The emperor's plan: to rule the world

Chapter 322 Order, kill without mercy

Chapter 322 Order, kill without mercy
With Mo Yan's straightforward temperament, it is still unknown whether he would live to his current age if he was put on the sidelines of a suspicious and narrow-minded emperor.

"Did Mo Qing complain?"

Mo Yan was silent.

It seemed that he didn't know how to answer her question, but Her Majesty knew clearly in her heart that he was too lazy to answer.

Her Xuanwu King is a man of character.

Gu Qingyi said indifferently: "I will give you enough autonomy to deal with the matter of King Xuanwu's fiefdom, and you can handle it however you want. My only requirement is that the army of the Yan Kingdom cannot take a step into Dayan."

Mo Yan bowed his head: "Yes."

"As for the army that sneaked into Dayan, it counts as many as there are, and they will be killed without mercy."

Mo Yan didn't respond, but looked up at her, hesitating to speak.

"What do you want to say?"

"Human life is at stake, Your Majesty, please think twice."

Even the words of pleading are so concise.

Gu Qingyi smiled, and leaned forward slightly, the eyes that fell on him were indifferent and ruthless: "I didn't know that King Xuanwu is a soft-hearted person."

Mo Yan didn't mind her faint displeasure at this time, and turned a blind eye to her cold eyes, shaking his head and said: "Every death on the battlefield may mean the destruction of a family. Please think twice, Your Majesty."

He is not merciful, but has dealt with soldiers in the army all year round, and he is very clear about what the lives of soldiers in the army represent.

It is an honor for a soldier to sacrifice for the country, but it is undoubtedly a huge blow to their family. The soldiers in the army are the pillars of the family. The only child in the family, a life is the hope of a family.

Mo Yan could not be regarded as merciful, but he would not joke about the lives of the soldiers so lightly.

If they were all killed as His Majesty said, thousands of families might be destroyed again.

"Besides, if His Majesty intends to include the Yan Kingdom into Dayan's territory, those people will become His Majesty's subjects in the future. I beg Your Majesty to think twice."

Gu Qingyi smiled, the smile was very faint and did not reach his eyes: "Nowadays, those speech officials dare not say these things to me easily, and Mo Qing really dares to say them."

"Let's not mention those people who covet my Da Yan country. They are some people with evil intentions, even ordinary people. If they enter other countries' territory without a guide and documents, they can be treated as spies according to the law."

"It is the soldiers who went to Zhaoguo who should feel guilty about their lives. As for those who sneaked into Dayan, it is the Emperor Yan who should bear the responsibility for their lives. After all, all these are rooted in the emperor. With such ambition, I can't bear to feel sorry for the lives of the enemy, what do you think?"

Mo Yan didn't speak.

What His Majesty said seems to have some truth, besides, it seems a little unrealistic to expect an emperor to be kind to his enemies.

But he was not so happy to risk so many lives.After all, according to the news from Xuanwu Prince's Mansion, there are at least [-] to [-] people who were knocked down by the ancestor with poison.

If they were all killed, the blood shed would have dyed red the winding Canglang River in the Luwu Mountains.

"It's better to accept Mo Qing's unnecessary kindness. The most important thing is..." Gu Qingyi said lightly, "This is my order, I'm not discussing it with you."

Mo Yan was silent for a while, and finally bowed his head and said, "I obey the order."

(End of this chapter)

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