Chapter 402

Gu Qingyi said: "It's no wonder the disaster relief is so slow, it takes so long to deliver a message."

Qin Shu agreed with her words: "The distance is indeed too far, and the state government is inevitably out of reach. His Majesty also asked Ji Xiuqi to take charge of all the government affairs of Qingyun Twelve Prefectures. If he is not capable enough, it is easy to lose sight of others."

His Majesty stared at him: "You's all my fault?"

Qin Shu was very wronged: "No way, your majesty, don't always misinterpret the meaning of the minister, okay?"

Gu Qingyi sneered.

He is the only man in the world who dares to shine brightly in front of her if given some sunshine, yet he still says that he is not courageous enough.

She looked at Qin Shu, and didn't intend to keep talking to him anymore, she said lightly: "Ji Xiuqi and you have the same background."

Qin Shu paused, and a look of shock flashed across his eyes.

The number one scholar in the new department, the proud son of the Sanyuan and the first, stirs up the situation among the students all over the world with an article, such a person is actually born as a shadow guard?

"What's so surprising." As if seeing the shock in his heart, Gu Qingyi said: "The court needs people, and the emperor doesn't want to be restrained by courtiers, so he will naturally cultivate loyal and capable people to join the court."

She glanced at Qin Shu: "Isn't that how the Cangwu Palace came about?"

Qin Shu pursed his lips and looked at her silently.

If Ji Xiuqi's entry into the imperial court was arranged by His Majesty from the beginning to the end, then did His Majesty facilitate everything from the examination questions in the palace examination to the massacre of Yunguang City?

This is not a coincidence, but arranged step by step by His Majesty?
Most of the time, Qin Shu was still very perceptive, and he connected the whole thing almost immediately.

However, Yunguang City...was His Majesty really doing it on purpose?
The entire city was massacred, blood flowed into rivers, corpses littered the field, and countless people died because of this, because those inside stories were deliberately suppressed by Gu Yuxuan, so Qin Shu also didn't know the specific facts, and he didn't know why His Majesty did it. so decisive?

Qin Shu looked at her and really wanted to ask about Yunguang City, but in the end he didn't ask.

Gu Qingyi said: "Do you still remember where you learned art?"

"The Palace of the Boundless, the Temple of the Morning."

Of course Qin Shu will not forget.

The Temple of the Morning is under the jurisdiction of the Cangwu Palace, and is responsible for recruiting some children with outstanding aptitude from all over the world, teaching them various skills since childhood, and cultivating talents for the Cangwu Palace.

Qin Shu himself is also a person who came out of Sichen Hall. The only difference between him and the others in Sichen Hall is that he met his master earlier than those people.

His Majesty may not remember it, but he remembers it very clearly. It is because His Majesty showed great interest in him when he first met His Majesty, so His Majesty Yudi paid attention to him and wanted to make him a member of the Boundless Palace. Owner.

His classwork at that time was several times that of others.

But he didn't seem to have heard of Ji Xiuqi.

Thinking of this, Qin Shu also asked the question in his heart.

His Majesty gave him a blank look: "Do you think that everyone is like you, and can continue to use their own names when they are taken back by the empress? Or do you think that everyone who enters the Temple of the Morning is old enough to remember their own name?" What about the name?"

Qin Shu was speechless.

In this way, he is indeed quite special.

"Ji Xiuqi, you do know him. I read his information on purpose. Speaking of which, you saved him once."

(End of this chapter)

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