The emperor's plan: to rule the world

Chapter 349 Life experience

Chapter 349 Life Experience ([-])

In fact, there is no need to continue to check here.

She couldn't be a concubine, so naturally she had to make way for her sister.

Stealing the day and changing the day, replaced the elder sister with the younger sister to become the imperial concubine, but the dead elder sister was swept away by a roll of grass and buried hastily.

Feng Yu looked at the results of the investigation, looked at the black and white words in front of her eyes, was silent for a long time, then suddenly smiled.

He felt his life was a joke.

A bloody joke.

He recognized the thief as his father and the enemy as his mother, and he has been filial for so many years. No matter how much they did, he didn't do anything to them. But in the end, the pair of parents he protected were the traitors who killed his mother. husband**.

Feng Yu raised her sword and went to his parents' yard.

Even if he killed his father and mother, lost the throne and lost his life, he must avenge his mother and concubine.

The old prince hurried over when he got the news, just in time to see Feng Yu entering his mother's yard with a sword in hand, frightened him as if he was at least ten years younger, stepped forward quickly, and stretched out his hand to stop him.

Looking up at Feng Yu's appearance again, what else does he not understand?
The old prince who had been strong all his life had a rare soft tone: "Yu'er."

"Grandpa, you know that too, right?"

The old prince's eyes fell on the long sword in his hand, and when he spoke again, his tone was almost pleading: "Yu'er, you can't do it."

Feng Yu was silent for a long time, looking at the old man in front of her, she smiled self-deprecatingly: "Grandson always knew that he was not liked by his parents. care."

"But grandpa, how can you hide this kind of thing from me and let the two of them do whatever they want?"

"Yu'er, that's your father!"

"But he killed my mother." Feng Yu interrupted him tremblingly, looked at the old man in front of him, closed his eyes, and said in pain: "He doesn't have to marry if he doesn't want to, and he can even bluntly tell the person he likes." Who doesn't even have the courage to resist, but blames my mother for all these crimes afterwards, why should he?"

"He can say that he likes the second lady of the poet family, and he can suggest that the eldest lady marry into Nanjiang, the heir of the Suzaku Palace. There is still weight and confidence in saying these words, but he didn't say anything."

"While watching the person I like marry someone else, and at the same time venting my anger on another woman, it was my mother who was asked to marry by the king of Southern Xinjiang. Why did it develop like this?"

The old prince is speechless.

He didn't know what evil he had done in his life to have such a useless son, but luckily his grandson was not spoiled, and he was able to firmly sit on the throne at a young age.

He thought that he could let go with peace of mind and didn't have to continue to worry about these things, but he was half buried in the ground, and this unfilial son still had to toss about these things for him.

Even when he died, he was not allowed to rest in peace.

"Yu'er, just for grandpa's sake, forget it, okay? Huh?"

"Yu'er, you are the Suzaku King of Dayan, and your behavior cannot be wronged. It's not worth spending your whole life for the two of them."

Feng Yu smiled, but the smile on her coquettish and beautiful face was extremely desolate: "Then my mother died in vain? The two of them still enjoy the honor, trample on my mother's body, and enjoy her shadow... ..."

(End of this chapter)

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