Chapter 368 Rain, Worry

However, for those in power in various countries, the empress's ruthless methods made them quietly raise their vigilance.

The image of Empress Dayan who is not easy to mess with is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. An emperor who can kill even the cities of his own country, so decisive, if she is not a lunatic, she is a hero.

The eyes of all countries are watching the empress's every move, fearing that she will send troops to another country when she can't think about it.

They also understood that although Da Yan's Lord of the Boundless Palace is not easy to mess with, Dayan's empress seems to be even more difficult to mess with.

Qin Shu only received the news from Her Majesty the Empress after Chu State surrendered.

Cangzhou was pacified, and southern borders were negotiated. Chu Xuan was still the magistrate of Cangzhou, and he was not implicated in the rebellion of the left side. His Majesty neither promoted him nor demoted him, as if he had forgotten him.

But everyone knows that this person has passed the bright road with Her Majesty the Queen, and is not a dispensable courtier who can be replaced by others at any time.

Qin Shu looked at the information in his hand, and looked at it saying that Her Majesty the Empress ordered to slaughter Yunguang City, and his face was very ugly.

In particular, when he saw a sentence about Her Majesty's reputation for brutality recently mentioned in the intelligence, his face became even more ugly.

He didn't want to see Her Majesty's hands stained with blood, stained with killing.

But Qin Shu is now in Chu State, but the matter is a foregone conclusion, and he has no way to change it.

He couldn't stop all this from happening, and he didn't know what His Majesty wanted to do. After hesitating for a long time, Qin Shu finally made up his mind and handed over the affairs of Chu State to Wen Han and his lieutenant general, and led dozens of light horses to go there Dayan's imperial capital rushed.

At the end of May, Yan country began to rain heavily, and the imperial capital also did not see the sun for more than ten days.

It's only been ten days, it's a very normal phenomenon, the common people don't care, but Gu Qingyi is inevitably a little worried.

The rain was not heavy, it was continuous drizzle for several days, and it fell and stopped. Summer is a rainy season, so it is normal to rain, but she remembered the scene in Qingyun Twelve States in her previous life Floods are more worrying.

But no one can understand her worry.

Gu Qingyi stood at the window, watching the rain that showed no signs of stopping, silent for a long time, then turned around and said with a flick of his sleeves: "Come here, call the Minister of the Ministry of Industry into the palace."

The order was passed on, the empress summoned, and soon the minister of the Ministry of Industry entered the palace.

Dayan's Minister of Industry, surnamed Mu, was named Mu Chuan. He was a young man about 30 years old. He looked refined and elegant, and his whole body exuded a bookish atmosphere, like a scholar.

After taking care of his appearance, he walked into the imperial study without any haste, looked at the purple-clothed girl standing by the window, and respectfully paid homage: "Mu Chuan is here on call, see Your Majesty, long live my emperor, long live, long live !"

Gu Qingyi turned around, walked slowly to the side of the soft couch and sat down, pinched the center of her brows wearily, and said: "Mu Qing doesn't need to be polite, get up first."

Mu Chuan narrowed his eyes, answered yes respectfully, and then stood up.

Looking up at the girl's weary expression, Mu Chuan asked, "Your Majesty summoned his ministers into the palace, why?"

"For the rain."

Mu Chuan was astonished.

For the rain.

If Your Majesty wants to know when the rain will stop, shouldn't he ask Qin Tianjian?What can I do with him?
(End of this chapter)

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