The emperor's plan: to rule the world

Chapter 362 Feng Yu, do you care?

Chapter 362 Feng Yu, do you care?
"My mother and concubine abandoned me and treated me as an abandoned son, allowing me to grow up safely. It was my mother who taught me martial arts and martial arts. She stayed in the cold palace for more than [-] years, and her life was determined as soon as she was born. Direction, do you think I live a sad life?"

Feng Yu lowered her eyes slightly, but did not speak.

"If it is said that my life experience is miserable, but now I hold the power in the heart of the emperor. If it is said that my fate is good, in this world, except for one sister who I want to call the Lord, I seem to be alone. Qi Luo's beautiful wives are all bestowed by the emperor... Feng Yu, do you think my fate is good or not?"

"We are different." Feng Yu lowered her eyes, staring at the grain on the wooden table in front of her, and said flatly: "At least everything around you is very pure."

At least... he didn't recognize a thief as his father like him, and he didn't treat his mother-killing enemy as his own mother to be filial like him.

Good is good, and evil is evil.

Rather than being foolishly deceived for so many years like him, taking a woman who killed his biological mother as his mother, and being filial for so many years.

At least, no one has ever lied to him.

"So what?"

Gu Yuxuan smiled: "People treat me with sincerity, and I also treat others with sincerity. In this world, only the people you care about can hurt you. If you don't care anymore, what are you afraid of?"

Gu Yuxuan looked at the man in red in front of him, and said calmly: "Feng Yu, do you care?"

Feng Yu was startled.

does he care

He envied Mo Yan, envied the other three kings, and envied the unity and harmony of their family. He would rather stay in the capital and stay with Her Majesty the Queen than go back to the palace. He even preferred to be with Mo Yan and the others.

This is not a kind of escape.

He actually cared, but he had been deceiving himself and others. On this day, he finally couldn't even deceive himself and others, and was finally injured all over his body.

"I've always heard that Da Yan's Suzaku King is mysterious and enchanting, cruel and merciless, yet glamorous, Feng Yu, your appearance doesn't match the rumors at all."

"It's rumored that it's other people's business. What's the matter with this king? How can I care what other people say if my mouth grows on others?"

Seeing that Feng Yu seemed to have regained some energy at last, and finally began to flaunt herself as the king again, Luo Ting was almost imperceptibly relieved, and slowly drank the little wine left in his bowl.

He didn't expect that Gu Yuxuan would take the initiative to comfort him.

"It's like someone said that His Highness the King of War is afraid..."

Feng Yu said: "Does His Royal Highness Zhanwang think this rumor needs to be taken care of?"

"Cough, cough cough..." Gu Yuxuan was caught off guard when he heard this, "Where did this rumor come from?"

Feng Yu held her chin, swept away the dullness before, and said with great interest: "It is said that you obey the princess, is this true or false?"

Gu Yuxuan was quiet, then slowly took out the handkerchief and wiped the corners of his mouth, and said calmly: "Feng Yu, it's not a bad thing to respect one's wife."

Feng Yu pouted.

Is it because these high-ranking and capable people are all lovers, or is it because the hero is sad about the beauty?
"It's what you say."

Feng Yu raised her voice and said, "Come here, bring me some wine."

"Hold on."

Luo Ting glanced at Feng Yu and said expressionlessly. "You are homeless, and there is still a beautiful wife waiting for you at home, Feng Yu, you have enough time."

(End of this chapter)

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