Concubine God

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

He is approachable, kind, and his smile is like the sunshine in spring, infecting everyone.Such a princess can be regarded as a model of the country and the royal family. No wonder everyone in the Murong Kingdom respects her as a national treasure, which makes them even more disgusted with Princess Longlian's unruly and unreasonable troubles.

"You..." The words of the ministers made Long Lian almost speechless. The silk sleeves were pulled tightly by her red nails, almost torn. His body couldn't stop trembling, and his well-decorated face was distorted by anger and became extremely hideous.

"Lian'er, you are arrogant and self-willed. You don't look like a royal princess at all. Are you afraid of people talking about it?" Haotian Wangye Long Aotian said bluntly. He didn't like this little girl in the first place. The difference between cloud and mud is clear at a glance.

"Brother Huang!" Long Lian's eyes widened with anger. Even if she wasn't born to the same mother, she was his only younger sister. It was shameless for him to criticize her like this in court just because of a princess from a neighboring country. Leave it to her?
"Facts are facts. Instead of being angry, you might as well change your temper. Besides, the fourth brother thinks the same way. When he saw the little princess yesterday, his expression became very gentle and he even smiled." Long Aotian The sudden sentence made the focus suddenly fall on Long Aoxuan who had been silent all this time.

Being named suddenly, Long Aoxuan just raised his eyebrows, neither admitting nor denying, but he was a little puzzled and a little shocked, was he really like this yesterday?

Seeing that everyone was protecting Murong Zijing, Long Lian gritted her teeth with hatred, and her eyes burst out with strong jealousy. Why, she is the princess of the Holy Dragon Kingdom. Everyone's hearts are towards her, and she will never let her have an easy time!

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard the eunuch outside the palace screaming: "Princess Murong Guo Xiangrui, Prince Yan, Prince Xu, Prince Lingyun, and Princess Yaoyue are here!"

As soon as the voice fell, the entire Golden Luan Hall fell silent instantly. Following the voice, everyone looked outside the hall, and saw Murong Zijing and her brothers and sisters wearing palace attire embroidered with the totem of Murong's royal family, slowly stepping into the hall.

A group of people, handsome men, pretty women, the little princess is even more cute and sweet, with a smile on her mouth, the eyes of the palace and nobles are shining brightly, and the eyes are not turned into a heart shape.

"Princess Murong Zijing is here to see the emperor, the empress dowager, and the empress. May the emperor live forever, the empress dowager, and the empress empress." Murong Zijing bowed first to the three people in the hall, then stood up, raised her head and smiled brightly at them .

"See the emperor, empress dowager, empress." Murong Ziling and the others followed suit.

"Princesses and princes of Murong Kingdom are worthy of being dragons and phoenixes among men. It is my honor to meet you today, and it really makes my holy dragon shine." Yuan Ruolan had a look of surprise on her face, and her frowning brows had already been relaxed. The corners of the slightly wrinkled mouth also turned up.

Princess Xiangrui of Murong Kingdom, just heard the emperor and ministers talking about her, she was skeptical, but now she saw that this little girl's smile was really sweet to her heart, and her clear eyes also showed her innocence.Seeing Xuan'er seemed to like her quite a bit, she was relieved to have such a daughter-in-law.

However, what surprised her even more was that except for the emperor, all the princes and princesses of the Murong royal family accompanied her to Shenglong for Murong Zijing's marriage. And ah.

"The empress dowager has won the prize. Shenglong Murong has always been friends. It is our honor to come to your country." Murong Ziling took a step forward, cupped his hands, and replied neither humble nor overbearing. Long Lianxin on the side was hit hard, and two red clouds could not help appearing on her delicate face.

And this scene happened to be seen by Murong Zijing who was looking around boredly, who would have thought that as soon as the two of them met their eyes, the love and tenderness in Long Lian's eyes turned into a burst of hatred and glared at Murong Zijing fiercely.

She was inexplicably stared at by a woman she didn't even know, and she couldn't help being slightly taken aback, but then a pure and kind smile appeared on her face, as if she didn't notice Long Lian's hostility.

Since time travel, this seems to be the first time she has been so hostile, Murong Zijing's eyes gradually showed interest...

The morning meeting ended in a harmonious atmosphere. During the period, the Queen Mother decided to hold a formal banquet in a few days to cleanse the dust for Murong Zijing and his party. Murong Zijing and Long Aoxuan, the couple, were persuaded by Long Aolin's fox Let's go to the palace together for a "visit and study".

In the imperial garden, all kinds of flowers are in full bloom, the flowers are clustered together, the birds are chirping, the butterflies are flying, it is a beautiful spring scene, but this beauty is broken by a woman's completely dissonant voice——

"The sun was shining in the sky, the flowers smiled at me, and the little bird said, early morning, why are you carrying the explosives on your back? I want to blow up the school, but the teacher didn't know, as soon as I pulled the rope, I ran away, and the school disappeared with a bang... Humming the completely out-of-tune modern adaptation of "Song of Going to School", Murong Zijing only felt that the weather was good and the mood was good with the handsome guy by her side, and the unhappiness in the morning seemed to have completely disappeared.

On the other hand, Long Aoxuan, who was accompanying her at the side, was observing her face that was as fresh and pure as a lotus emerging from the water, wondering why she could always smile so brightly and purely, as if the world was in her eyes, without a trace of filth...

"Actually, I know that people's hearts are sinister and the world is not beautiful." Suddenly, her soft baby voice rang in his ears, Long Aoxuan was taken aback for a moment, turned his head to see her charmingly smiling at him, and then suddenly realized, Just now, I unconsciously expressed what I thought in my heart.

"It's just that life is only a few tens of years. If there is an accident, it may be even shorter. We can't even predict whether we will be alive in the next moment. So why waste our short life on worry? Unhappy and happy to live every day, making the short life more exciting?" She deeply realized the impermanence of life in the modern sleep time travel, so she decided to be a happy person and live every day here wonderfully.

Maybe one day when she wakes up, she will find that she has put it back on again, or even went directly to the Palace of the King of Hades, even so, she will have no regrets.

(End of this chapter)

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