The emperor's plan: to rule the world

Chapter 352 Won't Forgive Them

Chapter 352 Won't Forgive Them
Feng Yu was too lazy to talk to him.

He was afraid that if he took another look, he couldn't help stabbing the two sluts to death: "Take them away, I don't want to see the two of them in the mansion again."

"Feng bastard."

Of course Feng Yu, who left, would not know how his father was cursing, the guards of the Suzaku Palace only obeyed the orders of the Suzaku King, so he didn't have to worry that they would fail to carry out his orders.

Letting them go for so many years is just because he is his elder, but this does not mean that Feng Yu has lost control of Suzaku Palace.

He will definitely make those two people pay the price.


When the old prince woke up again, he saw Feng Yu standing beside him with a haggard look, one hand still holding his hand, a steady stream of internal energy pouring into his body, protecting his heart.

It's just that the glistening red clothes on his body seemed to have dimmed a lot.

The old man who was nearly [-] years old seemed to have aged a lot overnight, and even his hair seemed to be whiter than before. Seeing him like this, the old prince sighed silently.

Feng Yu was lying on the edge of the bed, and when she noticed the slight movement of her hand, she woke up instantly: "Grandpa."

"I'm sorry, Yu'er."

Feng Yu didn't expect him to say such a sentence when he opened his mouth. After a long silence, he said: "Grandpa, I will never forgive them, never will."

"I know."

The old prince looked at him: "Your Majesty, how do you explain?"

"be honest."

Feng Yu tucked the quilt for him, and her expression has returned to normal: "Grandpa, I may not kill them, but I will never let them continue to enjoy the glory and wealth. The Suzaku Palace is mine, the mistress of the Suzaku Palace, I also only recognize my mother."

"I will write a letter to the king of Nanjiang. If he really likes his mother as much as I found out, maybe the two countries can have a truce. Besides, with the king of war, the current situation is very unfavorable to Nanjiang. He will know how to weigh the pros and cons.”

"Your Majesty, she..."

Feng Yu smiled, but the smile was very sad: "Grandfather, Your Majesty is a wise king."

Even if everyone thinks His Majesty is ruthless and cold, in their eyes, His Majesty is still a wise king.

"I will explain the truth to His Majesty, and His Majesty will not blame me, Grandpa..." Feng Yu was silent for a long time, and finally said: "I am going to Cangzhou, and Grandpa will stay in the palace to take good care of his health."

"it is good."

The old prince looked at him and smiled.

He knew very well in his heart that when he suppressed this matter and issued a gag order, he decided to make mistakes and make mistakes, which still made the grandson whom he brought up with his own hands feel bad.

Thinking of the love for so many years, he will not do anything, but this heart will never be as sincere as before.

He is afraid that he will never have that kind of filial piety without any profit.

But it was his own fault.

Feng Yu looked at him, her eyes darkened slightly.

He got up without saying a word and went out, not long after, he came back again.

The old prince silently looked at the medicine bowl in his hand, and then remembered to ask: "What's wrong with me?"

"The doctor said that you are very angry. In the future... it is best not to get angry and try to keep a happy mood."

The old prince nodded.

Picking up the bowl and gulping down the bitter soup in it, he looked at the eldest grandson in front of him and said, "Go and rest, it will be fine for the servants to take care of you here."

Feng Yu paused and remained silent for a while, but still said: "Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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