Chapter 357 Dungeon
She actually liked the feeling of hiding behind him and being protected by this man.

Obediently following him into the secret passage, Jun Linhuang looked at the tall and straight figure of the man in front of him, a faint smile appeared on her lips.

From southern Xinjiang all the way to Yunguang City, what she is most satisfied with now is that woman's decision to let her go with the army.

There is nothing in the secret path, it is empty, there are no traps, no formations, and no danger.

After walking a long distance, the space in front of me gradually became empty. In the dark and small space, there seemed to be faint and noisy voices.

Gu Yuxuan frowned and listened intently for a while, his face turned cold instantly.

Jun Linhuang knew what was there earlier than him, and her expression didn't change much when she heard these vague voices: "Yuxuan?"

Gu Yuxuan glanced back at her.

"I'm not afraid," she said. "I kind of know what it's going to be like."

The city lord of Yunguang City is a despicable and lustful person. His mansion has never lacked beauties. The first thing Jun Linhuang did when she was reborn was to send a maid that her father gave her to Yunguang City.

Tan Jue's youngest brother, giving it to him would not be considered an insult to that maid, but her father didn't know what kind of person the Lord of Yunguang City was. I'm out of breath.

When the servant girl was thrown into the mass grave, the people under her hand dragged her body back and studied the wounds on her body.

Jun Linhuang is very aware of the secretive activities behind the scenes.

Gu Yuxuan didn't speak again.

The further you walked in, the clearer the sound became. Every sound of whipping sounded through the air would be accompanied by the woman's low moans, and occasionally mixed with the man's curse.

There were very few untrained people present, and just listening to it, they could outline a lewd and miserable picture in their minds.

Gu Yuxuan walked forward steadily, until he came to a spacious secret room.

a dungeon.

Countless women were imprisoned here. In this dark dungeon, they faced bullying all the time. The candles on the walls illuminated the place as bright as day, dazzling.

On the front rack was tied a beautiful woman of seventeen or eighteen years old, with countless bloodstains on her body from being whipped with a long whip.

Someone broke in, and the guards here noticed it in an instant.

Following the voice, he happened to meet a handsome face. The man in the lead had a face like a crown of jade and a tall body standing there. He was wearing a plain uniform, but his face was frozen into ice.

Before the guard had time to speak, he saw the man who looked like a nobleman and said calmly: "The men are all killed, and the women are kept."

Give an order, and the figure of the guard behind him stepped forward like a ghost. Before the guard in the dungeon could react, he slashed cleanly one by one.

Looking at the man in front of her with obsidian-like eyes, Jun Linhuang's eyebrows were curved, and there was a little pride in her eyes.

Like a young girl in love looking at her beloved, she sees him in her eyes and is proud of him.

Only with him, all the people under him will be top masters.

In the dungeon, it turned into a Shura field in an instant, the guards fell one by one, and the man's handsome face became the last frame in their memory.

The guards guarding these women were all killed, and there were only these poor weak women left besides their group.

Jun Linhuang frowned slightly, looking at these women, she didn't like it very much.

She didn't like the way these people looked at Gu Yuxuan.

"Then what about these people?"

(End of this chapter)

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