Chapter 390
As early as when Her Majesty the Empress decided to enter Qingyun, Qin Shu unceremoniously transferred [-] shadow guards from the Cangmang Palace to escort her.

The young men all dressed in black and holding long swords were well-trained, with a stern and stern aura, and their actions were uniform and tacit understanding. They protected the carriage airtight, which finally made these victims have scruples.

Glancing at the people around him, Qin Shu's heart suddenly sank.

He was a little afraid to let Her Majesty see the current situation.

He turned his head and glanced at the direction of the carriage. Before he could make a decision, the girl in white clothed in snow got out of the carriage unhurriedly and walked towards him under heavy guards.

Yan Guo regards purple as the most respected, since it was a private visit in Weifu, Gu Qingyi definitely couldn't wear purple clothes, otherwise her identity would be exposed all at once, so she simply changed into white clothes that she hadn't worn for a long time.

Today, this clean white dress is out of tune with the disaster-stricken area here.


Gu Qingyi glanced at him: "I will see you sooner or later, what are you worried about?"

She didn't miss the worry that flickered in Qin Shu's eyes. This worry was definitely not because of the people in front of her.

Qin Shu is not a philanthropic person.

The more he went this way, the more Qin Shu had a tendency to evolve into an old lady, worrying about this and that all day long, at first it was just eating and living, but now that he is well, he still has to care about her mood .

He was also worried that she would feel unbearable and sad when she saw such a scene?
Really free!

Gu Qingyi disapproved very much, she felt that Qin Shu's worry was completely unnecessary, but Qin Shu was concerned about herself, and Gu Qingyi would not recklessly violate others' wishes.

So she didn't say anything.

Passing by Qin Shu, Gu Qingyi glanced at him, and walked towards the mountain unhurriedly.

Qin Shu frowned and paced forward, and half of the shadow guards who appeared to protect him as bodyguards followed. After seeing clearly what the people were doing, their hearts felt a lot heavier.

Countless victims leaned against the trees and sat sleeping on the muddy ground that had not yet dried up. All of them had sallow and tired faces, dull eyes, messy hair like dry grass, and looked dazed and sad, as if they could not see a glimmer of hope.

Countless victims of the disaster looked at them indifferently, their dark eyes lost their brilliance, and infinite despair and sadness spread.

When they saw this group of people, the victims were agitated for a moment, but they still didn't get carried away and rushed forward because they were afraid of these black-clothed men who were not easy to provoke at first sight with their long swords in their hands.

Besides, they only had one carriage, and they didn't seem to have much food.

Gu Qingyi stepped forward without changing his face, and stepped on the dirty mud to the base of an old tree with twisted and vigorous branches. Shengxue's white clothes brushed against the muddy ground, and it was still spotless. Come with glory.

She came alone, and it seemed that even the gloomy sky brightened a bit.

There seemed to be a family under the tree. A few strong young men looked at her vigilantly. When they saw her coming, they subconsciously protected the old woman and the child behind them.

Qin Shu followed Gu Qingyi step by step, glanced at them, and frowned deeply.

"elder sister."

There was a sudden weight on her leg, and under Qin Shu's suddenly icy gaze, Gu Qingyi lowered her head and looked at the little boy who threw herself on her lap, her gaze slightly concentrated.

(End of this chapter)

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