten it back.

Looking down at the woman in front of him, Qin Shu smiled lightly and said, "For such a useless man, you are forcing yourself to die?"

Qingci didn't speak, and she can't speak now.

It was even more impossible for Qin Shu to count on her answer, squatting in front of her, Qin Shu reached out and lifted her chin, smiled: "This face really looks like Your Majesty's."

Qingci felt a chill in his heart.

Before he could say the next sentence, she blinked and signaled that she had something to say.

Qin Shu turned his head slightly to look at her, his delicate expression looked a little innocent: "Do you have something to say?"

Qingci blinked.

Qin Shu smiled and said, "Unlock her acupuncture points."

The shadow guard obeyed.

The acupoints were unlocked, Qingci looked up at him, and said before he got impatient: "Before the assassin assassinated His Majesty, His Majesty was injured, His Majesty did it on purpose."

Qin Shu raised his eyebrows: "And then?"

"Your Majesty wanted an excuse to dispose of His Highness, so he allowed himself to be injured. Otherwise, even if the surrounding guards and shadow guards were negligent, no one in this world would be able to hurt His Majesty."

Qin Shu was startled.

After a while, he smiled faintly: "I actually listen to your nonsense here... Do you think I will believe it?"

Qingci smiled lightly: "Your Highness already believed it, didn't you?"

Qin Shu was silent for a moment.

After a long time, he picked up the dagger that fell on the ground, held it in his hand, looked at it carefully, and said softly, "You...did you want to die before?"

Qingci's pupils shrank, subconsciously wanting to step back.

But she was firmly held by the shadow guard and knelt on the ground, unable to move at all, let alone retreat.

Qin Shu turned the dagger, gently raised her chin with the tip of the blade, held his breath, and did not dare to move at all.

"What's the nature, the spring plums are blooming with snow. What's the beauty, the rosy clouds reflect the Chengtang. What's the spirit, the moon shines on the cold river..."

"This face is truly stunning."

Qingci lowered her eyes, looking at the dagger against her chin, the sharp dagger shone coldly in the twilight, she unconsciously pursed her lips.

"It's okay to seek death, but dare to provoke the relationship between me and His Majesty?"

Qingci raised her eyes and looked at him: "Your Majesty can treat the Second Young Master like this today, isn't Your Highness afraid that she will treat His Highness like this one day?"

Qin Shu smiled: "So what?"

Even if His Majesty wanted his life, so what?

It's a big deal, just give it to His Majesty.

"Your Highness, don't you think it's worthless?"

Qin Shu lowered his eyes, and after a while, said calmly: "I am actually talking nonsense with you here..."

He smiled, and the sharp blade stuck to the woman's cheek, and began to press down slowly.

The movements were extremely slow, and Qingci's body tensed up, not daring to move.

(End of this chapter)

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