The emperor's plan: to rule the world

Chapter 337 Mrs. Jun's desire for sex

Chapter 337 Mrs. Jun's desire for sex
At the end of April, a bloody case occurred in Yan Kingdom because of a palace test. Her Majesty the Empress decreed to slaughter a city on the fiefdom of the White Tiger King for the crime of treason, completely confirming Her Majesty's name as a tyrant.

The cause of the incident was a question in the Chunwei Palace Examination.

Mrs. Jun is lustful.

At first glance, this test question seems a little yellow, but in fact this question has nothing to do with Xiao Huangwen.

This is a cross question.

The word "Mrs. Jun" comes from "the wife of the king of the state, the king calls her Mrs. Madam" in "The Analects of Confucius. Ji Shi", which means that the main wife of the princes is called Mrs. Jun.

And "Yanghuo Desire" also comes from "The Analects of Confucius" "Yanghuo wants to see Confucius, but Confucius does not see him", which means that a person named Yanghuo wants to see Confucius, but Confucius does not want to see him.


Who is Yanghuo?He is a chaperone.

What do you want?Want to see Confucius.

Confucius is missing, why is Confucius missing?
The reason is that it is not adhering to the etiquette to follow the ministers of Yanghuo to govern, and the more courteous and chaotic the government.Women follow their husbands, and husbands are the ministers of the emperor and guard the land. The state is large and small, and the responsibilities are the same, so the respect is the same. This is an orderly practice.

Therefore, the connection of the upper and lower sentences means that the sage observes propriety and is not indecent.

This question is talking about "rituals", that is, there is no rule without rules.

The Imperial Examination of Yan State examines the Four Books and Five Classics, the Six Arts, Wenzhi and Wugong. "The Analects of Confucius" is well known to scholars, and the intercepted questions are not unfamiliar to them. Most of the examinees can understand the meaning of this question .

However, some people misinterpreted the meaning of this question and interpreted it as "Mrs. Jun wants to learn from Confucius to see Confucius."

Who is Confucius?

Confucius was the founder of the Confucian school. He revised the Six Classics in his later years and was revered as the "Sage of Heaven" and "Muduo of Heaven". He was one of the most knowledgeable scholars at that time. Master of all ages.

From ancient times to the present, almost all students will hang a portrait of Confucius in their study room, and pray every day, begging the sage of Confucius to bless them to be able to go to high school.

Confucius was revered as the first teacher by all the students.

As soon as this identity came out, and then associated with this exam question, Mrs. Jun asked to see Confucius, so some people misunderstood that His Majesty wanted the students to talk about their views on the matter of women's reading and reasoning.

Thinking about the fact that His Majesty the emperor of Da Yan who is sitting on the throne is a woman, some students wrote an article eloquently, talking about women's current social status, especially emphasizing one point, saying that if you teach women to read and understand If they have the opportunity to study and practice martial arts like men, their achievements should not be inferior to those of men.

Not only that, this student was also a bit cynical, pointing out the current evils between the lines, pointing directly at the current system where men are superior to women.

To sum up, if the system is not so harsh on women and given them the same opportunity, women can also hold up half the sky.

It was this article that made a big mess.

During the palace examination, Her Majesty the Queen and several chief examiners will review the papers together. The cabinet ministers, Wenyuan Pavilion bachelors, six ministers and other ministers gathered together to review the papers on the spot.

Naturally, this article was seen by the officials of Yan Kingdom who were present at the time, and they were severely reprimanded.

A woman's lack of talent is virtue.

A woman should obey the three virtues and the four virtues, obey her father at home, obey her husband when she gets married, and obey her son when her husband dies.

Women should regard their husbands as their gods and be humble and obedient...

(End of this chapter)

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