Chapter 324
The head of the hospital said very dissatisfied: "What do you mean don't cause trouble? It's like my old man is only causing trouble for you. When did I cause trouble for you?"

"Yes, you didn't cause trouble, it's because the subordinates are timid, and the subordinates dare not cause trouble, so let's leave quietly, and then tell His Highness Xuanwu King the location here, okay?"

In the end, it was already a coaxing tone.

The head of the hospital was very dissatisfied. Looking at the neatly arranged military tents in front of him, he looked at him seriously: "Don't you think the arrangement here is very good?"

Yingchen shook his head.

He doesn't care about how the place is arranged at all, he just wants to leave now.

The head of the hospital pointed to the green that occasionally appeared in the barracks: "Look at them, they didn't cut down the trees to make a wider open area when they were stationed in the mountains, but left so many plants growing in the barracks. If it’s cool, it’s cool, but it’s also true that there are a lot of mosquitoes, and most importantly, don’t you think this place is very suitable for setting fire?”

Yingchen didn't feel it at all.

"Pour tung oil on it, ignite the rocket and shoot it in, to ensure that there is no residue left."

Yingchen said stiffly: "But master, this place is in the mountains. If it really burns like this, if the fire can't be controlled, it will burn the entire mountain range. At that time..."

Speaking of this, Yingchen could not wait to give himself a slap.

How could he follow the master's train of thought?
However, the head of the hospital still listened to his words, held his chin and thought about it seriously: "You are right, setting fire is too unsafe, but you can still think of a way to trick them."

Yingchen doesn't understand why this old master is keen to find stimulation for himself, and it's not just a general stimulation, but it must be the kind of stimulation that can scare people out of their wits.

Relying on the advantage of the high terrain, Yingchen glanced roughly. Judging from the size of this military camp, the number of people in this vast military camp in front of him is estimated to be at least [-]. Can give up the position of his leader.

One hundred thousand!
He couldn't be so unlucky to bump into the fourth prince of Yan, right?

Yingchen only felt that it was better for them to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

"Otherwise, master, let's leave quickly?"

The head of the hospital gave him a very dissatisfied look: "You are also a shadow guard of the royal family after all, so timid, how did Xiao Qinger send you here?"

This is already blatant dislike.

Yingchen really wanted to defend himself, he was not timid, and this master's status was too precious.

His Majesty has to be called an ancestor. Although he doesn't quite understand how old this ancestor is this year and which branch of the royal family he started from, none of these can change the fact that his status is precious.

If something happened to the master, they would not be enough to be buried with him.


"Shh! Don't talk."

Suddenly, the head of the hospital pulled him to hide on a huge camphor tree that was not known how many years old, and covered his figure with the dense leaves, and pointed out: "Look at that who is it?"

Yingchen looked in the direction of his finger and frowned tightly.

In the woods, a man in white was pushing a wheelchair, followed by a dozen men in black. Walking beside them was Yan Qi, the Fourth Prince of Yan Kingdom.

And the man in white and the man in the wheelchair with no legs—

(End of this chapter)

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