Chapter 387

Gu Qingyi looked down at him: "Since you don't want to go back, do you want to go for a walk?"

This question was asked very suddenly, Qin Shu thought that Her Majesty just wanted to leave the palace in low clothes, and didn't care much, so he asked casually, "Where are you going?"

"Qingyun Twelve States."

Qin Shu was stunned.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Shu felt from the bottom of his heart that His Majesty's thought was out of temper, and there were probably few people in this world who could bear it.

Qin Shu originally thought that Her Majesty was just joking and didn't take it seriously, but half a month later, news of the flood in Twelve Qingyun Prefectures came back, and Qin Shu immediately remembered what Her Majesty said.

She really wants to go to Qingyun, not joking with him.

Realizing this, Qin Shu had already silently arranged for His Majesty to travel as early as when he received the news.

Make sure she can leave whenever she wants.

On the tenth day of June, floods occurred in Qingyun Twelve Prefectures, and the Weishui River across the twelve prefectures burst its embankment, affecting dozens of counties and counties, and nine cities were completely submerged.

Fifteen, the news was sent back to the imperial capital.

The empress, who should have been furious, sat calmly on the dragon chair, and the ministers who should have been angry all kept quiet because of her expression.

No one dared to easily open their mouths to touch the empress' bad luck.

In the silence, Her Majesty the Empress said lightly: "Open warehouses for disaster relief, disaster relief money, food, medicine, doctors... I want everyone to be handed over to the common people."

"The ministers obey the order."

Rong Qian's face was rare serious, and he went out to report: "Your Majesty, there is a lot of rain in the south in summer, and the Wei River runs across the Twelve Qingyun Prefectures. However, the river and embankment departments in various places have sent people to maintain and dredge them, so such a catastrophe would not have occurred. , Your Majesty, please send someone to find out the cause of the river’s embankment breach.”

The Secretary of the Ministry of Justice came out and said: "Your Majesty, a few days ago Ji Xiuqi, the magistrate of the twelve prefectures of Qingyun, raised funds to build the dam. I sent someone to investigate and found out that it was true that he built the dam. This time Master Ji raised funds, and all the reinforced dams There have been no breaches.”

Therefore, the embankment burst without reinforcement. Who would believe it if it was not because of the river embankment?

That face slapped!
A few days ago, he participated in other people's corruption and perverted the law to fill his own pockets, which proved that he was indeed dedicated to serving the people. The ministers were as angry and disdainful as they were a few days ago, but now they looked so exciting.

Mu Chuan knelt in the hall without saying a word, remembering that Her Majesty the Empress specially summoned him half a month ago to tell him about His Majesty's own worries, and seeing the scene in front of him, his heart sank.

Looking at it now, the Ministry of Industry seems to be really unclean.

After causing such a big trouble, I don't know how many heads will fall to the ground by then!

Mu Chuan knelt in the hall alone, bearing all the pressure from Her Majesty the Empress: "Please give me 20 days, Your Majesty, and I will send someone to find out the truth about the flood."

He didn't plead guilty, nor did he shirk responsibility, but he was here alone, calmly and forcefully asking His Majesty to give him time to find out the reason.

It took 20 days to go back and forth quickly, and to save time for investigation. This Minister of the Ministry of Industry is also quite ruthless.

Gu Qingyi didn't make things difficult for him, and said flatly: "Sure."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Qin Shu lowered his eyes and said: "Your Majesty, the displacement of the people after the disaster will inevitably lead to various conflicts and conflicts. Please Your Majesty dispatch troops from various places to assist in disaster relief."

(End of this chapter)

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