The emperor's plan: to rule the world

Chapter 342 Women in the World Deserve Respect

Chapter 342 Women in the World Deserve Respect
But if His Majesty's clothes are disheveled... It would be disrespectful for anyone who dares to take a second look at this time, let alone other things.

What else can they say about such differential treatment?

"I believe that the benevolent sees benevolence and the wise sees wisdom, and the opinions of the students on both sides... are reasonable."

Rong Qian bit the bullet and spoke.

"What does Rong Qing's hard to say?"

Rong Qian: "..."

That's what he meant.

"This question is indeed about rules and regulations." Gu Qingyi said: "However, it is expected that some students will get the wrong meaning. If the students who answer the question will only talk about a bunch of saints' words, they will not be able to read. It's stupid to court doesn't need such a courtier."

The ministers froze all over and did not dare to speak again.

"If you can only talk about the words of the saints and then govern the country lightly, anyone in this world can memorize the words of the saints, but not everyone can govern one side."

Gu Qingyi looked at the ministers, with her head lowered. She couldn't see the expressions on their faces, but she could guess what they were thinking.

"I have no plans to intentionally change the current system, nor do I want women to be superior to men, so you don't have to be too nervous."

"Your Majesty is serious."

Si Zhuoyuan said lightly: "No matter what the system is, at least I believe that every woman in the world is worthy of respect."

"For every man, the one who conceived and gave birth to you in October is a woman, and the one who bears your children and takes care of the housework and rear house is still a woman. If you look down on women and feel that women are born inferior, it is even your own. Mothers and wives are also counted, such people, no matter how good their talents and studies are, their character is not good."

Ministers with bad character: "..."

If the person on the throne at this moment is a man, there must be many people who stand up to refute his words, but their Majesty is a woman, and none of the ministers is ignorant to speak at this time.

There is no need to leave a bad impression on His Majesty because of this kind of thing. After all, the emperor of Dayan is a woman now, and this matter is a foregone conclusion. The prosperity and decline of them and the family are all tied to His Majesty. It's a bit too much to lose.

So when Si Zhuoyuan said this, some ministers nodded in agreement, and some ministers disagreed, but no one came out to refute him.

Gu Qingyi raised his eyebrows.

What the Azure Dragon King said really won her heart.

Gu Qingyi didn't say anything else. The respect of others was earned by herself, not by others. If all the women in the world could be a little bit tougher and not regard men as the whole of their lives, their lives would not be too sad.

She didn't intend to forcibly change the concept of the world, but with her example, they should also know that women are not inferior to men.

There is no need to lower yourself into the dust in front of men.

Gu Qingyi said: "No matter what you think, this is the end of Chun Wei. No matter how you discuss the test questions in private, it is best not to spread to my ears."

"I dare not wait."

"If nothing happens, let's retreat."

She still prefers these people to report directly when they have something to do, and saying it in court is a waste of time and saliva.

But there are some people who are not as good as she wants.

The inspector censor Qi Tian was beheaded, and the new inspector censor Quan Qijing said: "Your Majesty, I want to impeach King Suzaku for his disobedience and disobedience, and confine his parents."

(End of this chapter)

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